I had a small uterine rupture during pitocin, they kept increasing my pitocin because I wasn't dilating well after my water broke before labor started and since I was GBS+ they said things needed to move quickly.. I kept telling them it hurt so bad and the 3 epidurals they gave me didn't help, I had two epidurals in at one point, one in the normal place and one a bit higher which they told me they never do but to see if it would help.. I was in excruciating pain. literally the worst pain of my life, it took my breathe away, and I was having the urge to push because DD's head was stuck in the birth canal, and my body was instinctively pushing, finally they said something was wrong and rushed me into emcs, and I had to be put under general anesthesia because I could feel them cutting me and then they discovered the tear, which they said was in the place they would have cut my uterus so it was an easy fix but they said DD head was so lodged that between the contractions and me pushing it just ruptured me. So I will be going for an elective c-section this next time around!!! I definitely don't want to go through that again!!!!