Vaginal Birth or C-Section


Almost Done!!!!!!!
Mar 15, 2008
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We have reached a day in age when you can choose how you deliver your child. I've had two vaginal births and they both left me miserable for weeks. Now I am pregnant with my third and I'm curious to know what it's like to have a c-section.

What are your views and preferences?
I say vaginal. The recovery for c-section is so much longer & has so much more potential for complications. But it really is an individual choice.
I say vaginal. The recovery for c-section is so much longer & has so much more potential for complications. But it really is an individual choice.

Agreed. Your body is made for vaginal, not for c-section. But it is the individuals choice entirely.
Hmm what exactly did you find horrible about the vaginal births hun? As far as I know they have a much shorter recivery period and minimal scaring unlike c-sections.

It's up to you depending on what you feel most comfortable with though.
Hmm what exactly did you find horrible about the vaginal births hun? As far as I know they have a much shorter recivery period and minimal scaring unlike c-sections.

It's up to you depending on what you feel most comfortable with though.

Well, I'll try to keep this short. My first child was born when I was 17. I was a petite child my self only weighing 104lbs when I got pregnant. My family has a history of large children and my first child weighed in at 8lbs 8.5oz. My episiotomy was not large enough and I tore. I had approximately 1/4" from tearing completely from vagina to rectum. Needless to say that caused recovery to be a little more painful. I couldn't even walk until the second day after I had him, and I like to think I have a high pain tolerance.

My second child was born a week early at 7lbs 4oz and the doctor did an episiotomy as well. The only problem was this time it was a little too much. I had a large wound that was not properly stitched. So the healing didn't go that great with this one either. Then to top it off, one of the stitches didn't disolve and caused an infection with massive inflamation. I had to let her dig around in my swelled nether regions to find a little bitty peice of blue stitching.

So, I just can't imagine a c-section being that much worse. I just figure peeing, bowel movements, walking, sitting, etc. will be much more comfortable without my hoo-ha being violated any more. But, I have no experience with a c-section so that's why I was wondering.
Honestly I have had a C-Section, and the recovery is no fun... especially while trying to care for a new born. If I had the choice with this birth I would go natural, but I have the c-section scar and have other scars on my uterus from an ectopic, that needed emergency removal... So for me the risks are too much to do a natural, as the scars might not hold up during labour. All the best to you in whatever you choose :hugs:
I'm all for vaginal, I've seen the recovery from a c-section something you want to avoid if you can. If there's no medical reason for a c-section then a doctor shouldn't bring it up.
Vaginal. The recovery for a c-section seems awful. + I don't fancy having a scar down there!
You might want to think about not having an episiotomy. I'm actually quite surprised that you had 2 that recently. Most doctors don't do them anymore. Every dr. I've talked to say that it is much worse than tearing you would get.
I would say vaginal. C section is major surgery, I've had 3!!!! Here in UK not given a choice of c section unless medical reasons support it. :hi:
I did not have an episiotomy and tore naturally, got stitched and within a week the soreness had faded. A C-Section is major abdominal surgery and you'll be looking at a recovery period which is MUCH longer. Perhaps you can discuss it with your doc though. I have heard of many women opting for sections so if you truly want it they should allow it.
I've asked friends and one who had a V birth and a C section said she'd choose a C section everytime. Another friend has only had a C section and she recovered quick. The scar is hidden low down and in your pubic hair even.

I think these days they dont cut right through the abdominal msucles but cut a small holke then pull the muscle fibres apart - like peaking through a hedge! I geuss this makes recovery much quicker. My friend was up and about the next day and home in 5 days and able to walk around no problem. But that was just her experience, I'm sure there are plenty of other bad ones!

Maybe it depends on teh skill of the surgeon, in fact I'm sure it often does.
I would say vaginal, although my friend has had 2 c-sections and a vaginal delivery and she would go for c-sections everytime.

Suppose its everyones personal choice but it must be hard especially if youve already got little ones at home!!
For me, vaginal Everytime!

Im so scared of having a C-Section.. Im scared of the weeks of pain after.. Im scared of not being able to move around and look after my baby once we're home.. Im scared of having my belly literally cut open.. I would NEVER choose that..

The way I see it is, my body was actually designed to make, grow and deliver a baby.. So I'll let it do what it was made to do..

My mum had a vaginal birth with me and 2 c-sections with my brothers and in her words "I'd rather have 10 vaginal births than 1 c-section"

I couldn't care less how other women choose to have there babies.. That doesn't matter to me at all..
Louisa K - I think teh techniques have changed since our aprents time adn that it's a lot quicker recovery these days?

Anyway, my main worry abouta C is breastfeeding...I hear you CAN have a C section and breast feed but it's tougher. You need to make sure you get your baby feeding ASAP - If I go for a C I'll demand my baby is put on my chest right away for a little suckle!!
I don't know why, but I have a horrible feeling I'll end up having a C section, so I do hope things have moved on and improved, Im sure they have as it was a while ago that my mum had us...

My sister in law had a C-Section and was up walking around the next day - warrior!
My sister in law had a C-Section and was up walking around the next day - warrior!

yes I've heard lots of similar stories.
I think things are stretched rather than cut these days. It's still a big deal but we're not as cut as before.
I had an emergency section last time, 6 years ago, and Im in a bit of a quandry about this also. Ive been told to try to for vaginal birth this time, which is fine, just scared about it ending up like last time! The C-section itself was fine, yukky feeling, but ok, was up and about the next day, at a very slow pace mind you! But I did end up with a pretty bad infection which meant a week in hospital afterwards, just bad luck I suppose.

Having been through the recovery process for a C-section, and having spoken to friends who had vaginal births however, I would say, unless there is a specific medical reason for needing one, dont have a section.

EDIT: and about the cut, my scar is pretty small, you are stretched a fair bit to get the baby out (mine was 9 pounds 11) but the scar itself isnt huge.
I read about your problem with tearing tinytoes, have you been given the option of having a c-section?

Do you know what your going to go for yet?
I read about your problem with tearing tinytoes, have you been given the option of having a c-section?

Do you know what your going to go for yet?

my doc said I could go for either. And that we should wait to discuss it as there are so many factors that can affect birth anyway - big baby, high blood pressure etc.
I am veering more towards a c section though to be honest. I'm terrified about the breast feeding being an issue but I'm not too worried about a longer recovery time - I think a couple of weeks of not dashing about might do me good! And DB is always there for baby too. I think I'd take a while to recover from a V birth anyway and I think I'd rather keep a neat surgical cut clean than a messy tear. Plus - I'm terrified of the pain of labour, especially with my ripping issues...sounds horrendous! It's hard to know what to choose when we've not experienced it before or when I'm not 100% how severe my ripping will be.
I alsoread that with an epidural our risk of foreceps being used goes up 3 or 4 times...that terrifies me. I can cut from riding a bike...forceps could be like blades to me!...
But then it might be all OK...who knows....
But I kow there are lots who would choose things the other way.
I'll see - the jury is still out, but I'm certainly not ruling out anything!!

I read once that birth is like a wedding. you spend ages planning and thinking things through and painstakingly choosing everything, then it's over ina flash and what matters wasnt the wedding - it's the marriage. So I guess birth is the same - when it comes down to it birth isnt a big issue - it's a way to get on with the serious business of bringing up a baby.

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