water birth


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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hi girls

this is my second pregnancy and would really love to have a water birth spoke to my midwife about it and she said its a good idea aslong as im not at high risk it should be fine... :happydance: thing is she said id have more chance of having a water birth at our midwife centre instead of the hospital the midwife centre is beautiful really relaxed and clean.... the one thing im worried about though is if for some reason something goes wrong ... they will have to transfer me to hospital.. has any of ou other ladies had your baby at a midwife centre or at home and could tell me your story to put my mind at ease :hugs:

thankyou xxx
It takes about 15-20 minutes for a theatre to get ready to perform a c-section, so not sure how long takes to get from the birth centre to your hospital by ambulance? Your birthing centre will have had emergencies before, so they would be geared up for transferring if needed. x
I had my very first baby at a midwife led unit. I was booked in at the big hospital as I thought, first baby, I have no idea what will happen, no idea if I'd handle the pain (you can only have gas and air and possibly pethodine/diamorphine) at a midwife unit etc. Also I wanted to be there if something went wrong.

When I went into labour I phoned the big hospital who told me to take a couple of paracetamol, have a bath go back to bed (it was arond 2am) and phone in the morning if still contracting. PPFffft, naff off Mrs.Midwife I want to be looked over NOW! It would take me 45mins to get to the big hospital so I phoned the local midwife unit to ask if they would look me over so I wasn't wasting time travelling all that way if it were nothing. She said I couldn't go in unless the big hospital OK'd it as I was booked in there. So....after a lot of phone tag and a very authoratitive husband (i love him) they finally said come in and we'll have a look at you. Got there around half an hour after the pains started and waters started to leak and I was already 7cm dialted (in your face big hospital Mrs.Midwife) so straight to the dlivery room. My back was in agony so I asked for pain relief. They refused as I was progressing so quickly they thought there was no point, they thought I would have the baby within the hour. After begging they give me half a dose of pethadine which was great and took the edge off. Anyhoo long story short (too late I know) I pushed and pushed and pushed and nothing was happening. The midwife got a bit snippy with me and said I wasn't pushing hard enough, although the piles on my butt told another story!! EVENTUALLY after about an hour and 20mins of pushing I could feel the head but it kept slipping back up. It wouldn't stay down. THe midwife said I had been pushing too long and if I hadn't delivered within the next 10 mins I was getting transferred to the big hospital for forceps delivery. I poo'd myself (thankfully not literally) and pushed harder than I thought was humanly possible and thankfully 9 mins later I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. She was an undiagnosed posterior birth which is why I was in so much back agony and couldn't bear to be on my back/bum (i spent about 3 hours on the floor on my hands and knees). The midwife apologised profusely for being so mean to me and actually gave me praise as for 75% of women that would have ended in an assisted birth/c-section. After that we got the usual tea and toast, showered and went to our room. We got a room on our own because its a smaller quieter unit which was fantastic!

2nd baby - Tested + for GBS so had to deliver in big hospital, had no choice. If I could have I would have definitely gone back to a midwife led unit. Anyhoo, I HATED IT!!! THe midwives were SO busy they almost inserted anti biotics I told them I was allergic to. Didn't listen to me when I said I HAD to push. Apparently if you've only been there for 20 mins you don't need to push?! I told hubby I was going to push anyway and my waters burst everywhere which scared the midwife a bit. 2 pushes later my baby was out. Was left for 3 hours in the delivery room waiting to be taken up to the ward. When they finally said we could go up they wouldn't let my husband come with us because it was 5am and it might disturb the other women?!?!

This time I am going for a midwife led unit and am keeping EVERYTHING crossed that I can stick to the plan this time.

Sorry for the novel but I hope this helps you somewhat. :flower:
All i can say is im high risk ( 1 previous normal delivery, 1 emergency section for fetal distress) plus raised BMI, I have a very understanding consultant and has agreed to me having a pool delivery x x
shrimpy thank your for your story has helped alot :D thankyou
I had my very first baby at a midwife led unit. I was booked in at the big hospital as I thought, first baby, I have no idea what will happen, no idea if I'd handle the pain (you can only have gas and air and possibly pethodine/diamorphine) at a midwife unit etc. Also I wanted to be there if something went wrong.

When I went into labour I phoned the big hospital who told me to take a couple of paracetamol, have a bath go back to bed (it was arond 2am) and phone in the morning if still contracting. PPFffft, naff off Mrs.Midwife I want to be looked over NOW! It would take me 45mins to get to the big hospital so I phoned the local midwife unit to ask if they would look me over so I wasn't wasting time travelling all that way if it were nothing. She said I couldn't go in unless the big hospital OK'd it as I was booked in there. So....after a lot of phone tag and a very authoratitive husband (i love him) they finally said come in and we'll have a look at you. Got there around half an hour after the pains started and waters started to leak and I was already 7cm dialted (in your face big hospital Mrs.Midwife) so straight to the dlivery room. My back was in agony so I asked for pain relief. They refused as I was progressing so quickly they thought there was no point, they thought I would have the baby within the hour. After begging they give me half a dose of pethadine which was great and took the edge off. Anyhoo long story short (too late I know) I pushed and pushed and pushed and nothing was happening. The midwife got a bit snippy with me and said I wasn't pushing hard enough, although the piles on my butt told another story!! EVENTUALLY after about an hour and 20mins of pushing I could feel the head but it kept slipping back up. It wouldn't stay down. THe midwife said I had been pushing too long and if I hadn't delivered within the next 10 mins I was getting transferred to the big hospital for forceps delivery. I poo'd myself (thankfully not literally) and pushed harder than I thought was humanly possible and thankfully 9 mins later I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. She was an undiagnosed posterior birth which is why I was in so much back agony and couldn't bear to be on my back/bum (i spent about 3 hours on the floor on my hands and knees). The midwife apologised profusely for being so mean to me and actually gave me praise as for 75% of women that would have ended in an assisted birth/c-section. After that we got the usual tea and toast, showered and went to our room. We got a room on our own because its a smaller quieter unit which was fantastic!

2nd baby - Tested + for GBS so had to deliver in big hospital, had no choice. If I could have I would have definitely gone back to a midwife led unit. Anyhoo, I HATED IT!!! THe midwives were SO busy they almost inserted anti biotics I told them I was allergic to. Didn't listen to me when I said I HAD to push. Apparently if you've only been there for 20 mins you don't need to push?! I told hubby I was going to push anyway and my waters burst everywhere which scared the midwife a bit. 2 pushes later my baby was out. Was left for 3 hours in the delivery room waiting to be taken up to the ward. When they finally said we could go up they wouldn't let my husband come with us because it was 5am and it might disturb the other women?!?!

This time I am going for a midwife led unit and am keeping EVERYTHING crossed that I can stick to the plan this time.

Sorry for the novel but I hope this helps you somewhat. :flower:

Oh My!!! The treatment in Scotland sounds more awful than I can imagine! How could that hosp just toss you aside until the morning and leave you worrying, and how could that midwife not diagnose that were posterier! Not to mention all the other things they done wrongly. It shows the lack of training,experience and awareness they really have. That would make me sooo angry! Anyways you done really really well :thumbup:
I was born and brought up in Scotland and never thought much of the medical care there, once time there ignorance almost caused me to bleed to death, I'm lucky to be here!
One of the many reasons I'm not living in Scotland anymore, I moved to the Netherlands and although its pretty annoying that we have to pay like 100euros a month for our health insurance, we get waaaaay better treatment, the doctors here have all been brilliant about dealing with every small issue I ever had. Anyway, I've chosen to have a birth in a midwife unit, and use theyre birthing pool for a waterbirth, as there are no doctors there its not possible for them to administer any drugs for painrelief. I'm quite happy about that now as Ive heard some undesirable effects of these drugs. I'm naturally scared of the pain but its something that I'll just have to live through and try to laugh!
I'm planning a lotus birth, or to leave the cord for as long as possible w/o being cut. (I feel this a little strange towards the father, if he is to be there and for the cord to be still attached, he's not one for all this hippy stuff, and I'm a little worried about his reaction to this weird cord and placenta thingy).

Anyone else planning lotus birth and what reactions your family are having?
Anyone else planning not to vaccinate?
Im also using the birth centre so I can use the pool but as a first timer was a little nervous about if something went wrong etc. My midwife assured me if they thought that I might have a problem they wouldnt say it was ok to go to the centre and if I need to be transferred it takes 20-30 mins for them to prep the theatre anyway so I wont have to wait any longer than if I was at the hospital in the first place! xxx
I had a waterbirth at a midwife led birthing centre with Mia. Like you I was a bit worried about if anything went wrong, how long it would take to get transferred etc. So I mentioned it at my 36 week appointment at the centre and they said that they continuously check mother & baby throughout and at the 1st sign that there might be something even remotely wrong, they will transfer straight away and can get you to the maternity hospital in as quick as 10 mins (that's for where we are anyway). But everything went brilliantly and I loved it :cloud9:

As it happens, I've been for my 36 appointment at the centre this morning and got the big thumbs up to have my 2nd waterbirth there in 4 weeks :happydance:

I hope you get your waterbirth :hugs: xx
Dont worry :) If there has been no problems before in your family and you go to birthing classes etc. theres no need to think something might go wrong. Waterbirth is very safe and natural.
I had my very first baby at a midwife led unit. I was booked in at the big hospital as I thought, first baby, I have no idea what will happen, no idea if I'd handle the pain (you can only have gas and air and possibly pethodine/diamorphine) at a midwife unit etc. Also I wanted to be there if something went wrong.

When I went into labour I phoned the big hospital who told me to take a couple of paracetamol, have a bath go back to bed (it was arond 2am) and phone in the morning if still contracting. PPFffft, naff off Mrs.Midwife I want to be looked over NOW! It would take me 45mins to get to the big hospital so I phoned the local midwife unit to ask if they would look me over so I wasn't wasting time travelling all that way if it were nothing. She said I couldn't go in unless the big hospital OK'd it as I was booked in there. So....after a lot of phone tag and a very authoratitive husband (i love him) they finally said come in and we'll have a look at you. Got there around half an hour after the pains started and waters started to leak and I was already 7cm dialted (in your face big hospital Mrs.Midwife) so straight to the dlivery room. My back was in agony so I asked for pain relief. They refused as I was progressing so quickly they thought there was no point, they thought I would have the baby within the hour. After begging they give me half a dose of pethadine which was great and took the edge off. Anyhoo long story short (too late I know) I pushed and pushed and pushed and nothing was happening. The midwife got a bit snippy with me and said I wasn't pushing hard enough, although the piles on my butt told another story!! EVENTUALLY after about an hour and 20mins of pushing I could feel the head but it kept slipping back up. It wouldn't stay down. THe midwife said I had been pushing too long and if I hadn't delivered within the next 10 mins I was getting transferred to the big hospital for forceps delivery. I poo'd myself (thankfully not literally) and pushed harder than I thought was humanly possible and thankfully 9 mins later I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. She was an undiagnosed posterior birth which is why I was in so much back agony and couldn't bear to be on my back/bum (i spent about 3 hours on the floor on my hands and knees). The midwife apologised profusely for being so mean to me and actually gave me praise as for 75% of women that would have ended in an assisted birth/c-section. After that we got the usual tea and toast, showered and went to our room. We got a room on our own because its a smaller quieter unit which was fantastic!

2nd baby - Tested + for GBS so had to deliver in big hospital, had no choice. If I could have I would have definitely gone back to a midwife led unit. Anyhoo, I HATED IT!!! THe midwives were SO busy they almost inserted anti biotics I told them I was allergic to. Didn't listen to me when I said I HAD to push. Apparently if you've only been there for 20 mins you don't need to push?! I told hubby I was going to push anyway and my waters burst everywhere which scared the midwife a bit. 2 pushes later my baby was out. Was left for 3 hours in the delivery room waiting to be taken up to the ward. When they finally said we could go up they wouldn't let my husband come with us because it was 5am and it might disturb the other women?!?!

This time I am going for a midwife led unit and am keeping EVERYTHING crossed that I can stick to the plan this time.

Sorry for the novel but I hope this helps you somewhat. :flower:

Oh My!!! The treatment in Scotland sounds more awful than I can imagine!

It's not awful all over. I'm very happy with my antenatal care tbh and although I had some ups and downs with my last pregnancy it was related to a few individual 'health care professionals' but overall I have had a good experience within Scottish maternity care as have my close family and friends.
I don't think my story relates to ALL Scottish births, just mine :lol:

I loved my first birth, yes it took a little longer than I would have liked to have gotten to the hospital, but after that no complaints at all. I was never ever left alone, always had a midwife beside me which was very reassuring!

2nd birth, not so much but again that's only my experience. I'm sure many others have had enjoyable experiences at that very hospital. I just prefer the midwife led care personally :)

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