Was your child formula fed? Breastfed? Heathy?

My cousin's 13 month old was EBF for 8 months and appears to be ill nearly all the time with something. And he doesn't go to preschool or anything like that so I think it's really just luck of the draw and parent's health, etc
It may be just the luck of the draw, or genes. I plan to breastfeed mine though. I'll answer this from me/DH perspective, since to me it seems like we are barely not children/teenagers!

I was breastfeed until I was 3. I have never had an ear infection, never had the flu, only have seasonal allergies, and rarely get sick.

DH was formula fed, he had chronic ear infections (requiring 13 surgeries), got the flu a lot when he was younger (although not now), got strep throat every year until he got his tonsils out, and gets colds more often than me. Seriously, I get colds less than once a year, DH can get sick multiple times and I won't catch it.

Could be genes (or other mitigating factors, he was fully vaccinated and I wasn't) though, but I can't wait to see how our kids turn out on the ear infections when we breastfeed, I have high hopes they will be better.
I have done both and in many regards my babies who were EBF for longer, have been healthier and it was one of the main reasons I prefer to BF in the first place. FF babies in mine and OHs family have more health issues but that could be due to the fact that dairy and soya allergies are very common in both our families and most formulas contain both xx
Bethan was breastfed until 33 months, and has a weak chest from bronchiolitus that she caught at 1, and has eczema and a nut allergy that she needs an epi-pen for. If she gets a cold, it goes to her chest, so she's ended up with chest infections.

However, I was FF, and have full body eczema to the point of me being unable to leave the house for months at a time, I'm allergic to most food groups, and lots of life groups, too (dustmites, all animals, pollens, trees etc). I have problems with processing food, and have stomach cramps and upset stomach regularly (possibly IBS apprently). I have a very restricted lifestyle, and will never be able to lead a normal life.

So what I'm trying to say, is that given her genetics, she's done awfully well, so you have to take all of it into account. I'm glad I breastfed; even though we struggled like hell, I'd never take it back, because if that factored even the tiniest bit in meaning she doesn't have to deal with as much crap as I do, it was worth it.
I was ff and Im healthier than my bf partner. And the only time my lo was sick was when I was breastfeeding lol. I really think its luck of the draw though. Genetics/enviromental factors all contribute.
I was FF and I'm always unwell, mine BF and rarely get ill however I don't necessarily believe it was down to how we were fed, I am a firm believer that breast is best however aslong as a baby is fed and it works for you and your family thats all that matters. X
I was breastfed until 4 months, but had baby rice from 6 weeks. My brother was formula fed from birth. Neither one of us is any healthier than the other.

Thomas has been sick once.

My OH got neither formula nor breastmilk. He was fed boiled low fat cows milk with baby rice in it from day 1. He's the healthiest ******* I know! Never gets sick. Has had maybe 2 colds in 11 years. Never had the flu or a stomach bug. He's quite sensitive to cows milk though.

my mum and uncle were both fed canned condensed milk. Mum has asthma and severe eczema. My uncle is healthy as an ox.
You want honesty and I will give that to you, I did not breast feed with my eldest, AnaLisa, she just did not take to it at all. My youngest although Joshua was breastfed. He took rather well, thus why he was breast fed. With AnaLisa, she has had major health issues growing up all throughout her life. At 3 she had Scarlet Fever and 5, she had the mumps right after she had the measles, she has always been prone to get sick to getting sick. She has had so many ear infections and colds and flu’s. At 10 she got ITP Immune Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and at 13 she was diagnosed with Supra Ventricular Tachycardia and at 15 she got a kidney infection and at 17 she got a ovarian cyst and now at 18, she just recently ruptured her ear drum. She doesn't take to medications and her immune system is beaten weak. Joshua on the other hand has never really gotten sick. Maybe once or twice as far as I can remember within the past 10 years. He is now 16 and beyond healthy. AnaLisa is as healthy as can be. Whether or not the fact that my daughter was not breast fed is beyond me, if it is the cause. But If you are so worried my best advice is to consult your doctor about this worry.
My daughter was breastfed until about 4 months, then formula fed (soy-based).
They had to give her formula right after she was born at the hospital while she was still in ICU and I was still trying to use a pump. So, what I had I gave to her. Then a few days later, she was fully breastfed.

Soy-based formula at 4 months since we tried milk based, and she was allergic to it regardless that she had it when she was born. The hospital told me later that she most likely became allergic to it from the formula they first fed her. After 10 years, she outgrew this allergy, and has been fine with it since.
And yes - allergy - hives, starting to swell type reaction.

She does have asthma (most likely from her bio dad), and is allergic to a few foods, but not milk anymore, but health wise - hardly ever sick, esp now as a teen (she is very active, and has always ate quite healthy). Maybe has a bad cold 1/year.
Although breastfeeding is an amazing way to bond, I couldn't make enough milk ether :nope: or more in the line of... my milk wasn't nourishing enough so they stayed hungry.

I started giving my firstborn S26, but she was still hungry and she started getting a rash on her face, so I switched to Lactagon (that my mother used for me) and I never looked back! They were happy, well balanced babies with no issues and till today, they only get flu once in a blue moon, but no health concerns.

The best would be to play it by ear. Try a formula and see how your baby reacts to it :thumbup:
My LO was bf upto 6months and ff after that and honestly iv experienced no problems at all xx
I felt so awful that we couldn't get along with breast feeding when Alex was a baby, I expressed for a month and then moved onto formula feeding. He has an acid reflux problem but that is hereditary. Apart from that he's been super healthy, if he ever gets ill he only gets a mild dose and is better again very soon. I don't know he'd have been any different if we'd bf but I've stopped beating myself up about it because he's always been a healthy, intelligent, well developed child.
DS was exclusively Bf till 6 months, and then combi fed till8 months when he went fully to formula (self weaned due to my changing milk as I was pregnant). He has had a few colds but never any big illness.

DD wasn't able to breastfeed but had expressed milk till she was 12 weeks, after that she had a high calorie formula. She has had massive amounts of health problems due to her genetics.
My son had a combination of both too and he is a healthy and happy little boy! xx

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