Like everyone else has said, she's so little, of course, she'll wake up! It's what they do. And actually there's evidence that frequent waking (though I'm not sure I'd call twice a night "frequent") is protective against SIDS. They need to move through sleep cycles, wake, feed, and go back to sleep, and feeding often is so important at that age. Some rare babies will magically sleep through the night from very on (though I think they are a lot more rare than people make them out to be). But most normal, healthy babies will wake often. It's just what they do. You have to adjust your life to them, not the other way around. My daughter up to about 6 weeks wouldn't even lie down to sleep (one of us literally had to sit up awake and hold her all night or else she wouldn't sleep). We did it in shifts. 2 wake ups a night is very good for that age. My 2.5 year old wakes up that much! Just get support and make whatever changes you need to make so that you can be well rested. In our case, we ate quick easy meals early, and then I went to bed when she did (7-8pm) to get some sleep before her first wake up at 10 (and then 1 and then 4 and then 6 or 7...). I didn't have to do that forever. My body adjusted, but it helped in the early days. You don't need to do anything except feed her and soothe her back to sleep. She will eventually grow out of it on her own. Sleep is developmental, but don't except it to necessarily be soon. Most toddlers still wake 1-3 times a night. But you really will cope and be fine, so have faith!