Unexplained Infertility...

We were put in the "unexplained" category as well. It was devastating. If I had some idea of what was wrong then maybe I could fix it or come to terms with it. Nothing wrong- but somethings wrong- is awful! Anyway- I think different countries have different protocols for fertility treatment. We were NTNP for 4 years and that was enough for the doctors to start treatment. We did 3 rounds clomid and 2 rounds injects +3 IUI and nothing. We've decided to focus on the idea that SOMETHING in wrong the doctors just can't find it. So we're going to quit Western Meds for now and focus on whole body health. Then in a year move to IVF if that doesn't help. GL! Its hard but we can all get through it!

Hello Jamie...

We are in a terrible category!!! I'm thinking something is going on with my hubby's sperm.. and the docs arent really being forthcoming because they want to keep our hopes up. I'm determined that something is wrong.. if that makes any sense! lol... I'm going to ask the doc in private next visit.. that way my hubby wont get his feelings hurt if his count is low. i don't want him to think he's the problem. Look at me.. blaming him already! lol...

I'm hoping the western medicine approach works for you! I'm planning on doing a " massage" if this cycle doesnt work. It's some sort of hispanic thing were the lady massages your stomach... aligns things. Sounds strange to me.. but.. my girlfriends swear by it! I'm going to read up on it a bit more... I figure it's worth a try.

I took a test today.. bfn.. my actual testing day is fri.. so i plan on taking another test wed and fri. We will see!

Keeping you in my thoughts.. hope you get your bfp soon!

we're unexplained too. this is the 15th cycle, we'll have IUI in june (16th cycle).
I never heard of waiting for 3 years to get in a list. I live in Turkey and we go to private but wow that's long!
Omg Annette! Im going to hawaii in two weeks!!! We might be there around the same time!
I hope you get your bfp! Was it easy to have the IUI done? I heard some ppl need to be on a wait list forever...

GL on weds!! Keep updating your journal! I left you a msg there but just realized you dont write there anymore... Sounds like mine, that I abandoned a while back :D
Omg Annette! Im going to hawaii in two weeks!!! We might be there around the same time!
I hope you get your bfp! Was it easy to have the IUI done? I heard some ppl need to be on a wait list forever...

GL on weds!! Keep updating your journal! I left you a msg there but just realized you dont write there anymore... Sounds like mine, that I abandoned a while back :D

Oooops Sorry about the non updated journal! I will have to get back to that. I sorta took a break from this site for awhile.. as i found lingering was stressing me out a bit. I find that sticking to one or two rooms is useful for me.. anything more than that.. and I go crazy!

How funny to hear that you are going to Hawaii too!! What island? We are going to Maui and the Big Island. We got married last year on Maui.. it was beautiful. Looking forward to going back.. relaxing.. and having a few mai tais... if I get my bfn!

About the IUI.. it was very easy for us.. we didnt' have a waiting list.. but.. I think it depends on your insurance.. where you live .. etc. I live in California.. and have Kaiser. My hubby and I work with Kaiser.. so we've been lucky to have a zero copay for everything. I feel so bad for some women that have to pay tons for something that isnt guaranteed. The only negative... Kaiser doesn't have invitro here in Southern Cali.. only Northern I think. They do six rounds of treatment.. as they say your chances are highest in the first three months. So we'll see!!

This whole month as a been a process.. and the next five will probably be the same. It started with an ultrasound to make sure my ovaries are healthy.. then clomid... and an injection of menopur.. then another ultrasound to see how many follicles I produced.. then an HCG injection to induce ovulation.. then insemination. Good thing we live 30 min away from the medical office.. otherwise my poor hubby would have had to "perform" at 6 am in the hospital bathroom!! Poor guy! Oh.. I forgot the part that is the biggest drag for me... PROGESTERONE SUPPOSITORIES!! BLAH!!! They are such a drag!!! I am thinking of asking the doc if there is a progesterone injection ... the only thing is I can't give myself shots! I'm a chicken!! So we'll see.

Keep me posted on your progress!!! Hoping we get our bfp's soon!!!

Oh.. my oldest sis just told me she is planning on ttc her 4th child.. of course i'm happy for her.. but sad for me at the same time. I had a small pity party.. and now i'm over it. This whole ttc process is a bit emotionally draining at times. It feels like everyone else is pregnant except me. As far as my sister.. I can't expect anyone to not live their life just because i'm trying to have a child... that's the logical side of my brain.. but the illogical side says.. "no fair"! lol..

Thanks for listening and take care!!
We were put in the "unexplained" category as well. It was devastating. If I had some idea of what was wrong then maybe I could fix it or come to terms with it. Nothing wrong- but somethings wrong- is awful! Anyway- I think different countries have different protocols for fertility treatment. We were NTNP for 4 years and that was enough for the doctors to start treatment. We did 3 rounds clomid and 2 rounds injects +3 IUI and nothing. We've decided to focus on the idea that SOMETHING in wrong the doctors just can't find it. So we're going to quit Western Meds for now and focus on whole body health. Then in a year move to IVF if that doesn't help. GL! Its hard but we can all get through it!

Hello Jamie...

We are in a terrible category!!! I'm thinking something is going on with my hubby's sperm.. and the docs arent really being forthcoming because they want to keep our hopes up. I'm determined that something is wrong.. if that makes any sense! lol... I'm going to ask the doc in private next visit.. that way my hubby wont get his feelings hurt if his count is low. i don't want him to think he's the problem. Look at me.. blaming him already! lol...

I'm hoping the western medicine approach works for you! I'm planning on doing a " massage" if this cycle doesnt work. It's some sort of hispanic thing were the lady massages your stomach... aligns things. Sounds strange to me.. but.. my girlfriends swear by it! I'm going to read up on it a bit more... I figure it's worth a try.

I took a test today.. bfn.. my actual testing day is fri.. so i plan on taking another test wed and fri. We will see!

Keeping you in my thoughts.. hope you get your bfp soon!


I’m Hispanic and my family swears by them too. A cousin of mine just got pregnant because, “Her back was open”. Whatever that means. She was TTC for 6 months and after she got the “massage” she was pregnant within a month. I’m trying to find someone here in LA, but seems like they are a mystery and no one knows of one :cry:
We were put in the "unexplained" category as well. It was devastating. If I had some idea of what was wrong then maybe I could fix it or come to terms with it. Nothing wrong- but somethings wrong- is awful! Anyway- I think different countries have different protocols for fertility treatment. We were NTNP for 4 years and that was enough for the doctors to start treatment. We did 3 rounds clomid and 2 rounds injects +3 IUI and nothing. We've decided to focus on the idea that SOMETHING in wrong the doctors just can't find it. So we're going to quit Western Meds for now and focus on whole body health. Then in a year move to IVF if that doesn't help. GL! Its hard but we can all get through it!

Hello Jamie...

We are in a terrible category!!! I'm thinking something is going on with my hubby's sperm.. and the docs arent really being forthcoming because they want to keep our hopes up. I'm determined that something is wrong.. if that makes any sense! lol... I'm going to ask the doc in private next visit.. that way my hubby wont get his feelings hurt if his count is low. i don't want him to think he's the problem. Look at me.. blaming him already! lol...

I'm hoping the western medicine approach works for you! I'm planning on doing a " massage" if this cycle doesnt work. It's some sort of hispanic thing were the lady massages your stomach... aligns things. Sounds strange to me.. but.. my girlfriends swear by it! I'm going to read up on it a bit more... I figure it's worth a try.

I took a test today.. bfn.. my actual testing day is fri.. so i plan on taking another test wed and fri. We will see!

Keeping you in my thoughts.. hope you get your bfp soon!


I’m Hispanic and my family swears by them too. A cousin of mine just got pregnant because, “Her back was open”. Whatever that means. She was TTC for 6 months and after she got the “massage” she was pregnant within a month. I’m trying to find someone here in LA, but seems like they are a mystery and no one knows of one :cry:

Hey KCSandoval.. did you mean LA... like Los Angeles? If so.. I'm sure there are tons around there! My friend grew up in Southgate.. I work in Downey.. LA are / Compton.. I'm sure the guy she is referring me to works somewhere around that area. If you live in that area... let me know. I plan on seeing him or her.. It's a husband/ wife team ? or something like that.. very strange.. but.. like you said... everyone swears by it! They get the massage and are pregnant the next month!!

I'm re reading your message.. " her back was open" ? It's always something very obscure like that!! lol.. My friend was telling me she can align my uterus .. that makes a little more sense than an "open back"! lol.. Whatever works though!!! Maybe my back is open!! lmao!!

I will book my massage after my vacation.. and let you know how it goes!! I'm a bit nervous.. i was asking my friend.. " do i get to wear my clothes.. im not getting naked in front of some strange MAN"!! She didn't actually get the massage.. her friend did.. so she is going to have to get the details from her!

Take care.. and sending baby dust our way!! :)
count me in the unexplained too.

ive been ttc since dec 2009 ive had all tests done and o/h SA and all ok.

I got preg 5yrs ago in 6weeks could u believe , sadly didnt work out.So when i started ttc i thought bang id be pregnant but no chance.

i was going turkey last year and remeber my mom n friends saying yoir prob get preg before or while i was over there.Never happend and now fast foward a year and here i am again due to go turkey 3weeks .

Its so sad , im waiting on cd 21/cd3 bloods again already had them done 7months back.
Then we got appoitment at ferility clinic 4th aug when all tests are back.Ive just had dye test 3weeks ago and all good just waiting onmy bloods.

I find comming on here does get upsetting.I was just reading a 7dpo thread and allof them were pregnant still on the thread and it turned into a pregant club , imnot being cruel but they should stick to a bfp thread not ttc one its upsetting.
rant over -thanks for sharing good to know we aint alone.
I think the hardest part is knowing something is wrong, but not knowing what. I actually found a lot of comfort on this info.


It goes into a lot of detail about the most frequent causes of the "unexplained" diagnosis. As much as I hope to get pg before we do IVF in June 2012 it gives me hope that one of these might be our cause and IVF will actually work.
We were put in the "unexplained" category as well. It was devastating. If I had some idea of what was wrong then maybe I could fix it or come to terms with it. Nothing wrong- but somethings wrong- is awful! Anyway- I think different countries have different protocols for fertility treatment. We were NTNP for 4 years and that was enough for the doctors to start treatment. We did 3 rounds clomid and 2 rounds injects +3 IUI and nothing. We've decided to focus on the idea that SOMETHING in wrong the doctors just can't find it. So we're going to quit Western Meds for now and focus on whole body health. Then in a year move to IVF if that doesn't help. GL! Its hard but we can all get through it!

Hello Jamie...

We are in a terrible category!!! I'm thinking something is going on with my hubby's sperm.. and the docs arent really being forthcoming because they want to keep our hopes up. I'm determined that something is wrong.. if that makes any sense! lol... I'm going to ask the doc in private next visit.. that way my hubby wont get his feelings hurt if his count is low. i don't want him to think he's the problem. Look at me.. blaming him already! lol...

I'm hoping the western medicine approach works for you! I'm planning on doing a " massage" if this cycle doesnt work. It's some sort of hispanic thing were the lady massages your stomach... aligns things. Sounds strange to me.. but.. my girlfriends swear by it! I'm going to read up on it a bit more... I figure it's worth a try.

I took a test today.. bfn.. my actual testing day is fri.. so i plan on taking another test wed and fri. We will see!

Keeping you in my thoughts.. hope you get your bfp soon!


I’m Hispanic and my family swears by them too. A cousin of mine just got pregnant because, “Her back was open”. Whatever that means. She was TTC for 6 months and after she got the “massage” she was pregnant within a month. I’m trying to find someone here in LA, but seems like they are a mystery and no one knows of one :cry:

Hey KCSandoval.. did you mean LA... like Los Angeles? If so.. I'm sure there are tons around there! My friend grew up in Southgate.. I work in Downey.. LA are / Compton.. I'm sure the guy she is referring me to works somewhere around that area. If you live in that area... let me know. I plan on seeing him or her.. It's a husband/ wife team ? or something like that.. very strange.. but.. like you said... everyone swears by it! They get the massage and are pregnant the next month!!

I'm re reading your message.. " her back was open" ? It's always something very obscure like that!! lol.. My friend was telling me she can align my uterus .. that makes a little more sense than an "open back"! lol.. Whatever works though!!! Maybe my back is open!! lmao!!

I will book my massage after my vacation.. and let you know how it goes!! I'm a bit nervous.. i was asking my friend.. " do i get to wear my clothes.. im not getting naked in front of some strange MAN"!! She didn't actually get the massage.. her friend did.. so she is going to have to get the details from her!

Take care.. and sending baby dust our way!! :)

Yes, I live in downtown LA so I know South Gate/Downey area. From what I here (mind you lots of my cousins/aunts did it), you have your clothes on. But they are massaging you close to your...humm...va-jay-jay, :haha:

Trust me, when my cousin told me that her back open and apparently, the "massager" closed it again and in one month, bamn, pregnant! Are you regular??? Since I started TTC I have weird periods, like my body knows :dohh: and now I have periods from 17-34 days (Which makes tracking your ovulation hard!). :growlmad:
Yes, I live in downtown LA so I know South Gate/Downey area. From what I here (mind you lots of my cousins/aunts did it), you have your clothes on. But they are massaging you close to your...humm...va-jay-jay, :haha:

Trust me, when my cousin told me that her back open and apparently, the "massager" closed it again and in one month, bamn, pregnant! Are you regular??? Since I started TTC I have weird periods, like my body knows :dohh: and now I have periods from 17-34 days (Which makes tracking your ovulation hard!). :growlmad:[/QUOTE]

My periods are regular... every 27 days... no issues there. I think it's my hubby's sperm.. unfortunately. He has slow swimmers...which is why they did IUI the first cycle. I took another test today.. and it was a BFN.. I am going to test tomorrow morning with first morning urine.. but.. i'm pretty sure it's a BFN. I'm off to Hawaii on Sat... so i'll have to skip treatment this cycle.

I spoke to my friend today about the "massage".. it gets even more strange... she said they massage.. every other day. .. so like mon.. wed.. and fri.. then you have to wear some sort of "belt".. I think it's a velcro bandage thing around my waist. I'm not sure if I'm going to go to this lady though... the every other day thing isnt convenient for me. Maybe i'll try my other friend's guy! lol.. I'll keep you posted! My husband thinks i'm CRAZY for even considering this.. but.. we have nothing to lose!

When I get more info.. I will let you know.. just in case you become desperate and want to try it out like me!! :)
count me in the unexplained too.

ive been ttc since dec 2009 ive had all tests done and o/h SA and all ok.

I got preg 5yrs ago in 6weeks could u believe , sadly didnt work out.So when i started ttc i thought bang id be pregnant but no chance.

i was going turkey last year and remeber my mom n friends saying yoir prob get preg before or while i was over there.Never happend and now fast foward a year and here i am again due to go turkey 3weeks .

Its so sad , im waiting on cd 21/cd3 bloods again already had them done 7months back.
Then we got appoitment at ferility clinic 4th aug when all tests are back.Ive just had dye test 3weeks ago and all good just waiting onmy bloods.

I find comming on here does get upsetting.I was just reading a 7dpo thread and allof them were pregnant still on the thread and it turned into a pregant club , imnot being cruel but they should stick to a bfp thread not ttc one its upsetting.
rant over -thanks for sharing good to know we aint alone.

I agree with you about getting upset coming on this site. I had to take a break for awhile.. I found that being a part of one or two rooms is good enough for me. I tend to not do the 2ww rooms.. as there are a lot of positives that pop up... and I usually feel left out. I've gotten better though.. I usually have a quick pity party.. then i'm ready to move on to the next cycle!

Hang in there! This can be a very emotionally draining process!
Yes, I live in downtown LA so I know South Gate/Downey area. From what I here (mind you lots of my cousins/aunts did it), you have your clothes on. But they are massaging you close to your...humm...va-jay-jay, :haha:

Trust me, when my cousin told me that her back open and apparently, the "massager" closed it again and in one month, bamn, pregnant! Are you regular??? Since I started TTC I have weird periods, like my body knows :dohh: and now I have periods from 17-34 days (Which makes tracking your ovulation hard!). :growlmad:

My periods are regular... every 27 days... no issues there. I think it's my hubby's sperm.. unfortunately. He has slow swimmers...which is why they did IUI the first cycle. I took another test today.. and it was a BFN.. I am going to test tomorrow morning with first morning urine.. but.. i'm pretty sure it's a BFN. I'm off to Hawaii on Sat... so i'll have to skip treatment this cycle.

I spoke to my friend today about the "massage".. it gets even more strange... she said they massage.. every other day. .. so like mon.. wed.. and fri.. then you have to wear some sort of "belt".. I think it's a velcro bandage thing around my waist. I'm not sure if I'm going to go to this lady though... the every other day thing isnt convenient for me. Maybe i'll try my other friend's guy! lol.. I'll keep you posted! My husband thinks i'm CRAZY for even considering this.. but.. we have nothing to lose!

When I get more info.. I will let you know.. just in case you become desperate and want to try it out like me!! :)[/QUOTE]

Count me in...I'm already crazy, what's another treatment :thumbup:

I'm back from my vacation.. and sooo ready for my "mexican massage"! lol.. I already asked my friend to book it for me :) The guy is in Downey she said.. works well for me because my office is in that area... but.. not sure how far of a drive it is for you. I plan on going this week.. she said.. the guy is sort of a perv though... lol.. Im going to have her in the room with me when I get the massage.. sounds sorta creepy to me.!

I'll keep you posted!! Are you out of the 2ww yet? I think I'm ovulating towards the end of this week.. beginning of next.. so the massage this week should be good.. maybe he will "close my back" and help me get pregnant! lol...

if you wanna email or text.. feel free

[email protected] or 714 907 3628

Hey Ladies...
Just wanted to update you .. got a visit from aunt flo today.. ugh! My cycle was super short this time around... 21 days.. it's usually about 27 .. that concerns me.. but i'll talk to the doc about it this week. I'm on to cycle 2 with meds/IUI. fingers crossed!!

Good luck to all of you!!!
Hi Annette!! I have been trying about 10 months as well. I see you did your first IUI.. I am thinking about doing mine next cycle. I am in the 2ww right now... trying not to think about it or symptom spot... I am 10 DPO right now...
I hope the iui works for you, I heard that the success rate is higher for couples with unexplained infertility... good luck and let me know how it went!

Hi, Arianne! :hi: I think I'll be joining the "unexplained club" soon. :sad2: I've had all the tests, and nothing is showing up as weird. My hsg was inconclusive, so we're doing a laparoscopy next cycle. RE said we have a few months of a honeymoon, where I am super fertile after that procedure, so I'm thinking my next step will be an IUI as well. Problem is, we'll be on vacation during my fertile time in August. Bummer!

we're unexplained too. this is the 15th cycle, we'll have IUI in june (16th cycle).
I never heard of waiting for 3 years to get in a list. I live in Turkey and we go to private but wow that's long!

Hi, Monalisa! :hi: I can not imagine waiting that long for an IUI! I think it depends on insurance here. Luckily, I have pretty good insurance, so there is no wait for IUI for me here. Not sure about IVF, maybe there is if it's unexplained and no list if there is a problem. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
hey ladie,

was just passing by and wanted to share my experiance with you. We have been put in the unexplained club. I have had 21 day progesterone test done and a lap and dye and DH has had his test done everything is fine and no reason for it not to happen. We have been trying for 18months now and nothing! My cycles are around 23-25 days and I ovulate around day 15 so I think my LH phase is too short. Doc does not seem to think this is a problem. We are not getting any further appoints until september now 6 months from my lap and dye. Everything takes so long in Scotland unless your paying for it. I think this will be the next route for us I am going totally out of my mind and the doctors just dont understand!

Maybe we will get all our BFPs soon!

would be nice to hear your stories also.


Hi Ladies, I haven't read all the way through this thread yet, so excuse me if I provide info that is already there.

For short LP--especially if you know when you ovulate, two days past ovulation rub on some progesterone cream. Most tubes come with instructions, its usually an amount the size of a quarter once a day. When you stop (10 days usually), your period will come two-three days later (or not, as it also provides a cushy home for your bean;). But beware the mood swings....

Good luck and many BFP's!
Hello Ladies...

I wanted to update you on my visit today with the Doc. I went prepared with my questions.. as my DH and I felt unsure about my last IUI and the sperm count. We had to skip a cycle .. as we were on vacation ...but are back in the game.. sorta.

The doc said that the clomid thinned the lining too much .. so she is going to put me on injectables next cycle. I questioned my DH sperm count after the wash... we recalled the number being somewhere around 800,000 after the wash.. when she looked at the numbers.. she saw it was actually lower.. 700,000. She suggested we hold off on infertility treatments.. as they only do 6 cycles. She suggested for him to take PROXEED PLUS for three months to increase sperm count/motility. Fingers crossed. We will see how that works. I've read some mixed reviews.

Anyone have any advice on PROXEED PLUS?

So.. long story short.. we are on our own for three months. Fingers crossed for everyone!!

This process can be draining!! xoxo

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