I'm also southanptob. Which hospital are you going to? I had a vbac last month at princess Anne. For me it was a very positive experience. Went into labour myself and went from 4-10cm in 2 hours! Pushed for one hour. Only used gas and air. Did have mild shoulder dystocia but they got him free very quickly and he was fine. He was big 9lb 3iz and I'm only tiny. I feel so complete now ive pushed my baby out. Don't regret it for a second. Did have a tear and stitches but the recovery was so much easier than my emcs.
For me there was never even a question of whether I would go for vbac.... I knew I would forever regret not trying. It's such a personal choice though and no right or wrong. Good luck
I'm going to winchester hospital. I sooo want to have a VBAC but I'm petrified of a general Spoke to my midwife about it and she said its like 1% chance of a general. So this has helped me a little