Was your child formula fed? Breastfed? Heathy?


Soon to be mama of 2
Jan 23, 2012
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Hello. I'm popping over from the baby club. I was just wanting to see how many people with formula fed babies grew up healthy or less sick/more sick often...also for breastfed babies? My daughter has been combi fed till 6 months and I'm worried she won't be as healthy since she mostly gets formula (I couldn't make enough milk) I'm hoping people will have stories of their babys being healthy and not always sick. Thanks
I breastfed only my first or a few weeks after that formula, and number 2 & 3 ff only

They are all healthy kids and have never had anything other than usual childhood illnesses
I breastfed DD exclusively until 2 months, then mix fed for a further month, then from 3 months she went onto just formula.

By contrast DS1 and DS2 were exclusively breastfed until a year and a half. (well, DS1 for about 19 months and DS2 for 18 months).

Out of the three of them, DS2 is probably the most prone to catching stuff. He has mild asthma and needs inhalers, and gets chest infections the most often. If there are any colds going, he gets them worst of the three kids.

Next after that is DD. She is the most likely to get a tummy bug and throw up if there is one going around. If she has a cold it lingers a bit, but not as much as with DS2.

DS1 is the healthiest of the lot. No idea why. He was the smallest at birth (I say smallest, but he was still big, 10lbs 1oz) out of the three of them, but then again he was breastfed the longest (though only marginally). He was also the one who had the most issues with eating solids when he was a baby. He refused solids altogether until about 15 months old, and his weight dropped to 9th percentile from 91st. He was essentially just surviving on breastmilk!
If he gets poorly, he gets over it the quickest. Colds don't tend to linger with him, and tummy bugs are over the quickest.

When the three of them caught chicken pox last year, DS1 got it first and he had it the least severe. Then DD and DS2 got it, and out of the two of them, DS2 had it the worst, though only marginally.

So, no, there doesn't seem to be any correlation between the breast feeding and how ill my kids have been. I can't really make any conclusions to be honest.
my babies have been exclusive ff from birth and up until now they have not been sick once! they are only 5 months old but knock on wood they will only get typical childhood illness

on the other hand I know someone who has exclusively breastfed both her babies and the girl always gets sick...even the boy who is not yet 6 months always has some sort of cold or flu

breastmilk is best but I am not 100% convinced that it prevents babies from being sick....it depends on the baby...no matter what we do some kids are just prone to sickness...both myself and my husband were eff and we never got sick has kids...just common cold here and there! :shrug:
I breastfed my five yr old until she was 21 months, and I formula fed my son from birth. Both get sick around the same now... They are both quite healthy, but every now and again if there's a bug going around they both get it. For example, this week they've both had conjunctivitis. Usually my daughter gets ill first because she's at school now and catches stuff. Then her brother catches it. This time though he got the conjunctivitis first and gave it to her. My fifteen yr old sister who I look after was breastfed until she was three, and she still gets sick, then passes it to the little ones, and sometimes they give things to her.

To be honest I don't think it makes a big difference how you feed. For example, my daughter who was breastfed had breathing problems as a toddler and excema, quite bad. My son though has a little excema but its not as bad as hers was.

I am pro breast feeding though. It's natural, it helps you lose weight, protects against breast cancer, breast milk is great and its so cool how it turns watery in the summer, thicker when the baby needs it, etc. I would have breastfed my son but I had puerpal psychosis and was on too many meds to breastfeed safely. I was worried that my son would get obese from formula milk, but he was actually thinner than Madeleine, y breastfed baby, she had rolls all over her, while mojo was always quite skinny.
I formula fed both of my children and both have great immune systems, rarely get sick and developing appropriately for their ages. I am not convinced that "breast is best" but I am convinced that how you feed your child is a personal choice. No matter what your choice is, it matters that your child is receiving nutrition and being cared for :). I think as far as immune systems are concerned, its more hereditary then anything. DH and I both have amazing immune systems and rarely get sick so I think our boys inherited it from us! Lots of luck with whatever decision you make!!
Edit: Sorry I know baby is already 5 months...son distracted me when I was typing. I am sure your LO will be happy and healthy!!!! :)
My LO was fed BM for 11wks- then formula (long story, but Breast Feeding didn't work so I pumped for a while). She's caught the stomache flu once at 12mos (our entire house got it)- and had a mild cold (sniffles only) one time more recently. She's 15mos though- so who knows what may or may not happen in the years to come? She does have seasonal allergies (not allergic to any foods though)- but her Dad had horrible allergies as a kid and I developed them as an adult- so her risk was high.

My SD wasn't breastfed for more than maybe 2-3wks I think. I think she's a pretty darn healthy kid- she get's the normal cold now and again... but overall, she's very healthy. No allergies to food or otherwise.

My friends LO was BF for 12mos- and has a constantly runny nose and gotten so many different colds and other illnesses from daycare. I think there is just only so much anyone can do. I will say my LO doesn't go to daycare. My MIL comes to our house to watch her- so that can make a big difference. She does go to the gym care 2-3 times a week though (so she is in that "type" of environment around other kids) and she is also out in public often. We don't shield her from much.
My 3 sons are 21, 19 and 12 and all were formula feed. Yes, they are healthy and never had any health issues.. :flower:
I had to pump with my son and only for the first monthish if I remember correctly. It was tougher to just pump then actually BF (he was a preemie) so we switched to formula.

I was going to BF my daughter more but was a wuss and couldn't handle it after a month. My nipples were so damn sore and just didn't want to cry every time I fed her so formula she went too.

They are both very healthy, only get sick once in awhile usually when Drake goes to school and brings everything home lol.

I'm going to try again to BF longer if I fall pregnant with our 3rd, going to try to see if I can get a better latch (have inverted nipples so the latch with my daughter made it worse, got more sore faster). But if it comes down to it and we end up switching then we do. :thumbup:
My son was FF from 3 days old due to a failure to latch and potential dehydration - turns put he had temporary hypothyroidism and had no appetite for the 1st 3 weeks till his thyroid kicked in properly. He had a lot of colds and bugs his first winter at nursery but since then very little. He also hasn't developed asthma so far despite it being in both families. He's a healthy, fit 3 yr old.

I was exclusively FF as a baby cos I was a month early and mums weren't encouraged to express milk for babies in neonatal then. I'm pretty healthy, only ever get colds really.

I do think BF is very important and should be the 1st choice where possible but I think your baby's genes and environment play a much bigger part in how their immune systems develop than whether they're BF or FF.
I mixed with both of mine til 6wks ish and than formula fed. Kieran has been ill on two occasions, once at 18mths then about 6months ago.
Paige has never been ill. I actually took her to the doctors to discuss something and he mentioned that the only time they had seen her was for her jabs lol :)

Proberbly down to genes as me and their dad are hardly ever ill either :)
Both my boys, ages 15 and 5, were FF from birth, both are healthy and are no more sick than any other child. Dan is being tested for Thyroid problems but so am I, so that could be passed on from me, Dec sufferes from chronic constipation but I have been assured by his consultant that is has nothing to do with they way he was fed as a baby, although the food he does eat now affects how badly he sufferes.
Combi but mainly BF for 5 months and this kids as strong as an Ox!

Had his second Dr appointment yesterday but that's because he pulled his finger nail off and before that was a ear infection at 1.

Only had 1 tummy bug but didn't vomit unlike me and OH did with it, just got through lots of nappies.

I was BF growing and I'm rarely ill, as was Mum. My sisters were FF and got everything going.
Elyse is 4 in a month and she was FF from birth. I followed the routine vaccination schedule and I would rate her as an exceptionally healthy child :thumbup:

She has been sick 3x in her life; had a flu at 10 months, gastro just before she turned 2 (we all had it), and this year had a mild ear infection. None of the illnesses have required antibiotics (all viral) and she is out and about at drop-in programs, dance classes, swimming at a public pool, does gymnastics, now goes to preschool and a home daycare, and all of the adults in her life (myself, her father, my parents, etc) work with the public in various capacities so are exposed to quite a bit of stuff.

No known allergies etc yet either :)
Lucas was breast fed up to 17 months, he never once had formula, he catches colds and sick bugs like any other 6 year old
My son was BF for a few weeks and DD was formula fed from start. My kids are now 8 & 6, They have never had antibiotics and are hardly ever sick. Honestly some kids just seem to always be ill :/ Mine have been ill (obv) but they are always better by next day. They dont have asthma/hay fever/or skin problems.
Both of mine have been FF from birth. My daughter suffered with ear infections when she cut all her teeth, but other than that. Healthy! :)
My oldest son was BF for almost 12 months. He was never sick when BF, but when changed to FF (needed calories so couldn't go onto cow's milk till 18mo) he suffered constipation till he was 2.5 :/ That said, he's only had 2 colds in his life. One when switched, and one like a week ago.

My youngest son has just stopped being BF after going to hell and back to feed him that long, and as soon as he stopped getting breastmilk, he got a cold, and it was worse than either of Eamon's ever were.

The moral of the story in my case.... breast is/was superior in every single way. My boys do not tolerate being FF well at all. I wish they were like most babies and it didn't seem to matter but for them, the change was not a good thing. Time will tell if Liam will bounce back like Eamon did, who still has the immune system of an ox in spite of all the constipation dramas we had when he was bottle-fed. Fingers crossed the same won't happen to Liam!
both of mine were BF for a week or so, My 2 year old has had 2 colds, mostly caught from her friends and her wee brother has had one cold (caught from his big sister) and one ear infection which i honestly think was linked to teething...
Kids are going to get bugs and get sick sometimes, its a normal, healthy (in regards to building up their own immunity) part of growing up :)

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