Vague letter from Drs saying he needs to see me


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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So, Im 37 weeks, and I've had low iron all through this pregnancy. Last week my midwife took a blood sample from me to check my iron as I am due to have a home birth and it has to be above a certain number for me to go ahead and have baby at home.

Last time she tested me (30 weeks I think) my iron was low and I just got a letter from the doctors saying there was a presciption for iron, waiting for me at the pharmacy, and I had to pick it up. But today I've had a letter saying they have had my results back and a doctor would like to discuss them with me - but why? My midwife is coming this week to drop my homebirth pack off, so surely if my levels were too low, it is HER job to discuss them with me? I never, ever see a doctor.
Im pretty convinced my iron ISNT too low at this stage as well, because I have been having 4 sachets of Spatone (iron substitute) a day, rathern than the recommended two. My MW also said that this blood test was for my iron, and nothing else, so its not like they can have picked something else up in the test? Im having a bit of a panic now :(

Anyone have any clues?
It's probably just a standard letter sent out by mistake, I'd ring to make sure and explain but they probably just made an error x
When my iron went really low after birth my midwife organised the blood test but it was my doctor who contacted me to sort them out and decide what to do.

Maybe because you are close to giving birth and your iron might go down due to blood loss they are concerned about your levels now? Maybe they want to boost them up with an iron transfusion or something. Do you know what number your iron levels are?
Well I've been to see the doctor. My iron has dropped from 10 to 9.3. It's waaaay too low for a homebirth. He's given me a massive bottle of liquid iron to try and I've got to have it 6 times a day. He said its unlikely my iron will rise enough in the next couple of weeks and I've got to try and pursuance my MW for another blood test. So now I'm hoping the baby doesn't come early!
my iron is also at 9'3 and iv feeling very ill:( if it dosnt rise they will give u a transfusion, i had to have 3 with ma first
as it was in the 8s:/ im also hoping baby dosnt come early:(
Hey I also have low iron and am planning a home birth....

My mw spoke about two different options, iron injections or an iron infusion. Both are ways to get your levels up quickly, they should be way more effective than taking oral iron.

I am planning an infusion, which means most of the day in a hospital, but as the iron goes right into your bloodstream it boosts the levels immediately. I was going to need 12 iron injections in the next few weeks so thought the infusion would be better!

Maybe it's worth discussing these other options with your mw? Good luck, I know how frustrating the iron issue is!
Thanks, I spoke to her yesterday and asked about the infusion, but she said it needs to be in the 8's for that to happen. The plan now is that I see her on Friday, when she will take some more blood and she will also give me my homebirth box. Then, (because we're cutting it fine and two of my babies were born a week early) I need to ring up the hosp on Monday and get my blood results, when I'll be 38+5 :shock: She said if its over 10.3, she'll be happy with that.
I know they can't stop you having a homebirth, and she said that to me, but I don't want to do it just for 'doing it' sake. If my MW isn't comfortable with it, I don't want to do it. I trust her, and get on very well with her.
Soo, just a waiting game now!
Good luck! Guess things are different in different places - here I think they do infusions if you are under 10. Hope that your next results are good and you can go ahead with the home birth.
My iron levels have been on the low side of normal but iv been anaemic through low folate and low b12 so am now on 5mg folic acid and b12 hoping things stay ok for birth etc, hope all uladies are well xxxx

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