Vaccination Fears


New mama to Lily-Grace
Oct 25, 2012
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Im not here to start some vaccine debate, im not that kind of person. Im just nervous about my own situation...

My sister and I both have severe reactions to immunizations. As kids, we both did. I would pass out/get dizzy and my sister has had 2 huge attacks. She stopped breathing and almost has seizures both times. Immunizations just don't sit well with us!

My baby is about to go in for her 2 month shots, and im beyond terrified. Ill be informing them of the family history, but im terrified that my baby will have the same reactions my sister and I do.

In Canada they want mothers to re-take their rubella,mumps,measles shots and get both parents to have the dTap. Ive refused politely. I am fully up to date in immunizations, and I don't feel I need them because of that. Its just my personal decision and its also because of my severe reactions.

Im so scared for my little girl, can someone reassure me she wont have a seizure like my sister and I?? :cry::cry:
I think it would be worth you calling up now to discuss it. So that you're fully informed what will happen if she does have reaction, and so that they can be prepared of the possibility x
:hugs: totally understand the worry! It's overwhelming enough taking them in for shots, let alone worrying about reaction.

I'm sorry but I don't think anyone, besides perhaps someone who personally evaluates your child, is going to be able to say for sure whether she will or won't have a reaction.

But before that makes you worry just assume it is the same as with any child getting a vaccine, being exposed to allergens, having a bee sting etc. Because you two had a reaction MAY indicate some sort of allergy, but it also may NOT. For example - I am very very allergic to bee stings, as in i need an epi-pen with me at all times. However neither of my parents are allergic to bees. DH is also severely allergic to bee stings - we have a daughter together - and guess who isn't allergic to them? Our daughter.

As LoraLoo suggested, just phone the pediatrician ahead of time and explain the situation. Make sure they hear you, and listen to you and are respectful of your concerns. I'm sure this is something that they are familiar with and that can be managed. :flower:

ETA: vaccinations and the 'ingredients' within them have changed quite a bit over the years. I imagine the shots you and your sister got won't be the same as what your daughter receives.
I also have reactions to vaccines. Not so serious as seizures but I get a lot of pain and my lymph nodes swell like crazy. This lasts for a week usually. I haven't had a vaccine in a while to test it but the last vaccine I had was bad. It was a flu shot but I also reacted to a tetanus shot when I had to get it to work at the Toronto Humane Society.

I live in Newfoundland now and when you get pregnant they test your immunity to mmr. I am not immune to rubella. The public heath nurse keeps trying to get me to get the vaccine. I was vaccinated for it as a child but before I was 1. I am scared to get it now. :(

All that being said my son didn't react at all to his shots other than a small red bump from one and a bit of pain with another. Tylenol took the pain away and he was perfect again after that.

I agree with discussing it with your doctor. I hope you are able to get some peace of mind.
Thank you ladies <3

I will be bringing it up with her doctor, but what really scares me is here in Alberta Canada they no longer do the shots at a doctors office or hospital. Its not even an option. Its all through the public health centers with only nurses on hand. If something happens, no doctor will be there to know what to do. When my sister and I were little (in Australia) we always had them done at doctors offices.

We would have to rely on calling 911. I want a doctor there just in case, but its not even possible to get this. :(
They're done by public health nurses here too. My sister is in Ontario and doctors do them there.

When my son got his we had to stay for 30 minutes after the vaccine and the nurse said they had benedryl on hand in case anything happened.
Could you talk to a doctor about it at an appointment even if it happens elsewhere? Or how about researching which vaccine is least likely to cause a reaction and start with that one. With your history, I certainly wouldn't do more than one at a time.

Could you also delay immunizations?
What are your thoughts on waiting? So if there is a reaction your LO would be a little older and maybe able to handle it better? It's such a hard decision. I hope everything goes well no matter what you decide!
I've always had a huge drop in blood pressure immediately after immunizations/getting blood taken. When I was little I passed out every single time. To be honest I never even considered it to be a severe vaccine reaction and it didn't deter me at all when it came to getting my LO vaccinated.

I would seriously consider getting the dTap vaccine for yourself, even if you're up to date it's probably been long enough since your last dose that another dose is completely worth it. Whooping cough is terrifying and as much as I absolutely despise needles and the reaction that I have to them, it was a no brainer.
too_scared - no way! I used to live in Ontario before moving here for DH work. Damn, I wish I could go there and get them done!! My mum/sister live there still.

I don't know how I feel about delaying them. Society scares me into thinking she'll get Polio or something if I don't get them ASAP. I do like the idea of starting with just one though... although if she reacts to it ill probably never manage to go back out of fear for the rest!!

As far as the whooping cough vaccine - I had my mum check my records for me as she has them all and ive been vaccinated SIX times for whooping cough. I have no idea how or if that's actually normal, but I honestly feel like that's enough times. I'll re-do my research though, and if its honestly that badly needed ill consider getting it yet again.

I so badly want a doctor on site for this. Im not saying anything bad about public health nurses but id feel more comfortable with someone more trained in severe reactions if god forbid it happens. :(
I don't know if it is because of where my sister lives in Ontario. Maybe a phn does it most places and just her town does it that way.

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