I'm on 3dpo...anyone want to wait with me? This is my15 month ttc
Would love to wait with you! I completely understand, it does get harder each month. I try to stay positive but it's so hard to be disappointed month after month. How many dpo are you?
Id love to join, Today im 6dpo I actually gave in and tested today idky, i guess i just needed to get the poas out my system but of course it came back as a bfn. I really feel like this is my month though, ive been very tired the past few days after I O, been having cramping and sore boobies so i think that maybe this month on my two year wedding anniversary,which is the 18th of this month and i will also be 10dpo,so im hoping to get my :BFP: to all
Hi Everyone,
My name is LaToya I was diagnosed with PCOS in September of 2008. My husband and I have TTC since 2010. And the doctor suggested we go the IUI route....Our 1st IUI was on the Sept 12th using Clomid 100mg and Ovidrel trigger shot and im on day 5piui trying to stay very hopefully...This TWW period is hard don't won't to be disappointed..
Baby Dust to all
Hey im 3-4dpo today (no opks this cycle) this is my 2nd cycle back from ntnp for about 4 months and then before that i was ttc or about 8 months so i do count this being around my 15th cycle since even when i ntnp it was like i was trying cause i was still thinking about it during the month anyways not having much of anything going on thought i felt some feelings in my uterus today but i think im imagining it hahah well good luck and babydust to everyone here !!!!
I had IUI #1 and am 14 dpo but terrified to take a test! If my period doesn't come by then, I am going to wait until tomorrow when my period would be officially late.
Hi ladies, I'm 4dpo and o came 3 days earlier this month and on about our 15th cycle too. Since seeing the naturopath she said to take two tbsp vitex & 4000mg EPO cycle round for both. Something's changed for sure. But I don't feel the slightest bit pregnant yet. for September!