UPDATE: Now been taken off Ranitidine for suspected Gall Stones (I think).


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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My question is are the symptoms for gallstones and indigestion similar?

Ive had 4 attacks in 2 weeks lasting for 2 hours in the middle of the night where Ive begged my OH to call an ambulance as my ribs feels like they are being crushed in a vice, starts front lower ribs and spreads upwards, sides and back, I take painkillers and its constant intense breath taking pain for 1 hr then gradually subsides.

Thing is with the last episode I had a bit of heartburn and told the doc this today (but didnt experience any heartburn with the previous attacks) hence me thinking Ive been misdiagnosed as having indigestion/heartburn, Im just waiting to see if I have another attack and the obviously will go back to docs.
my gallbladder attack feel like sharp pain around my heart area and lasted a week in june, the last time i had an attack that was but i suffer with frequent indigestion and acidy stomach too!

i dont have gallstones i just have a gallbladder that barely works

hopes this helps

Thanks I think I can rule that out then as its not really stabbing pains I get but a bursting feeling in my rib cage, which I suspected was gallstones, I just think its weird that it could have mistaken for just indigestion, I didnt think indigestion could be that painful thats why Im confused.
what you described sounds like gallstones. What i expereinced was what i would say felt like a tight band around my ribs, i had back pain, pain on breathing, it felt like my heart would explode, it def wasnt sharp pain, more vice like like you decribe.

my doctor also diagnoised it as a stomach thing, esp as i did have helabactor pylori too.

my advice is keep going back everytime you have an attack or go to A&E, i didnt, i just trusted that i was refered and it would be sorted, i ended up waiting 9 months to be seen by a consultant who said come back when your not pregnant and then we will talk. grrrr ... a few weeks later i had the worse attacks, lasting several days, i had eneded up with pancreatitis from the gallstone and was admitted to hospital very ill.

The told me surgery in pregnancy was rare and with twins, unheard of, i would be at significant risk of MC (i was 17 weeks) but i didnt have a choice, they said if i dont, it would happen again and i wouldnt be so lucky then, they said i could die or be in ITU. So i had to have my gallbladder removed at 17 weeks pregnant with twins. Thankfully babies seem to be doing fine :D I havent had any problems since.

Due to the pregnancy i couldnt have any pain relief (sometimes i did, then the next docto would come on shift and say it was too danergous) so it wasnt ideal, surgery was ok though, i again didnt take anything, i was sore for a few days, mostly due to my bump growing and pulling my stitches, but really managable.
thats the one my heart felt like it was cramping up all the time! every time i inhaled it would be a 1000 time worse sorry im bloody useless
Thanks guys, I was just wondering as I take 2 paracetamol when an attack comes on, if I didnt would it subside after an hour or is that the pain killers taking effect do you think, as it is an immense amount of pain to completely be wiped out by painkillers I thought?

Also, is there anything I can do in the meantime to prevent a bad attack, dietery wise or are there any strong painkillers I could get?
Thanks guys, I was just wondering as I take 2 paracetamol when an attack comes on, if I didnt would it subside after an hour or is that the pain killers taking effect do you think, as it is an immense amount of pain to completely be wiped out by painkillers I thought?

Also, is there anything I can do in the meantime to prevent a bad attack, dietery wise or are there any strong painkillers I could get?

mine started off as short attacks and got much worse.

low fat diet is usually advised (althouyh made no difference for me).
no pain kilers will ease the pain u just gotta wait it out im afraid. and each attack last longer and more painful im praying i never have another 1 if so i will have the darn thing out.

i would have to agree with the above post fatty foods normally set it of so they say. but makes no difference to me neither, tin tomatoes set mine of last time ive since had tinned tomatoes and all's fine :)

hope u get this all sorted soon :hugs:
3rd day of ranitidine and im feeling very dizzy (head spun out) and nausious for most of the day, wonder if its a side effect...

i think the reason the doc i saw didnt think it was gallstones is because i havent thrown up or felt sick during a rib attack.
I would reccomend getting some cocodamol they are paracetamol and codeine,the codeiene has that extra kick to it so its abit stronger.You can buy them over the counter at low strength or higher strength ones are prescription only.x
well its been 4 days since my last attack, i am hoping against the odds the ranitidine is working but i still think its gallstones.... i have had a few mild stitch like aches the side of my ribs, do you think i should see my doc and ask for an ultrasound to put my mind at rest or wait to see if i have another attack?

nb. my dad had his gallbladder out at my age, dont know if its genetic or not.
i think you should go back to your g.p and explain you are still get mild pains/aches and i personally would ask for an ultrasound, because something is still wrong even if you are not in severe pain!!

if the ultarsound comes back normal keep on to your doctor untill you get answers. like i said i didnt have gallstones but still kept on at the doctor and he refferd me to a specialist in the end, where i went on to have the hida scan (to see how the gallbladder is functioning) becuase it maybe that too and that doesnt show up on ultrasound.

theres me rammbling on bout gallbladders it could be a stomach ulcer or a number of things theres plenty of tests to rule out things anyway.i had the h.pylori blood test that came back negative for me its like an infection in the stomach!

let us all know how u get on :)
Im so confused, had another terrible attack, was near to calling an ambulance (in too much pain to make it to the car to go to A&E) but the severe pain only last 30mins and then went so went to docs. Was told to come off the Ranitidine as doesnt sound like indigestion, was told yet again that its not gallbladder related as my gallbladder wasnt inflammed... have been given Co-dydramol tablets, to take 4 times a day for 4 weeks, if the pain still comes back then Im to see the doc again in 4 weeks, im devestated, i dont know if i can bear that severe rib cage pain again. the doc also said, what do you want me to do? i said refer me to get an ultrasound scan, she said they dont scan the ribcage so i was at a loss and just accepted the tablets, what can i do, go to A&E the morning after my next attack?:cry: im seriously going to end up with depression at this rate. the doc said it sounds like a strain or musclular pain...
Im so confused, had another terrible attack, was near to calling an ambulance (in too much pain to make it to the car to go to A&E) but the severe pain only last 30mins and then went so went to docs. Was told to come off the Ranitidine as doesnt sound like indigestion, was told yet again that its not gallbladder related as my gallbladder wasnt inflammed... have been given Co-dydramol tablets, to take 4 times a day for 4 weeks, if the pain still comes back then Im to see the doc again in 4 weeks, im devestated, i dont know if i can bear that severe rib cage pain again. the doc also said, what do you want me to do? i said refer me to get an ultrasound scan, she said they dont scan the ribcage so i was at a loss and just accepted the tablets, what can i do, go to A&E the morning after my next attack?:cry: im seriously going to end up with depression at this rate. the doc said it sounds like a strain or musclular pain...

oh hun i really feel for you :hugs: do you get shoulder pain? and pain between your shoulders? i suffer with this too! (i dont have gallstones mind just a none working gallbladder) everytime the doc examined me he would press where my gallbladder was and it never hurt.if it was inflamed it would hurt yes when pressed! it doesnt have to be inflamed exactly at that time when you go to the doctors. so it goes to show your doctor clearly hasnt got a clue. nect time you go back request another doctor and ask for a ultrasound on your gallbladder honestly how sarcastic is your doctor u should make a complaint! thats exactly where they scan you around your rib cage to check your liver,gallbladder.

he should of listened to you and sent you for one, i hope you get answers soon.

i started having pain in the december and only actually found out it was my gallbladder in the july after having the hida scan. so i was racking my brains all them months and in pain touch wood i havent been so bad but i still get the occasion pains Xx
Im so confused, had another terrible attack, was near to calling an ambulance (in too much pain to make it to the car to go to A&E) but the severe pain only last 30mins and then went so went to docs. Was told to come off the Ranitidine as doesnt sound like indigestion, was told yet again that its not gallbladder related as my gallbladder wasnt inflammed... have been given Co-dydramol tablets, to take 4 times a day for 4 weeks, if the pain still comes back then Im to see the doc again in 4 weeks, im devestated, i dont know if i can bear that severe rib cage pain again. the doc also said, what do you want me to do? i said refer me to get an ultrasound scan, she said they dont scan the ribcage so i was at a loss and just accepted the tablets, what can i do, go to A&E the morning after my next attack?:cry: im seriously going to end up with depression at this rate. the doc said it sounds like a strain or musclular pain...

oh hun i really feel for you :hugs: do you get shoulder pain? and pain between your shoulders? i suffer with this too! (i dont have gallstones mind just a none working gallbladder) everytime the doc examined me he would press where my gallbladder was and it never hurt.if it was inflamed it would hurt yes when pressed yes! it doesnt have to be inflamed exactly when you go to the doctors. so it goes to show your doctor clearly hasnt got a clue. nect time you go back request another doctor and ask for a ultrasound on your gallbladder honestly how sarcastic is your doctor u should make a complaint! thats exactly where they scan you around your rib cage to check your liver,gallbladder.

he should of listened to you and sent you for one, i hope you get answers soon.

i started having pain in the december and only actually found out it was my gallbladder in the july after having the hida scan. so i was racking my brains all them months and in pain touch wood i havent been so bad but i still get the occasion pains Xx

yes! it starts lower front ribs and radiates round to the sides and between shoulder blades, feels like I need a good hard massaging there when its at its worse. when i asked about being referred for a scan, she said they dont do scans on the rib cage, who told you theyve had one? that shut me up as thats what i went there in to ask for as i cant live with this pain. thats it next time im going to A&E, do you think theyll give me a scan then? she pressed my gallbladder but i didnt feel any pain, although i do feel rather 'bruised' today after last nights attack but at least the severe pain only lasted 30mins this time rather than 1 hr! also was told it cant be gallbladder related as i have an attack about 6 hrs after eating my dinner, can i still have stones and have attacks at night only? i have had a mild one during the day, only lasted 5 mins tho. i dont feel that sick or throw up when having one either... :wacko:
Im so confused, had another terrible attack, was near to calling an ambulance (in too much pain to make it to the car to go to A&E) but the severe pain only last 30mins and then went so went to docs. Was told to come off the Ranitidine as doesnt sound like indigestion, was told yet again that its not gallbladder related as my gallbladder wasnt inflammed... have been given Co-dydramol tablets, to take 4 times a day for 4 weeks, if the pain still comes back then Im to see the doc again in 4 weeks, im devestated, i dont know if i can bear that severe rib cage pain again. the doc also said, what do you want me to do? i said refer me to get an ultrasound scan, she said they dont scan the ribcage so i was at a loss and just accepted the tablets, what can i do, go to A&E the morning after my next attack?:cry: im seriously going to end up with depression at this rate. the doc said it sounds like a strain or musclular pain...

oh hun i really feel for you :hugs: do you get shoulder pain? and pain between your shoulders? i suffer with this too! (i dont have gallstones mind just a none working gallbladder) everytime the doc examined me he would press where my gallbladder was and it never hurt.if it was inflamed it would hurt yes when pressed yes! it doesnt have to be inflamed exactly when you go to the doctors. so it goes to show your doctor clearly hasnt got a clue. nect time you go back request another doctor and ask for a ultrasound on your gallbladder honestly how sarcastic is your doctor u should make a complaint! thats exactly where they scan you around your rib cage to check your liver,gallbladder.

he should of listened to you and sent you for one, i hope you get answers soon.

i started having pain in the december and only actually found out it was my gallbladder in the july after having the hida scan. so i was racking my brains all them months and in pain touch wood i havent been so bad but i still get the occasion pains Xx

yes! it starts lower front ribs and radiates round to the sides and between shoulder blades, feels like I need a good hard massaging there when its at its worse. when i asked about being referred for a scan, she said they dont do scans on the rib cage, who told you theyve had one? that shut me up as thats what i went there in to ask for as i cant live with this pain. thats it next time im going to A&E, do you think theyll give me a scan then? she pressed my gallbladder but i didnt feel any pain, although i do feel rather 'bruised' today after last nights attack but at least the severe pain only lasted 30mins this time rather than 1 hr! also was told it cant be gallbladder related as i have an attack about 6 hrs after eating my dinner, can i still have stones and have attacks at night only? i have had a mild one during the day, only lasted 5 mins tho. i dont feel that sick or throw up when having one either... :wacko:

ive had an ultrasound to look for gallstones and thats where i was scanned on my lower righ rib cage thats where your liver is and your gallbladder sits just under your liver. they wont give u a scan in a&e neither i went the end of march because i was in terrible pain they done bloodwork etc found nothing wrong and sent me home with painkillers and told me to contact my gp, they did dose me up with co-codomol though so all i did was sleep and feel sick the next day! u can get pain during the day but my last attack lasted a week it was painful but just about bearable . they moslt happen at night though thats how i ended up in a&e at 3am the end of march after eating a kebab and up for 6 hours solid in pain i couldntbreathe in.stand straight,lye or even sit down the pain was horrendous i literally though my heart was going to explode! ive never felt or thrown up neither, but i get alot of indigestion.acid and shoulder and between shoulder pain pain like someone is sticking needles in my back

U May not have gallbladder problems, have u been tested for h.pylori yet? an infection that causes stomach ulcers?


i will write back to you in a bit. ccoking the tea Lol
thank you. ive felt quite sick and achey in my ribs all day, had a knot feeling in my upper abdominal for hours as well. ahh i was going to go A&E in the morning...do you think I should just try and stick it out for 4 more weeks on these painkillers and then go back docs, is that the only way for a scan a referral? i see you have pm'ed me, sorry i didnt twig that it was you at the time! thanks for your input it really does help!:thumbup:

nope i havent been tested for anything.

i gained an awful lot of weight during pregnancy and am losing it now, do you think that could contribute towards issues? then again i have had bad shoulder pain from pushing my LO back and forth in his pushchair and holding his bottle, like bottle elbow, so maybe there's a possibility of a strain...although my symptoms sound so similar to your and others with gallbladder issues.
thank you. ive felt quite sick and achey in my ribs all day, had a knot feeling in my upper abdominal for hours as well. ahh i was going to go A&E in the morning...do you think I should just try and stick it out for 4 more weeks on these painkillers and then go back docs, is that the only way for a scan a referral? i see you have pm'ed me, sorry i didnt twig that it was you at the time! thanks for your input it really does help!:thumbup:

nope i havent been tested for anything.

i gained an awful lot of weight during pregnancy and am losing it now, do you think that could contribute towards issues? then again i have had bad shoulder pain from pushing my LO back and forth in his pushchair and holding his bottle, like bottle elbow, so maybe there's a possibility of a strain...although my symptoms sound so similar to your and others with gallbladder issues.

yes a&e wont do nothing if they cant find anything wrong blood wise etc also if your not in pain i doubt they would see to you. its up to you honestly if u want to try the painkillers then wait to see if they work, i would wait to see, but if u get really bad pain then i would go to a&e maybe to the extent of cant hardly walk thats how bad i was the end of march and then stayed up 6 hours untill i finally went to a&e (hospital & doctor fobia lol) yea i think a scan will be only referred by a doctor although if u go to a&e and complain of chest pain they may do a chest x-ray? dont kno weather they can pick gallstones up on that?

i had my 1st gallbladder attack after having my 2nd child last december and i gained quite a bit of weight so yea i think that could be a reason, pregnancy can cause gallbladder issues try googling and find a bit of info?

test yourself one time have a bag of chips from the chips shop c how u feel after it,if u feel pain its probably likely to be your gallbladder!

tell your doc its after mainly fatty foods if it is, demand blood tests and an ultrasound!

good luck lemme know how u get on and feel free to message me if u have any questions :thumbup: Xx
my advice is keep going back everytime you have an attack or go to A&E, i didnt, i just trusted that i was refered and it would be sorted, i ended up waiting 9 months to be seen by a consultant who said come back when your not pregnant and then we will talk. grrrr ... a few weeks later i had the worse attacks, lasting several days, i had eneded up with pancreatitis from the gallstone and was admitted to hospital very ill.
my advice is keep going back everytime you have an attack or go to A&E, i didnt, i just trusted that i was refered and it would be sorted, i ended up waiting 9 months to be seen by a consultant who said come back when your not pregnant and then we will talk. grrrr ... a few weeks later i had the worse attacks, lasting several days, i had eneded up with pancreatitis from the gallstone and was admitted to hospital very ill.

mine lasted a week last time and then it eased XX

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