Kind of also wondering the same as Leanne... Do any of you live on your own now (as opposed to with your parents).. I do not mean any of these questions in an offensive way either. But living in your own house or apartment and paying bills, supporting another person etc is very expensive.
My OH and I both have good paying jobs, a small house only and even we find it difficult sometimes.
I cant imagine having to put myself through school, pay for living and be a single mother. I cant imagine not have gone to school and be working min wage and paying for living and being a single mom either. It would be hell. It was hell, I was a product of a single mother (my dad died, it was not her choice).
I just cant imagine putting my little girl through what I went through. The emotional stress, being alone alot, not going on family outtings etc..
I live on my own, im a small crummy flat that i rent at the moment, i am hoping to move when the lease is up here to somewhere nicer. I go back to work in feb, and i will be better off & have more free time than being with a partner.
I will also be able to afford a bigger house & hopefully be able to become a foster carer.
Family outings as you said doesnt need to cost much... i might not be able to take E to theme parks 5 times a year but what does it cost to go to the beach for fish and chips and chuck some 2p's into the amusements...
Family outings dont have to cost money.. so yes i can go on as many as any family. just because im a single mum doesnt mean that emily will have a worse upbringing than in a 2 parent family.
Yes its lonely being a single parent & it is bloody hard to study work and have quality time with your children. But we do because we have to. 2 parent families do it because they have to aswell.
You shouldnt look down on single parents because its harder for them to achieve their goals & be good parents. You should look up to them because most single parents achieve more in their lifetime than 2 parents families do.