I went to Birth without fear -and it led me to Dr Williams- he's in my area luckily- anyway- I had a consult with him- not pregnant but we are planning soon. i had 3 c sections, all transverse incisions. His office requested my surgical reports for the c sections. He saw the reasons why I had them, He also noted the fact that I gave birth vaginally 3 times before I had my first c section- anyway- he is willing to do a VBA3C on me. He is very reputable in this area for VBAC's and in fact did a commentary on PBS about them. He has fought to allow women the right to choose and the hospital will back him as long as the women go through a consult with an appointed specialist at their hospital- to make sure that we are fully aware of what the "consequences" can be. My Dr made an informed decision based on my history - not just based off of me having multiple c sections. I hope the best for you - and there are a lot of Dr's who will consider it after 2 sections. I also found some very supportive midwives that were willing to VBAC as well. I hope this helps and best of luck to you!