Very worried 38 with low amh....

Vitex, DHEA and Vit E is what I'd recommend and SOFTCUPS!!!
DHEA is from, McPherson Labs is where the Center for Human Reproduction gets their DHEA and they ship worldwide.

I've tried for 15 months, the last 4 using softcups, I keep saying it over and over, those last 4 times had 2 Bfp's while using softcups. I truly believe they work.

I believe in acupuncture but not in chinese medicine. My best friend uses chinese energy hot cold yin yang with the food she eats, and she's a nutritionist but after I wound up in the ER from taking black cohosh I'll never take chinese herbs again. They aren't standardized, they are all contraindicated with fertility and I've never been so close to having liver damage-it's simply not worth the risk. The whole concept behind their herbs is to clear the stagnant blood from around the liver. You'd do much better at drinking lOTS of water while doing something that makes you sweat and maybe some yoga cool down. Much more effective anyday!

What on earth are softcups remember I live in australia.????
How dangerous is DHEA what re the side effects?
Vitex, DHEA and Vit E is what I'd recommend and SOFTCUPS!!!
DHEA is from, McPherson Labs is where the Center for Human Reproduction gets their DHEA and they ship worldwide.

I've tried for 15 months, the last 4 using softcups, I keep saying it over and over, those last 4 times had 2 Bfp's while using softcups. I truly believe they work.

I believe in acupuncture but not in chinese medicine. My best friend uses chinese energy hot cold yin yang with the food she eats, and she's a nutritionist but after I wound up in the ER from taking black cohosh I'll never take chinese herbs again. They aren't standardized, they are all contraindicated with fertility and I've never been so close to having liver damage-it's simply not worth the risk. The whole concept behind their herbs is to clear the stagnant blood from around the liver. You'd do much better at drinking LOTS of water while doing something that makes you sweat and maybe some yoga cool down. Much more effective anyday!

What on earth are softcups remember I live in australia.????
How dangerous is DHEA what re the side effects?
I went to my GP and had my DHEAS panel tested. I was low so I'm taking a small dose and haven't had any side effects other than really great sleeps! I no longer need to take melatonin. The bad side effects I've heard seem to be skin acne and maybe it's women on this site who are too young and don't need to take it. You know when you really want a baby and it's legal in the USA, I don't blame a girl for trying everything.
Not sure if they sell them in Aussie but a diaphragm might work the same. You bd and then slip it in and it holds the :spermy: up close where it should be. Then take it out in the morning. Here are the b&B threads about them:
Vitex, DHEA and Vit E is what I'd recommend and SOFTCUPS!!!
DHEA is from, McPherson Labs is where the Center for Human Reproduction gets their DHEA and they ship worldwide.

I've tried for 15 months, the last 4 using softcups, I keep saying it over and over, those last 4 times had 2 Bfp's while using softcups. I truly believe they work.

I believe in acupuncture but not in chinese medicine. My best friend uses chinese energy hot cold yin yang with the food she eats, and she's a nutritionist but after I wound up in the ER from taking black cohosh I'll never take chinese herbs again. They aren't standardized, they are all contraindicated with fertility and I've never been so close to having liver damage-it's simply not worth the risk. The whole concept behind their herbs is to clear the stagnant blood from around the liver. You'd do much better at drinking LOTS of water while doing something that makes you sweat and maybe some yoga cool down. Much more effective anyday!

What on earth are softcups remember I live in australia.????
How dangerous is DHEA what re the side effects?
I went to my GP and had my DHEAS panel tested. I was low so I'm taking a small dose and haven't had any side effects other than really great sleeps! I no longer need to take melatonin. The bad side effects I've heard seem to be skin acne and maybe it's women on this site who are too young and don't need to take it. You know when you really want a baby and it's legal in the USA, I don't blame a girl for trying everything.
Not sure if they sell them in Aussie but a diaphragm might work the same. You bd and then slip it in and it holds the :spermy: up close where it should be. Then take it out in the morning. Here are the b&B threads about them:

Don't think i will do DHEA I have had too much acne in my life its too traumatic ... wow I ha dno idea bout softcups... seems like I nee dthat I have always though about that..but thought theres nothing liek that in australia...
The DHEA cleared up my skin. I've taken accutane twice now and think it may have contributed to my premature ovarian diminished reserves. There are successful class action lawsuits on everything else on that drug except for infertility. It's a hard one to prove.
Maybe do a thread pointed to the aussie girls, I'm sure they've got softcups somehow, maybe ebay?
The DHEA cleared up my skin. I've taken accutane twice now and think it may have contributed to my premature ovarian diminished reserves. There are successful class action lawsuits on everything else on that drug except for infertility. It's a hard one to prove.
Maybe do a thread pointed to the aussie girls, I'm sure they've got softcups somehow, maybe ebay?

are you saying it cleared the acne?
Yes, since I figured out that I have estrogen dominance, Ive been on DHEA and progesterone cd21-28 and my skin cleared up. Can't say its exactly one thing or another but I feel better at AF and my skin doesn't break out anymore (unless I get was wickedly bad!)
Yes, since I figured out that I have estrogen dominance, Ive been on DHEA and progesterone cd21-28 and my skin cleared up. Can't say its exactly one thing or another but I feel better at AF and my skin doesn't break out anymore (unless I get was wickedly bad!)

How much DHEA? I noticed this week my skin has gone nuts and thats right after ovulation .Well I assume ovulation... The FS thinks i am ovulating anyway.. so i gues sthats a plus... it could be worse...but I don't feel comfortable having to do IVF its just too stressful do I wnat to do that to myself..I have looked into some acupuncture and want to go... and do it...if I do go to IVF I will need the acupuncture...thats what i believe...
@ tessjs...have you gotten a second opinion? I have low AMH, high FSH, and low egg count and my FS gave me the options of trying naturally, Clomid/injectibles with or without IUI or IVF. We haven't decided yet, so I am taking herbs, trying to make my own miracle happen. It might be worth a second opinion, just to confirm your options.
I think it depends on how badly you want to get pregnant too. I'm happy to have a bit of facial acne (it's gone now but surely will return when I get preggers as it upsets my hormone balance) and I'm happy to be blown up like a big balloon if I get hyperstimulated during IVF (a reaction that sometimes happens and is unavoidable), I'm happy to have the pain of IVF, go into debt for IVF and will do anything and everything before then to get preggers again naturally. I can't picture the last 60 years of my life without a family, if I loose my OH one day, not having any family around me would kill me. Short term pain for long term gain. I'm going to be a momma & a grandma one day, children are the smile jerking, innocent, beautiful life of this world.
@ tessjs...have you gotten a second opinion? I have low AMH, high FSH, and low egg count and my FS gave me the options of trying naturally, Clomid/injectibles with or without IUI or IVF. We haven't decided yet, so I am taking herbs, trying to make my own miracle happen. It might be worth a second opinion, just to confirm your options.

No not yet... there wa sno mention of clomid or injectables..he said no point in IUI i think... just flat out straight to IVF...... why not even clomid? is it because of low ovarian reserve?

I feel the same as 2have4kids..i need to have a family... i think I have to do whatever it takes and make it happen....... if i have to IVF we have to do it... I can't get through the next 40 to 50 years without a family...
I understand! I have always wanted to be a mother and have a big family. While big isn't going to happen, I just don't feel complete. While I am thankful for my son and feel horribly guilty that I still want more, I just can't stop trying. I want a sibling for him!

I still think you should get a second opinion. While IVF will give you the best odds, I wouldn't think it's your only option. I don't like it when docs jump to the most expensive treatments unless they have a good reason.

We can do Clomid, but I opted to try the herbal route for now. Licorice Root does the same thing as Clomid, so that's what I have been doing, along with other herbs/vitamins. Doc said that with Clomid (assuming it makes my body act my age) I would have a 15% chance of conceiving naturally or with Clomid. If I did Clomid and IUI, it would increase to 20-25% I believe. IVF is the best chance, but who can afford that? Of course I will find a way if that's what it comes to, but for now I like feeling like I have some control over things, so I'm sticking with the herbs. I know I can get pregnant, it's just staying pregnant that seems to be troublesome.
I understand! I have always wanted to be a mother and have a big family. While big isn't going to happen, I just don't feel complete. While I am thankful for my son and feel horribly guilty that I still want more, I just can't stop trying. I want a sibling for him!

I still think you should get a second opinion. While IVF will give you the best odds, I wouldn't think it's your only option. I don't like it when docs jump to the most expensive treatments unless they have a good reason.

We can do Clomid, but I opted to try the herbal route for now. Licorice Root does the same thing as Clomid, so that's what I have been doing, along with other herbs/vitamins. Doc said that with Clomid (assuming it makes my body act my age) I would have a 15% chance of conceiving naturally or with Clomid. If I did Clomid and IUI, it would increase to 20-25% I believe. IVF is the best chance, but who can afford that? Of course I will find a way if that's what it comes to, but for now I like feeling like I have some control over things, so I'm sticking with the herbs. I know I can get pregnant, it's just staying pregnant that seems to be troublesome.

My concern is that I have low AMH and doesn;t clomid reduce it further????If it doesn;t I would like to.. but the FS didn't even once mention it...I feel my second opinion will be natural IVF - acupuncture,herbs etc,can;t do that till jan 17..I don;t care if i just have one my sister had IVF at 40 (other reasons she had heaps of eggs) and had a little sweet girl.if I can give her a cousin to grow uo with who is related I will be very happy....At least you do know you can get preggers I don't even know I can....:(
My FS said Clomid doesn't reduce your egg quantity further. He said each month you have a group of eggs that will mature and all Clomid does is help those eggs get more mature/better quality. If you want to go natural instead of Clomid you can try Licorice Root, Soy and I think there is another that mimics Clomid. Has your OH been tested? Keep your chin up...most important thing is to remain positive, which I know can be so difficult at times! I'll be here cheering you on!
My FS said Clomid doesn't reduce your egg quantity further. He said each month you have a group of eggs that will mature and all Clomid does is help those eggs get more mature/better quality. If you want to go natural instead of Clomid you can try Licorice Root, Soy and I think there is another that mimics Clomid. Has your OH been tested? Keep your chin up...most important thing is to remain positive, which I know can be so difficult at times! I'll be here cheering you on!

So why can't they try me on clomid? it wasn't even mentioned.. thats what makes me think he thinks hubby is the real issue.(hubby had chemo at 14) he was tested and he should of been <4 but was 2... mpol...

what do you think? besides me and my terrible low ovarian reserve maybe its hubby hes(FS) is concerned truly about....Or maybe a combo I guess:(
It might be a combo thing, but I would think he would have at least explained why Clomid and IUI weren't options. It's his job to educate you on why he's recommending the treatment he did. If your doc has a nurse line, maybe call into them so you can discuss your questions with the nurse. If you aren't ready to do IVF, maybe look into an herbal regimen. Also, I recently learned that if DH takes Folic Acid is supposed to help with sperm quality/count. I'm not 100% sure this is true, but what can it hurt and Folic Acid is cheap.
It might be a combo thing, but I would think he would have at least explained why Clomid and IUI weren't options. It's his job to educate you on why he's recommending the treatment he did. If your doc has a nurse line, maybe call into them so you can discuss your questions with the nurse. If you aren't ready to do IVF, maybe look into an herbal regimen. Also, I recently learned that if DH takes Folic Acid is supposed to help with sperm quality/count. I'm not 100% sure this is true, but what can it hurt and Folic Acid is cheap.

It was crazy he just said IVF flat out;( I was very proactive earlier this year..Hubby has been on folic since july and same with me... do you think it would even work? I mean the results may have improved it and may not have:(
its not like I haven;t been trying to improve things I have...:(
I just feel so in the dark:(
I'm not sure if the Folic Acid works, but it can't hurt. I still think you should call your doc to get an explaination as to why he jumped straight to IVF. You should know your options and the reasons why he is recommending for IVF and against other treatment options.

I didn't mean to imply I didn't think you were trying to improve things...I'm sorry if anything I said came across the wrong way. I know what it's like to be in your shoes and it stinks!

What methods are you guys doing now? Are you using OPKs and vitamins or herbs? I just read yesterday about this method called SMEP. Have you heard of it? It's basically where you start BDing every other night from CD8. Start OPK on CD10 and when OPK is positive you BD every night for 3 nights, then skip the 4th night and then one more time on night 5. The article said a lot of women have success with this method. I might try it next cycle. I figure it can't hurt anything so why not, right?
@ tessjs...have you gotten a second opinion? I have low AMH, high FSH, and low egg count and my FS gave me the options of trying naturally, Clomid/injectibles with or without IUI or IVF. We haven't decided yet, so I am taking herbs, trying to make my own miracle happen. It might be worth a second opinion, just to confirm your options.

No not yet... there wa sno mention of clomid or injectables..he said no point in IUI i think... just flat out straight to IVF...... why not even clomid? is it because of low ovarian reserve?

I feel the same as 2have4kids..i need to have a family... i think I have to do whatever it takes and make it happen....... if i have to IVF we have to do it... I can't get through the next 40 to 50 years without a family...
Folic acid is actually one of the few things proven to work. Zinc, CoQ10 and betacarotenes are some others that are recommended but folic and macca root have lots of studies backing their efficacy.
Tess I'm 11/40 with my first and an amh of 3.1. You shouldn't have clomid it stimulates menopause in low amh with less success than Ivf. You can't waste eggs. You need Ivf. Coenzyme q10, bio balance for acid, charting using fertility friend and timed ovulation, epo till ovulation and then robitussin and grapefruit juice increases Ewcm. We used soft cups for two months not successful, better to shag at midnight and not get up.
Hi. My fertility specialist was very clear that clomid does not induce menopause. It stimulates ovulation, improves egg quality and helps eggs to mature fully. It does not cause you to produce more antral follicles each month, so you are not 'getting through' your eggs any faster than you would be normally. Just FYI, I have an AMH of 1.9 on the UK scale, and actually overstimulated on my first month on clomid, maturing 4 out of 5 antrals!! It was a big surprise to all concerned and my Dr actually told me not to BD as the risk of triplets/quads was too high! I imagine your Doc is suggesting that you go straight to IVF due to the combination of factors you have - but it's good news that he thinks IVF itself is worth a shot. We were going to go to IVF but my response to clomid was so positive he now thinks we should stick with that for a few months. Best of luck.

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