Waiting for bubs - 28 weeks


Mum to a 29 weeker
Jun 26, 2010
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Well, I'm in hospital, and waiting for membranes to rupture. They have stopped contractions but still fully dilated with
Membranes bulging so only a matter of time. Contractions started about 2.30 yest pm and by 6 I was in hosp. Contractions were 4 in 10 mins til about 2-3am when they started to ease and bow I'm finally pretty much contraction free! But on hospital bed rest in birthing suite til he arrives in minutes to 2 weeks they think.

I've had a hematoma which they think is what's caused it.

I'll update as I know slightly more
This caught my eye as whilst I'm not in labour, I'm 28 weeks today so can relate to you in that respect...

Hoping baby stays put for as long as possible, and that you are managing as well as can be expected...

Take good care. :hugs:
Hope you manage to keep bubs inside for as long as possible. x
Hi hun, WOW can I relate to this!! It's the mad half hour in our house before bedtime, so I'll be back in a bit with my experience xx
Phew! Right, as I said I can REALLY relate to what you're saying, this time last year I was in hospital awaiting the arrival of my LO. I had SCH's too which caused bleeding throughout and an irritable uterus. At almost 26 weeks the SCH above my cervix caused my membranes to rupture, and at 28+3 my LO arrived.
At 26 weeks when it all happened, things weren't looking too good, but at that time they kept telling me every day counted, then when I reached 27 weeks they told me my target was 28 weeks, as by then baby is in a MUCH better position (development/size etc) to be born safely. I had 2 lots of steriods to help his lungs.
They did tell me initially that he would probably be born within 24 hours, luckily he did stay put.
He was born weighing 2lb 11.5oz, was only ventilated for a day, and CPAP on and off for a week. He spent 2 months in neonatal and came home a month before his due date (although they always tell you to expect them home around their due date)
Good luck with everything, feel free to ask any questions you like, the ladies on here are SO supportive.. if you'd like to see pics of my 28 weeker, you can find on me FB here.. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=522966430
Oh ! I hope u buuba sticks a little longer...

I stayed at the hospital for 3 weeks before my little lady arrived !
Was hard but I don't regret it, 3 weeks made a HUGE difference ... like I said before, a 28 weeker is completely different than a 32 and a 32 is completely differente than a 36 !

Keep us updated, if he arrives, we will be here for you hunn !

good luck
I hope your little one stays in as long as possible, I had my son at 28 weeks he was 2lb13oz in scbu for around 10 weeks but he's now a cheeky 7 year old and perfectly healthy, good luck :hugs:
Thanks so much everyone. I'm having a scan this morning to check, but we'll have to wait and see.

But I've had 24 hours since last and final (unless I hold off for 10 days) steroid so that's brilliant. Every day is a bonus.

And thanks pink.crazy. Nice to meet others in very similar situation. Thank fully I have friends/fam with experience as hubby's brother was a 28 weeker as was my best friends boy. Helps for sure!

It's definitely a new journey, that's for sure!
Thank everyone.

The scan went well, and he's mesasurin a week ahead at3lb which is great news. Cervix is still long enough supposedly (though short) and was literally moving open and closed in the scan. Bubby is well, and im still getting some contractions bit not anything strong at the moment. I'm quite over it all and bored/emotional. It's a weird emotion of wanting my boy out but wanting him to stay put at the same time!
my daughter was born at 27+3
i started havingcontractionsat 24 weeks but they managed to stop them, i also had steroids (i had a placental abrubtion when she was born) she was poorly n we had alot of ups n downs during her neonatal stay, she had a hole in the heart n an infection but generally she kept moving forwards n did very well,shes now 17 n apart from deafness in one ear that may or may not of been caused by her prematurity she is completely healthy
good luck hope your lohangs on in there a bit longer
Thanks so much for that. It definitely helps to want my body to hold on to him for longer... It's been a weird journey this pregnancy, as I've had a feeling from the start that he is likely going to be early (so much so that I have talked about it with best friends). But hoping he'll stay in for a few more weeks now.
wishing you all the best hope you LO stays baking a while longer
Thank you everyone!

Jesiah was born today at 29 weeks exactly. He's doing well and i'll post more when I can
Congratulations! Glad to hear all is going well.

Take good care...:hugs:
Well :) everyone wants to know what happened, so I'll write a big post and put it on all the forums I go on!*

Firstly, i went into preterm labour at 27+6 and they managed to stop it. Then i sat in hosp for 8 days, just Waiting ti see what would happen. Yesterday (29/6)at about 5pm, I started feeling odd. The best description is that I felt like I needed to push and a full feeling down there. Id had bulging membranes a week earlier, but *it felt like they were bulging again. I told hubby to come - just in case. * So I rang my bell and my midwife examined me and said she thought it wad fine, but would get a doc to check. The doctor decided to scan me instead of doing another examination, and found I was still dilated a bit, and bubby had gone breech! Waters were bulging so she sent me to birthing suite where she checked me again (examination I think) and said I was 8-9cm dilated (was having contractions by this stage). *I needed another scan to check his position again, and he'd turned! Transverse with feet AND hands down in my cervix. Now I see why it HURT when he moved! *

They Had told me before this that I might need a c section but then said I definitely would, and started prepping me quickly. I was breathing through contractions and Realistically probably in transition since I was finding it hard not to push.*

They got me to theatre and gave me a spinal. When they'd talked about a c-sect they said that because he was small, I may need a classic c section. I'm still to research 'exactly' what it is, but means I have to have c sections everytime from now on.*

Then whilst waiting for the spinal to absolutely be certainly working, they put the catheter in. At that stage, the midwife asked when I went toilet last, and I said 2hours ago, and she said ok... She said she though it going in had made me leak, but the doc checked it and everything went very quick, waters had broken!! As his hands and feet were in birth canal and he wasnt allowed to come that way! Less than 5 mins later, they pulled him out, very slowly (surprisingly bit by bit) and he was silent for a few secs then coughed and finally on resus table cried! *

They intubated him as whilst he was breathing on his own, it was tiring for him. And within 20-30 mins he was taken to nicu with hubby to get sorted out and eventually put in a proper incubator.

I'm in a little pain, but it's not that severe really! I have minimal bleeding, and pretty tired. I'm expressing 2-3 hourly in the day and 4 hourly overnight, and I guess ill maybe go home on Sunday or Monday! We are hoping his boss can manage to get him some arranged paternity leave for a week or two as I'll need rides and whilst I have others who can take me it's better with hubby.*

As for Jesiah, he was 39cm long, and 1345gm. He's doing amazing and had the tube taken out this morning and he was put on CPAP! Yay for small miracles. He's also been under blue lights to help process bilburin (think that's how it's spelt).*

We got our first hold today (umbilical line in still til probably tomorrow) and maybe kangaroo cuddle tomorrow! :) and I got to change his nappy today too. He was off cpap this morning for 30 mins When he had his head ultrasound (find out results tonight) and did amazing, but they said they'll probably keep him on it til Sunday cos he's coming out of the 48 hour honeymoon period now so may go down hill. I feel prett relaxed with it all though :)
sound like you are both doing well wishing you all the bast for your nicu stay:)
Jesiah is doing incredible. The doctors have said he's going as good as he possibly could be which is great. He has had 3 cuddles with us so far, and will be able to have 1 a day now (then more in future). He was off CPAP for his cuddle today, and managed a total of 4 hours off today. He's gone up to 3ml an hour of EBM today, and will go up more tonight they think. He's been under the blue lights, but levels have come down really well. I'm doign ok, quite tired, slightly stressed and exhausted, but coping mostly. Love him so much! My milks fully come in now which is good and I'm doing 200ml with many pumpings. I best be off as it's bed time again, but I am so pleased with my little guy's progress.
I just read your story and Congrats on your little miracle he is doing wonderfully and a great weight too! Hope the journey of nicu is a short one for you guys! Sending lots of positive thoughts!

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