Wait~And~See's Detailed Birth Story


Please stick little bean
Jul 7, 2009
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I apologise in advance if this is a massively long post
I suppose i should start with my pregnancy: I had quite a good pregnancy with not much morning sickness, and was able to work right up until 40 weeks My partner was absolutely amazing during the whole pregnancy, never missing a single appointment. We found out we were having a little boy at our 20 week ultrasound, and we were both so so proud and excited.
My due date came and went (30th May) with no signs of labour. I had a horrible feeling in my gut that i would have to be induced, and was absolutely dreading this. It was literally my worst nightmare..
On Wednesday June the 2nd i woke up with pains in my tummy. I had never had braxton hicks contractions, and figured that this might be what they were. I tried to go back to sleep after taking a couple of panadol.
I continued getting these pains every 10 minutes (i was timing them on my mobile phone at this point). At 6am i decided that this could be the real thing, and woke up my OH.
I went and had a hot shower while he went about packing our hospital bags (unprepared, i know). The pains slightly eased off while i was in the shower, but returned with vengence once i hopped out.
I jumped back into bed with the OH and we lay talking about what was happening and how we were feeling, knowing very well this could be our last day alone together.
Pretty soon the pains had become to much to lay and breathe through. By this time it would have been around 10am. OH went down to the supermarket to get some munchies and drinks. While i sat on the couch timing my contractions. By this point i was pacing up and down the hallway through contractions to try and take my mind off of the pain.
OH got home, and we sat together on the couch, trying to watch tv as a distraction, between me jumping up and walking up and down the hallway during each contraction. It must have looked quite funny actually.
By 3pm my contractions were 5 minutes apart and lasting around 1 minute 30 seconds.
The pain was becoming too much, and curiosity was getting the better of me.
I wanted to know if i was progressing or not, and if i wasnt i knew i could not keep up for much longer..
We arrived at the hospital at around 4pm and were put in an examination room with a very nice midwife.
I was given the option of an internal, and jumped at it
I was 4cm dialted at this stage, so was given the option of staying in and being admitted or going home for a while longer. I chose to stay in and be admitted.
I was given a birthing ball to bounce on, and me and my partner sat in the examination room for about an hour. The birthing ball was just annoying, so i continuosly paced up and down the tiny room.
The midwives changed shifts around this time, and i was asked if i wanted to jump in the big bath, i eagerly said yes and the midwife went to fill it up for me.
My partner headed to the car to grab our bags. Meanwhile i am still pacing up and down the room.
At this time i was unable to talk through contractions, but my partner was a wonderful support, offering me drinks through contractions, and stroking my back between them.
The midwife came and told us that the bath was almost full and took us to the room. She had dimmed the lights down really low and lit some aromatherapy burners. The atmosphere was great. By this time i had had a bloody show, and the contractions had really stepped up.
I jumped in the bath, and lay down with my partner sitting beside my head encouraging me the whole time. I am not sure how long i stayed in there contracting, but after a while i remember starting to cry, and saying that i couldnt cope, and i couldnt do it anymore. By this time i was in so much pain it wasnt funny. I was panicking during contractions and tensing up.
I started crying and hyperventilating.
My partner started crying at this point, he later told me that he had never felt so helpless in his entire life, seeing me in such pain and being unable to do anything but be by my side.
He was amazing the whole time though, wetting face washers and wiping down my face and the back of my neck.. that felt amazing.
The midwife did a great job also in getting me to focus and concentrate on my breathing. I was offered gas and air, and tried it through 1 contraction and threw it away, god knows why i didnt give it a better shot, i was wanting to use the gas and air during labour throughout my whole pregnancy
At around 7pm my midwife asked me if i was ready to get out of the bath and move to a birthing room. I reluctantly got out of the bath, with the help of my OH ( i was shattered, he pretty much had to carry me to the birthing room), where i was again examined and found to be 8-9cm, with a lip of cervix that seemed stuck.
By between 8pm and 9pm i was 9cm, but still with a lip of cervix that was not moving. Somewhere around 9pm i was ready to start pushing..
I was on my hands and knees leaning on the front of the bed, pushing with each contraction, my loving partner encouraging me the whole way.
I was crying and started to doubt myself, screaming that i couldnt do this anymore, and asking the midwife for an epidural or a cesarian
Again, my partner and midwives were my saviours.
I was pushing for about an hour, and nothing seemed to be happening, so i was asked to stand up and sway my hips around during contractions to help bubs move down the birth canal. After doing this for what seemed like forever, i was exhausted.
I was helped back on to the bed, but didnt have the strength or energy to hold myself up for long, so i was layed on my back with my feet in the stirrups ( a position i never wanted to give birth in). Again, was pushing with contractions, when i was examined again.
She could see his head! My partner asked for permission to watch while he came out, and at this point in time i couldnt have cared less.
Before too long his head was coming out, i have never felt such pressure in my entire life. And the burning sensation...ouch!
I thought we were close by this time, but again and again his little head came out a bit and slid straight back in.
After about an hour of this, i was really struggling. I was screaming the ward down during contractions and asleep between them.
LO's heartrate was being monitored during and after contractions, and had started to go down during contractions, and was taking a little while to recover again after them.
I was told that the midwives were going to get the doctor to do a cut and vaccuum extraction. This scared the hell out of me, and i begged them to give me a few more tries.
They said they would give me another 10 minutes or so, but time was running out. We needed to get baby out as soon as possible.
With my partners encouragement i pushed harder than i have ever pushed before, 2 contractions later his little head was born, closely followed by his body. My partner watched it all happen, and by the time he was placed on my tummy we were both crying our eyes out.
I couldnt believe we had done it, that i had given birth.
His cord was so short that he wasnt able to be placed on my chest, but my OH got to cut it, and then LO was straight on my chest. What an amazing feeling.
I was given the injection to hurry along my placenta, and that came out with a few little tugs around 30 seconds later.
We were left to our own devices in the birthing room for a few hours while we admired and doted on our little man
I was checked over, and only suffered 1 slight graze to my labia (Geez that stung when i wee'd!!)
We were moved into a shared room at about 1 oclock, to enjoy some well desrved family time
Little Brodie was born at 11:14pm weighing 6 pound 11 ounces..

He latched on immediately and we are going extremely well with our breastfeeding.
I was able to leave hospital 12 hours after giving birth, and it was such a relief to get home and have a nice shower and jump into my own bed.
I love my little family xoxo
Awww that was a lovely story, it even brought some tears to my eyes!!!!! Congratulations...you did really well! Any piccies of the little guy? xxx
it really is a lovely story sweetheart congratulations on your little bundle thanks for sharing x
Wow, congratulations on your little fella!!, great story, really bought back the memories, you described it all to a t!x
Congrats, beautiful story and well done you for doing so well! xx
What a lovely birth story! It brought a tear to my eye too, I remember crying and panicking with my first, exactly the way you described, but you did so well!

Many congratulations :)

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