TTC in the UK


Sep 6, 2012
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Hello ladies,
Anyone in the UK that wants to start a chat?
I'm 36 and TTC for a year now. I had my first appointment with the subfertility clinic in London (through NHS) yesterday. All blood tests done but they asked me to repeat the progesterone one cause apparently my useless GP got the dates wrong. So another 4 weeks now for the next appointment. If I don't get pregnant naturally this looks like a lengthy process. NHs waiting lists, uninterested and unhelpful doctors etc...
I heard that if after tests (for endometriosis and others) are done through NHS and if everything looks OK for IVF, then private clinics accept NHS tests results so it doesn't end up being soooo expensive. Anyone?
Baby dust to all
Hi Crisfca
I am 39 and TTC number 1. We have been trying for 18 months now I reckon. I have had my bloods done on the NHS and they seem to show I am ovulating. I also had a pelvic scan which showed everything seemed to be ok too. My GP said they probably wouldnt look very much further into my issues until we had my OH's sperm tested. That was a right old palaver and we were passed from pillar to post and noone seemed to know who was doing the testing. WE have just found out he is well over 'OK' so it's back to me. I get private healthcare through work but have just found out BUPA doesnt do any fertility treatment at all. So it's either NHS or a private hospital.
Im not sure what I want my next step to be. I dont want IVF or even Clomid as I dont like the idea of all the hormones. I just want it to happen naturally! My friend is recommending acupuncture but Im not sure I really believe in such treatments.
I havent really answered your questions. I havent heard that about Private treatment taking you on with the NHS tests. I suppose it reduces our cost but I guess the costs are still prohibitive. You got any idea how much even a consultation might be?

All the best. Maybe this is our month!!
Well, that's strange. My husband's semen test was done before the referal, together with my blood tests... It's funny and strange how different GPs, hospitals and clinics work so differently. At the end you feel like you are just buying lottery tickets!
I would love it if it happened naturally but we are not that young anymore, and I'm impatient! ;-)
I'm worried about clomid myself cause I'm epileptic as well (lucky me ;-) and epilepsy can be affected by hormones, we'll see.
I have looked into prices, just through some websites of private clinics in London, they are very high, they really are. Prices defer slightly but you are looking at around 6000GPB, depending on what tests you need etc...
Hi Ladies
I'm also 36 and TTC#1. We've been trying since January this year. I've been charting etc for 3 months and everything looks ok on that front but who knows right? So a couple of weeks ago I had a telephone appt with my GP and she arranged for some bloodwork to be done. Didn't ask me whereabouts in my cycle I would be but I headed off to the surgery and had 5/6 vials of blood taken. My OH is headed to get his SA tomorrow so we'll be going in to talk through the results soon I guess. Do you remember how quick your SA results came in? Like you say, you can never quite tell with NHS. And I'm thinking I'll probably have to go back on a particular day - I take it for the progesterone one you have to be post O and I wasn't when I went in.
I'm afraid I can't help at all with any of the private clinic questions as we haven't started looking at that yet. None of my friends who have gone down the IVF route found that clomid did anything for them except basically make them feel a bit rubbish! And from the reading I've done unless you're not ovulating regularly or have a short LP then I'm not sure what the benefits are? Saying that, there appear to be lots of women on FF who have had success with Clomid.
Crisfca - am hoping the epilepsy won't prohibit any of the choices you want to make! Did you get any useful feedback from the clinic? I guess my GP service is set up differently as they didn't mention any clinics in our area.
I'm still hoping that this will happen naturally - especially as I think our timing was off in the early months but I'm feeling quite pessimistic. Still until I see the results of our tests I might as well try to keep upbeat.
I'm really glad to have met you two. I've been having a little read of the boards from time to time but lots of people seem to have known each other a long time and I was feeling nervous. This is my first post. Hopefully we can share our experiences here!! Look forward to it.
Hi Ladies
I'm also 36 and TTC#1. We've been trying since January this year. I've been charting etc for 3 months and everything looks ok on that front but who knows right? So a couple of weeks ago I had a telephone appt with my GP and she arranged for some bloodwork to be done. Didn't ask me whereabouts in my cycle I would be but I headed off to the surgery and had 5/6 vials of blood taken. My OH is headed to get his SA tomorrow so we'll be going in to talk through the results soon I guess. Do you remember how quick your SA results came in? Like you say, you can never quite tell with NHS. And I'm thinking I'll probably have to go back on a particular day - I take it for the progesterone one you have to be post O and I wasn't when I went in.
I'm afraid I can't help at all with any of the private clinic questions as we haven't started looking at that yet. None of my friends who have gone down the IVF route found that clomid did anything for them except basically make them feel a bit rubbish! And from the reading I've done unless you're not ovulating regularly or have a short LP then I'm not sure what the benefits are? Saying that, there appear to be lots of women on FF who have had success with Clomid.
Crisfca - am hoping the epilepsy won't prohibit any of the choices you want to make! Did you get any useful feedback from the clinic? I guess my GP service is set up differently as they didn't mention any clinics in our area.
I'm still hoping that this will happen naturally - especially as I think our timing was off in the early months but I'm feeling quite pessimistic. Still until I see the results of our tests I might as well try to keep upbeat.
I'm really glad to have met you two. I've been having a little read of the boards from time to time but lots of people seem to have known each other a long time and I was feeling nervous. This is my first post. Hopefully we can share our experiences here!! Look forward to it.

Hello! Nice to meet you too.
The blood tests I had to do before the referal had to be done on DAYS 2, 8 and 21st (progesterone) of the cycle. You need to also do rubella..chlamidia and others.
The semen test came back really quickly actually, less than a week.
About my epilepsy, not that sure, it shouldn't stop me from getting pregnant itself but there is a higher risk of malformation than on non-epileptic women. I've been having big dose of folic acid and hope that helps.
I'm very impatient and get stressed easily, so that definetely doesn't help! I don't know if I believe in accupunture yet... thinking about it..
Hi ladies,

I've had my day 1-5 bloods done, and day 19 also. I had to go back and have another blood done after 6 weeks so just had that done this monday.
My hubby just isnlt getting off his a**e and making the appt for the sample he has to give - he has the pot and all he has to do is the work and then get the pot to the hospital within an hr....
It took me about 8 weeks for him to make an appt at the drs to get the pot to give the sample in - just about giving up now and think i'll just go back tot he doctors and see what my tests show and explain as i feel resentful that i have to "nag" him to get him to do these things.
He was the one to ask me to come off the Pill, then got annoyed when i told him we had to go at it like rabbits during the fertile period after 6 months of nothing. So since then i have said absolutely nothing.
I take OPK's, do BBT, check CM - feel at the end of my tether with it and feel like just giving up with it all.

But that aside the dr said once the sample is given it should take a couple of weeks.
Depending on whether hubby does it or not then we go back together and see what the results show.
As to what happens afterwards no idea whatsoever - suppose it depends on what the problem is my side or his side.
But both our drs seem quite helpful and on the ball to help - although the first dr said i had to wait a year of trying before they would do anything - so was a bit confunsed as they say that over 35 you should be refered after 6 months of trying. We have been TTC for 13 months now!

God luck everyone!
oh forgot to mention i had a test like a smear too..... think that was to test for sti's and stuff!
Sounds to me like my 'pop in for some bloodwork' might have also been a bit fat waste of time then. Especially if you've gone in on such specific dates. I did do urine for Chlamidia but don't remember anything specific on rubella.
I guess I misunderstood your first post - you went to the GP and then were referred to the clinic? Have they actually said there is anything noticeable in your bloodwork so far?
I have to say I've been a bit slack on the folic acid until recently. Started out en force in January every day but lost enthusiasm about April. Have started taking Pregnacare conception but they're pretty expensive.
There is a really good (apparently) acupuncture place near my work but I think sessions are £65 a go so waiting on that one. I don't really fancy the TCM though if that has to be done in conjuction - I guess it depends on the practicioner.
I'm on CD5 today so should really just be chilling as there's not much to focus on for another week or so but I can't help myself!!!! I can tell as each cycle goes past that I'm getting more stressed. What can we do......Arrrgh
Sounds to me like my 'pop in for some bloodwork' might have also been a bit fat waste of time then. Especially if you've gone in on such specific dates. I did do urine for Chlamidia but don't remember anything specific on rubella.
I guess I misunderstood your first post - you went to the GP and then were referred to the clinic? Have they actually said there is anything noticeable in your bloodwork so far?
I have to say I've been a bit slack on the folic acid until recently. Started out en force in January every day but lost enthusiasm about April. Have started taking Pregnacare conception but they're pretty expensive.
There is a really good (apparently) acupuncture place near my work but I think sessions are £65 a go so waiting on that one. I don't really fancy the TCM though if that has to be done in conjuction - I guess it depends on the practicioner.
I'm on CD5 today so should really just be chilling as there's not much to focus on for another week or so but I can't help myself!!!! I can tell as each cycle goes past that I'm getting more stressed. What can we do......Arrrgh

Hello Bertie. Im on CD3 today so Im sort of with you. In the nothing phase! Although I did once read about a girl who was advised to have sex during her period (if they could bear the mess) as she might be ovulating early and she had success! We BD'd this morning but not the point of 'fruition' if you get my drift. I hate feeling that that has been a pointless exercise. I get so excited about the thought of having sperm in my body at any time of the month, so when it doesnt happen, I feel let down!
What is TCM with acupuncture? I took Pregnacare for a while but so expensive and I decided it was probably a marketing scam for us all desperately TTC women. I buy just folic acid from Waitrose which is about £1.50 per pot. I sometimes wonder if I really try hard enough for a baby. Im kind of thinking if one is meant to be, it will come along whatever I do - drink alcohol, drink cocacola, eat pate and fried foods...
I worry clamydia (sp?) might be the cause of my problems. Did your docs do a test for that without you asking? I dont think I have it (hope not!) but I read posters that say it can sit in your system with no apparent symptoms but destroy your fertility! That aint fair!
Hi ladies,

I've had my day 1-5 bloods done, and day 19 also. I had to go back and have another blood done after 6 weeks so just had that done this monday.
My hubby just isnlt getting off his a**e and making the appt for the sample he has to give - he has the pot and all he has to do is the work and then get the pot to the hospital within an hr....
It took me about 8 weeks for him to make an appt at the drs to get the pot to give the sample in - just about giving up now and think i'll just go back tot he doctors and see what my tests show and explain as i feel resentful that i have to "nag" him to get him to do these things.
He was the one to ask me to come off the Pill, then got annoyed when i told him we had to go at it like rabbits during the fertile period after 6 months of nothing. So since then i have said absolutely nothing.
I take OPK's, do BBT, check CM - feel at the end of my tether with it and feel like just giving up with it all.

But that aside the dr said once the sample is given it should take a couple of weeks.
Depending on whether hubby does it or not then we go back together and see what the results show.
As to what happens afterwards no idea whatsoever - suppose it depends on what the problem is my side or his side.
But both our drs seem quite helpful and on the ball to help - although the first dr said i had to wait a year of trying before they would do anything - so was a bit confunsed as they say that over 35 you should be refered after 6 months of trying. We have been TTC for 13 months now!

God luck everyone!

Hi pcsoph2890
It took my OH a while to get going on the sperm test. I suppose they might have the fear of the results not being too favourable and then they feel it demeans them? Or is it just that the thought of coming in a pot isnt very appealing? We just had to do it at home - he didnt even get to go in a cubicle with a magazine! MY OH did take quite a while to come round to the idea of wanting a baby too. Even now, I still think its me thats more keen than him. And I wonder about how keen I am sometimes. Do I just want to break the monotony of going to work every day? I feel envious of other girls at work on maternity but am I jealous of the attention they get now? I love how easy my life is at the moment and that we have money enough not to worry. Not easy being in your 30s is it??? :dust:
Hi PcSoph - I must've been typing at the same time as you! Sorry I was chatting on about Crisfca's progress. Anyway, glad you're in with us too!!

I totally think that the expensive vits are probably for us TTCers for whom things aren't happening quickly! I've also succumbed to buying the expensive clearblue OPKs as I wasn't getting anywhere with the cheap internet ones. But I guess thats slightly more important than 'branded' vits. I tend to O at a weekend and my temp can spike because I've had a glass of wine so its tricky working things out.

I think OH isn't that keen on the SA and his appt is in the afternoon so he has to 'do it there' but how hard can it be right? We've get to have smear tests and all the rest so I think that's not too bad a task!!! I guess it depends on the person and it might be a bit embarassing but as long as they go in the end. And Pcsoph I'm sure he'll go as its what you both want but you're spot on - you shouldn't have to nag.

The TCM is traditional chinese medicine which lots of people seem to have in conjunction with acupuncture but it sounds like fairly fowl tasting stuff! I'm at the stage where I haven't given anything up yet. We lead fairly healthy lifestyles and I'm personally not ready to take the step of cutting things out yet, this is stressful enough. I don't think that's a sign that you don't want it enough!

Doc told me she was running a Chlamydia test so I think you would be told if they were doing it. Perhaps worth asking?

I guess being in your mid-late 30's does make you think you need to hurry up and decide what you want. Thats the problem. I know I want this because I've met the right person to do it with now. And I really want it!!!! However we have to be able to be happy without a family too and I know we will be but I don't want to think too much about that right now.

Take it easy.x
Hi Girls - thanks for the replies - makes me feel not so alone.

I really do feel like i want to give up - we've had a row over the past few days and it's making me assess whether it is the right decision to get pregnant and all that. Very confused and emotional at the moment - but again that's another whole different matter!! But thanks for the replies makes me smile a little!
Ok Guys. Its the weekend!! Yay. And the sun is out. How perfect? :happydance:
OH has DTD so I'm shortly going to get all the gory details over a G&T!!!!

I hope you guys are feeling some positive vibes today - I'm definitely sending you some. This is a good weekend to chill and have some fun - and all the action is about having some good times with OH rather than BD. Thats how I'm trying to look at it - am I sounding like some crazy counsellor?

Have a good one & let me know what you get up to.

p.s. PCSoph - hope you and hubby are sorting it out x
Hi Girls
Did I go 'too friday' on you all? Whats happening out there?

Didn't get much in the way of info from OH about the SA. He seemed a bit uncomfortable talking about it so had to leave it but I was really trying not to burst out laughing at the thought of him in some grimy room with mags and gents doing the same all around!

Spoke to my GP's receptionist today to make an appt for next week to discuss results but she's saying that the SA results will take at least two weeks. Then she said 'your bloods look fine' - but what does that mean??? I don't even know what they tested for. So she's getting the doc to ring me when the SA has come back so we can talk about everything.

I started my Clearblue OPKs this morning but negative so far.
Any of you near O yet?
Hello UK Girls,
I am in Australia not UK but still loved reading your thread.
Loved reading it as you are all so well written and witty. Wishing you ALL baby dust. Wishing you Lots of red or blue lines or crosses, healthy pregnancies and babies REALLY soon.

I am 38 in Sydney TTC.
CD3 today and just had some more blood tests (some repeated like AMH and FSH day 3),
although this cycle was really strange. I had a 20 day cycle for the first time ever so I am not sure what that is about = low progesterone which means short luteal phase I would think (just going on my internet research). I am also getting aches in my left side where my ovary would be so think I have some cysts (I have never had this before but I do have PCOS)

I do have PCOS (but not really overweight or by much LOL) and my cycles are usually 30 days or longer so this short cycle is a shock to me.
Anybody else have PCOS or (insulin resistance here?)

Anyway 2nd cycle trying for me and will see the Feritlity specialist in a few weeks to touch base and look at my blood results and see if I need any more tests like Ultrasound or procedures to look in side me. Had a D and C 3 months (15 weeks) so worried about damage done.

Again wishing you good luck and look forward to hearing your updates.

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