Hi All :wave:
I haven't been on here in a while as I've been trying not to get caught up in my infertility, but a recent visit to the FS has seen me applying for funding for IUI (nhs)and now waiting for a date.
Anyone else in the same boat? Also I'm "unexplained" and I've heard mixed stories/opinions about IUI for us unexplained folk. Good or bad? What do you reckon?
And finally can I quiz anyone reading this on drugs? I was given 50mg of clomid back in June and produced 4 juicy follicles and a number of little ones, apparently this was too much so the doctor stopped it? Anyway with this in mind, what could I take for IUI? Doc mentioned injectables but surely if I responded too well to clomid then these will be even worse?
So the wait starts, Ive been given a rough estimate of three months which seems a lifetime away, and in the meantime I get the pleasure of yet another sti test...
I haven't been on here in a while as I've been trying not to get caught up in my infertility, but a recent visit to the FS has seen me applying for funding for IUI (nhs)and now waiting for a date.
Anyone else in the same boat? Also I'm "unexplained" and I've heard mixed stories/opinions about IUI for us unexplained folk. Good or bad? What do you reckon?
And finally can I quiz anyone reading this on drugs? I was given 50mg of clomid back in June and produced 4 juicy follicles and a number of little ones, apparently this was too much so the doctor stopped it? Anyway with this in mind, what could I take for IUI? Doc mentioned injectables but surely if I responded too well to clomid then these will be even worse?
So the wait starts, Ive been given a rough estimate of three months which seems a lifetime away, and in the meantime I get the pleasure of yet another sti test...