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Was anyone scared to tell their parents they were pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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I dont know why but im so scared to tell my parents i'm preg! I've been married a year, living with my hubby and got a good job so why am I so scared?

Was anyone else scared? How did you tell your parents?

It's nerve wracking telling people, I don't know why! I knew my mum would be so pleased but I was still shaking before I told her - same with my best friend in the whole world, for some reason I was so anxious before I called to tell her!

I think because it's such a BIG event it's natural to feel nervous because you've never had to do anything like it before. I just went to see my mum and said 'Can you keep a secret? I'm pregnant' and she went 'EEEEEK!' and jumped up and hugged me and got teary!

I'm sure they will be over the moon, and we're all here if you need support :hugs:
You no I wasn't scared at all...told mum on her 50th birthday about the doctor doing a test even though I didn't think I would be!
Few days later when I found out I rang her up on the way to work n told her.
I guess I wasn't nervous coz I'm 24 this year and loads of people I no from school have had babies and some are onto their 3rd lol
I feel the same. Ive told everyone barring my dad. Its like i need permission from him for anything. This is my 5th pregnancy (2 live births) and each time ive told him hes been 'what again!' So now im not excited about telling him anymore :(
i wasn't scared at all. I told mum the very first day i found out.
'Mom, I've got great news'
'What's up?'
'You know when I told you that my period is late'
'Yes, you finally got it?'
'Well, no, not really, not for at least 9 future months'
She was shocked a bit but knew we were TTC for the past year so she was over the moon after few seconds of processing the info. Then she called my dad...and the rest of family :D
I was the same about telling the in laws. Their initial reaction was disappointing but to balance things out my parents were over the moon! In fairness, my side of the family knew we were thinking of trying n therefore it was expected news. I wouldn't worry, if u are providing for ur baby, financially and emotionally, then u have no reason to worry what people think. Congratulations btw x
I was terrified. I thought my dad was going to be so angry with me. I remember when I was younger he'd always tell me how if I ever got pregnant while still under 18 he would make me end the pregnancy, which was something that was totally against my beliefs. Needless to say, I got the message then and didn't even dtd until after already out of his house. I'm still very young though so I thought he would be furious. My boyfriend and I invited him to lunch and just told him at the restaurant, it was funny, he was actually thrilled :happydance:
I felt worried the first time I told my Mum and Dad. It was like I was actually admitting to them for the first time that i'd had sex! (I was 26 and had been with DH 8 years!). I had them a card made that said 'You have a very hard decision ahead' ........... 'Are you going to be Granny, Nanny, Grandma? etc'
I am going to tell them today about this pregnancy and have a t-shirt for my DS to wear that says 'I'm going to be a Big Brother'. I'm looking forward to telling them again.
I'm scared of telling my dad. I'm sure he will be happy, but it's a bit weird as you are kind of telling your dad you've had sex, despite being married three and a half years lol. Silly isn't it?!
Yes I was so worried, I've been with my partner since I was 18 and had our own place from about a month after we got together so been living with him for 3 years now.
We both have a full time job also.

On paper I have nothing to worry about but in reality I was so nervous telling them.

I'm a right daddy's girl so was so embarrassed telling him as it was admitting I'd been having sex which is utterly ridiculous, as said above been living together for years think he's figured it out lol.

Think what also upset me about it was the baby wasn't planned and we had never wanted kids as both into our motorbikes and freedom.
I felt like a dirty teenager to be honest:blush:.

But my parents were amazing and my dad upon telling him said "I thought so!!", ha guess my dad knows me better than I thought.

Hope all goes well for you :)
I was worried about my dad but he was fine with it.

Who I was really nervous to tell was my grandparents, they are very set in their ways and hate my husband. So I left them till last and emailed them while they were in England. They must have had a lovely holiday because they were very excited and said "that's what married people do". Since then my grandma has emailed me twice, which is rare for her with tips so I'm pumped she's excited, it's just so odd since she's never like this.
I was worried about my dad but he was fine with it.

Who I was really nervous to tell was my grandparents, they are very set in their ways and hate my husband. So I left them till last and emailed them while they were in England. They must have had a lovely holiday because they were very excited and said "that's what married people do". Since then my grandma has emailed me twice, which is rare for her with tips so I'm pumped she's excited, it's just so odd since she's never like this.

Hahaha baby fever has started...
Read some threads dedicated to rant about baby stealing grannies and it will give you some idea.

Nah seriously happy you didn't have any stress with anyone.
I felt worried the first time I told my Mum and Dad. It was like I was actually admitting to them for the first time that i'd had sex! (I was 26 and had been with DH 8 years!). I had them a card made that said 'You have a very hard decision ahead' ........... 'Are you going to be Granny, Nanny, Grandma? etc'
I am going to tell them today about this pregnancy and have a t-shirt for my DS to wear that says 'I'm going to be a Big Brother'. I'm looking forward to telling them again.
Wow i love the mixture of confusion and surprise ur going for. I hope i remember the tshirt idea in like 3 years time! Lol x
I must admit that I am quite scared to tell my parents (especially my father) :nope:

I didn't grow up the way I figured a child should and many things happened. Long long story. Anyway, my father always said that I would never get married and will never be pregnant when I was about thirteen.....................

Today I am pregnant. I will get married soon. I haven't had a good relationship with my parents for the last 4 years and it kind of hurt at the moment as I have a little wonder growing inside of me and I'm thinking why anyone would be cruel to their child????? I cried my eyes out this afternoon after reading a book by Francine Rivers "A mother's hope". It is my life story so far.

I have no idea how I am going to break the news and what to expect. Something in me hope that it will change everyone's attitude towards each other.

Sorry for the long story. I just got carried away and somehow want to get it of my chest.
My mom passed when I was much younger, but I am scared of telling my dad. Me and OH live on our own, have good jobs, steady lives, and have been ttc for over a year, but it's still stressful thinking about telling him. I figure I'll wait until next month and tell him on fathers day or sometime around then as that will be right after our 12 week scan. OH is the same with his parents, worried about telling his dad, but knows his mom will be very excited, she's been asking for grandchildren for a while!
im kinda scared about telling FIL , not so much with telling my parents ( which has been done already and they support us fully and understand that we are trusting and accepting each child we are given in its time not our time ) but FIL caus he wont think of the issue from the same side as my parents to him children are something you have only when you can truely afford to give them the best possible he wasnt overjoyed about ds1 and ds2 so goodness knows what his reaction will be to a 3rd
I'm scared of telling my dad, wondering if I can make it all the way to 12 weeks and a scan picture to help me.

OH's parents should be ok, his mum has a pushchair stashed for us from one of his aunts so they must be waiting for the news lol.
Ha it's just because you don't know how they'll react. They'll be made up I'm sure! I on the other hand am terrified! This is our third child and we are getting married in July :s our youngest is only 7 months old I'm dreading tellin everyone xx
My dad died when I was a teenager... but I was never scared to tell my Mom... even with my first, when I was thinking about leaving my OH and stuff. My mom looooves babies, and I knew she'd be supportive. This time around, I was excited about telling her and tried to think of a cute/creative way to do it. But everybody kept ruining my ideas!

With my first pregnancy, I came over to her house and said, "So... I was wondering how you'd feel about adding on to the family?" At first she thought I meant that OH had proposed! :haha: She was far happier when I told her I was pregnant than she was when she thought I was getting married... :shrug::rofl:

This time, I took her to lunch and asked her what her plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas were. She gave me this astounded look, like, "What?? Who thinks that far ahead?!" She says, "I have nooo idea. Why?"
"Well, Mom... you're expecting a new grandbaby at the beginning of December, so I thought I'd give you the heads up so you can keep your calendar clear!"
She's very happy!

Don't be too scared! Most parents DREAM of becoming grandparents once their own children are grown up. I know by the time my older sister got pregnant, my mom was absolutely dying for a grandbaby. And she was even more excited to have a grandbaby that lives in town with her.
My dad said he will kill me if i make him a grandad before hes 40.... :huh: umm...hes 39 in july lol... so to be fair he will only be about 6months off 40 when babys born! i am really nervous about telling my parents.. have decided i'll tell them after my first appointment with midwife when it will hopefully all feel a bit more real! :)

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