Two questions about natural and hypnobirthing


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Hey :flower:

Have always known since before I got pregnant that I'd like to have as natural a birth as possible, and have been hearing that hypnobirthing really helps with this but when I looked it up all I could find were classes that charge £200-£450 per session and I really can't afford this. Does anyone have any links or suggestions of books/tapes etc so that I could practice hypnobirthing without actual classes? Or even just letting me know what it basically comprises of would be helpful.

Also, this isn't related but I was wondering what the longest possible time is before you can go to hospital, or the birthing centre in my case? I know you can't put an actual time on it, but is it safe to wait til it's unbearable or is there a stage of contractions that you should be in hospital by?
There are a few ladies on here who can help you with the Hypno stuff.. and I'll let them tell you about books, and home courses (which are so much cheaper than that!), as I haven’t done hypno birthing.

But what I can help with is contractions - you should be looking for about 3-4 contractions in a 10 minute period and those contractions should be strong, regular and lasting about a minute long.

If you are in any doubt it is better to phone your birth centre when ever you feel you need to.. Even if it is early/latent labour, and they will advise you. This is so much better than rushing out the door.. getting all excited about it, and then only to find that the excitement of the car journey and rush of adrenaline, has slowed your labour right down by the time you get to the centre - as they might ask you to go home again, and that can be a very disappointing experience and will only lengthen your labour.
as they might ask you to go home again, and that can be a very disappointing experience and will only lengthen your labour.

Yes they did, yes it was and yes it really did!

Regarding the contractions I thought I was in 'alot' of pain, so went in and I was only 1cm. Got sent home which was not easy as my lift had driven away and it was about 1am, not fun. So I said to myself, I'm going in when I'm in absolute proper pain, which I was and I ended up being 6cm which I was so pleased about. After that I only dilated 1/2 - 1cm in 13hours so that wasn't so great, but that's another story, and it doesn't mean your's will be the same :)

Keeping as calm as possible and not tensing up during a contraction can help alot apparently as it lets the body do what it needs to do and quicker, so I'm doing that this time, as I know I was very tense with every single contraction.

I'm trying to teach myself hypnobirthing through reading the Mongan book (ebay/Amazon) but am looking at doing a home course soon as I'm not sure the book is enough, there is an old post that Mervs mum shared a while ago, I'll see if I can find it.

Here it is I hope, if I did it right ;)
I followed the 3-1-1 rule. Contractions coming every three min, lasting at least one minute, and all this happening for at least 1hour.
Perhaps not an hour for everyone Jenni?! It's important to bear in mind no time limits or restrictions. You are looking for regular contractions in strength, length and duration. These will indicate you have got to second stage labour. Hey you know me I'm certainly not bragging, but If I had waited an hour of contractions of every 3 min lasting a min long before phoning I would have had my baby. hehe
I did have a cracker of a long long latent labour to get geared upto it though. It was only 2nd stage that was just over an hour. ;-)
I agree that an hour of them alone isn't reason to go in / call the mw out. Ive been with a woman who was also 311 and if we'd gone in at that point we would have had more than 12 hours left. Its the whole picture rather than just timing the contractions :)
Both of those points are very true. It helped me to have something to look out for and my MW personally was keen for me to phone her out if this was happening. But like MM that actually didn't do me any good. I had more like a 3-1.5-4 and STILL nothing was happening! lol.
Thanks Jen, I knew you would know what I meant. I don't think I expressed it very well though.. MM and you cleared it up better!
I found rather than hyponotic tecniches with EJ i jsut concentrated on breathing through the contractions and relaxing my body from my head down to my toes through each contraction and it really really did help with everything my labour was 6 times faster than my first and he really flew out, i know now that my tenseness during my first labour and the contractions didnt help and proably did slow it right down
I foudn the self hypnosis cds had trained me into doing deep breathing (I'm surprised they did everytime I listened tot he CD I fell asleep.,.. so I guess they really do talk to the unconcious part of your brain!! (They also helped dd sleep too.l..)

This was the cd i had

I also find pushing the adrenal gland point on my foot really helped me handle the pain of contractions :)

Its interesting that you say once your contractions are coming that fast you are in second stage of labour - cos when mine got that fast I was reallly panicing - and thinking i cuoldnt do it.. i got oh to get the Mw HERE NOW cos I needed gas and air.. I did think I was in transition - about 1 hour later DS was here :)
if you do a google search for 'reflexology points' you should find a picture of the foot.. on it is a point called 'adrenal glands'.. when you are in labour obviously your 'fight or flight mecansim kicks in .. .as in panic and pain...' thats your adrenal glands

if you push the point on the foot - it made the pain better/less (or at least did for me),..

the point is about 1/3 of the way down the foot - between the 2nd and 3rd toes (imagine big toe is number 1 and the little toe is number 5)

For me - the left foot relieved pain more than teh point on the right - but my reflexologist told me that was cos baby ws lying to the the left...

A reflexolgoist woudl be able to tell you more.. but google is your friend :)
if you do a google search for 'reflexology points' you should find a picture of the foot.. on it is a point called 'adrenal glands'.. when you are in labour obviously your 'fight or flight mecansim kicks in .. .as in panic and pain...' thats your adrenal glands

if you push the point on the foot - it made the pain better/less (or at least did for me),..

the point is about 1/3 of the way down the foot - between the 2nd and 3rd toes (imagine big toe is number 1 and the little toe is number 5)

For me - the left foot relieved pain more than teh point on the right - but my reflexologist told me that was cos baby ws lying to the the left...

A reflexolgoist woudl be able to tell you more.. but google is your friend :)

Cool. So is stimulating reflexology points supposed to stimulate or calm down the thing they're associated with? Presumably in this case calm down the adrenal glands?
I think thats how it worked... It is sure worth a try - it made my labour managable...

between breathing deeply, pushing my foot - and sitting in a warm bath.. i got to 8cms without any other pain relief!!

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