TTC help with spotting from ovulation to period


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Hi everyone and congratulations to you all. I really hope you dont mind me contacting you from TTC I am just wondering if anyone can give me any advice. I have a regular 28 day cycle. Since coming off birth control in March 2011 I am aware that I would start spotting a week before my actual period. It has gradually got worse and this cycle I started spotting CD 12 (before I had even ovulated). My GP is really unhelpful and I am really worried. I am aware that some ladies experience ovulation bleeding but this appears to stop until AF shows. Have any of you ladies experienced this?
I have this same problem and have since coming off the pill. I'm not sure why but I've heard progesterone could be a big part of this! I had my level checked at cd 21 and it showed I did ovulate however it didn't explain why I spotted brown! Im not sure if it played any roll in conceiving though as you can tell I conceived naturally :). Good luck though and definitely ask about your progesterone level!!
This happened to me after my mmc. I would generally starting spotting from 9 dpo until af would start. Saw my gp and was referred for a scan and blood test and saw a gynocologist who was so un-helpful! Everything came back normal so I started to take 50-100mg vitamin b6 (from the chemist very cheap) and a vitamin b complex for a couple of cycles and it did help me from spotting so early(still spotted but from 12 dpo, but I think doing that helped me finally conceive again. I also did my bbt so I could see if the temps were high and know if it was progesterone as your temp won't get high enough to support a pregnancy. My temps were around 97.73-98.34 previous cycles and the one I conceived my temps were in range of 98.34-98.75! A huge difference. Good luck and hope you get your bfp soon!
I'm glad someone posted I am experiencing the same issue...

According to my ticker - i am 3 days before ovulation...Sunday after :sex: with DH i noticed some pink-ish CM thinking it was from BD'ng...and Monday continued to have some spotting(red-ish) which lasted a couple of hours...and stopped. today aswell it's some red/brown spotting..could this mean i might be having what they call Ovulation bledding?:wacko:

Dreaming: sorry for hijacking ur post hun - and hope we can both get some answers :hugs:

any help will be much appreciated.:flower:
Hi ladies

Thank you so much for responding. It really means a lot. Although the pre AF spotting is concerning, its the spotting right through from ovulation that is really worrying me. My progesterone numbers are normal but on the low side.

Molly did you spot from ovulation as well? Also did you spot the month you got your BFP. Thanks for much for replying and H&H pregnancy to you.

Jamhs thanks for the info on temping, I have only started temping this cycle.

Mummywanttobe lets hope we get some answers or a BFP soon.
I had this spotting for the last 2 years after having my Implanon implant taken out. If you search in this forum there is a lot of info about it potentially being due to a progesterone imbalance. Various advice from taking vit B complex and also something called Agnus castus which is commonly taken by ladies with PMT. I started taking vit B complex just before the AF before I conceived. The AF was bizzarely short - only 3 days. The I OV'd at the normal time and I still had the "brown blood" during the week before AF was due but it then stopped and AF didn't come.

Are you sure you are OVing when you think you are - ie do you temp, use a CBFM, watch CM etc? I found the blood started 2 days after OVing.
Hi ladies

Thank you so much for responding. It really means a lot. Although the pre AF spotting is concerning, its the spotting right through from ovulation that is really worrying me. My progesterone numbers are normal but on the low side.

Molly did you spot from ovulation as well? Also did you spot the month you got your BFP. Thanks for much for replying and H&H pregnancy to you.

Jamhs thanks for the info on temping, I have only started temping this cycle.

Mummywanttobe lets hope we get some answers or a BFP soon.

I spotted through ovulation all the way up to the first day of AF for almost 2 years, I know your pain! :haha: BUT, the month I got my BFP I didn't have any except for what I expect was implantation spotting because it stopped after a few hours. That's pretty much what made me test and sure enough it was positive :).
Hi all! Hoping that my story/experience can help on this one. Sorry if it ends up being super long! I came off of birth control in July 2010 before my husband and I were actively TTC. I wanted to give my body a chance for my cycles to get back to normal before adding in the stress of TTC. I had 28 day cycles like clockwork before I got on the pill, but I had been on the pill consistently for 6 years at the time I stopped it, so I was interested to see what "normal" ended up being for me.

I started having cycles again almost immediately, but they were consistently irregular. First few months I was 27-30 days and I thought that was great, but the irregularity got worse and worse.

Over the course of the next year I had cycles ranging from 27 days to 52+ days. I knew my period started out with several spotting days before full flow started but it wasn't until I started to track ovulation that I noticed that I began spotting 7-8 days after ovulation. By this point I had done a lot of research on TTC and knew that this was not leaving the baby enough time to implant before my uterine lining was beginning to shed.

I went to my OB and wanted a CD21 progesterone test. The results came back and were horrible. I think that draw it was less than 2. I was referred to an RE and they determined I had a progesterone problem. The doctor was very hesitant to call it a "luteal phase defect". My RE said that I wasn't ovulating correctly and it was this "weak" ovulation that as causing the progesterone to be so low. His thought was if you fix the ovulation problem, you fix the progesterone problem. Over the course of the next few months of further diagnosis, they decided I had polycystic ovaries (PCO), not PCOS. The PCO was causing the weak ovulation, the weak ovulation was causing the progesterone deficiency, and the progesterone deficiency was causing spotting within a week after ovulation. So, at this point, I bought into the doctors theory that if you fix the first part of that domino chain, you fix it all.

Now to the positive/happy part. It was an easy fix! I was put on 50mg of clomid to help me properly ovulate and I got pregnant the first cycle on it. I had a prescription of progesterone supplementation filled at all times so that when I got my BFP I could begin taking it. My RE kept me on this from when I found out at 3+5 until I hit 12 weeks. It was a 200mg suppository 3 times per day.

I had an ultrasound at 12+1 and we saw a healthy, VERY active bouncing baby and I'm now heading into the second trimester!

In summary, I hope this story doesn't freak anyone out but rather give you some insight about how important it is to be in tune with your body and be your biggest advocate. I knew very early on after I started to track and I pushed with the doctor for tests, which got me to the RE faster, which got me drugs faster, which got me pregnant faster :)

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the info ladies.
Fingersxsed I have been to the doctors a few times with this complaint but after your inspirational story I am going to push to be examined and might ask about clomid too. Thank you x

I have been going through the exact same thing! I know this thread is old - but just thought I could bump it in hopes of some new info?

Ever since getting married (and therefore becoming sexually active) - my hormones are whack! I started getting bleeding in between periods. Went to the doc - she did u/s and blood tests - all was normal. She suggested birth control pills. I asked her if that would fix the problem, and she said once I get off the pills, it may come back again! Well... that's not really solving the actual problem!

I start bleeding after ovulation and it goes on and off til I get my periods. After that I have a week and a half of no spotting, and then ovulation comes again! I started taking vitex (agnus castus) to help regulate my menstrual cycle and increase my progesterone levels. It worked beautifully for one month. Then the cycle I started trying (this is my first month ttc btw) I started getting the bleeding again!

Just wondering. Has anyone since been able to get pregnant? Even with spotting?
I had this, when I started charting I discovered that I was spotting on and off from about 9/10 dpo.

This month I took vitamin B6 and a vitamin B complex for the whole cycle, it made me ovulate 2 days later than normal and I had no spotting. Now it may be because I was pregnant but I believe that I've been pregnant before but started spotting and lost the early pregnancy, either way, it did it's job for me. I'm still taking it along with the B complex and vitamin D and calcium as well as pregnancy vitamins. I'll stop the B vits when I get to 12 weeks when the placenta kicks in.
I see this an old post but I have exactly what some of you describe. I spot moatly brown from ovulation all the way up to my period. I don't know what's causing this, my progesterone test came back 42 which doctor said was "good." I also have a lower right pain after ovulation for a couple of days.
I have researched but can't find anything but low progesterone...
But mine is fine, I'm quite scared it could be something serious
I started spotting from CD9/10 up until my next period every month after a molar pregnancy last summer. I was worried about it and was getting checked out for it, but the dr couldn't find anything wrong. Then in Feb/March, I had a period, spotted again, but then got my BFP! I spotted for several days after the first BFP, then it stopped and I haven't had it since. So, regardless of spotting, don't give up hope!

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