Weaning a toddler.....


TTC #2
Aug 24, 2011
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My DD is 18 months. My goal was to BF for a year, we have obviously gone longer!! She LOVES BFing. She is good about not waking me up during the night to BF anymore, but during the day she still wants to BF OFTEN. Honestly, I would not mind BFing in the morning and at night (and even before nap), but I am getting tired with the all day BFing. And at some point soon, I will want to fully wean. Part of me would mourn the ending of BFing, but part of me is ready.

I do not see my daughter weaning herself anytime soon, so are there any ladies here who found a way to encourage their toddlers to wean? Don't offer/Don't refuse will not work for us. The few times I have tried to space feedings out (we always fed on demand) she throws such a temper tantrum that I feel terrible and give in. Do I need to just ride through that or does anyone have any other advice or tricks to encourage a toddler to begin weaning?

Thank you!
My daughter finally stopped night nursing at 9 months, and like you, it was the days that were a problem.

Does your toddler insist on being fed outside the house?

I found my toddler would quite happily not nurse when she was entertained outdoors (at the park/on playdates/at group/ shopping etc), so I would go out ALL DAY until she was less dependent on it.

It was a pain in the butt having to be out so much, but it did the trick pretty quickly.

Then my husband started getting up with her in the mornings (mummy was nowhere to be seen until after LO had been given breakfast). On days that he couldn't handle morning routine, I'd put her favorite program in the world, Peppa Pig on, and allow her to have her breakfast in front of the telly (she normally doesn't get to watch much TV at all, so it was a treat). Eventually, she stopped insisting on a feed first thing in the morning as her routine had become a proper meal first thing.

My husband also took over bedtime routine, so her last feed became less associated with going to sleep, and again, she stopped needing it as the last thing she did before she went down for the night.

She nursed far less often and for very short periods until eventually, one day at 19 months she self weaned with no tears involved (apart from mine because I was so sad when our nursing relationship came to an end).

I should add, we introduced each step gradually so it wasn't a shock to the system for her and it took about 5 months overall until she decided she didn't want to nurse anymore. I always let her nurse if she asked and gentle distraction didn't work.

The weaning process has not affected our relationship negatively at all. I now have gone back to putting her to bed, giving her breakfast and we have a morning snuggle ever day too. She is also always asking me for hugs and kisses. If you introduce separation from nursing gently and sensitively, don't worry about the bond between you being affected if that is something that is weighing on your mind. I do miss our nursing relationship, but she had to stop eventually and 19 months was a good amount of time. Its lovely seeing how independent she is now and on a personal note, not having to worry about the possibility that I might not be around at the exact time she wants to nurse.

I had looked forward to getting my body back to myself too, but for some reason, over two months later I am STILL producing milk! Bah!
Bumpbear- Finally have a chance to respond! Thank you for your very detailed response. My LO does not go crazy wanting to nurse when we are out and about, just as soon as we are home. The funny thing, is that when I am working she does not nurse ALL day. But when the weekends come or I am home on break, she goes crazy. It will be easier to be out of the house when it is warmer, right now we are in the dead of winter!!!

I think I just need to get serious about weaning and start changing routines up like you mentioned- for example, having DH get up with DD instead of immediately nursing her.

Thank you again for your response!
My son stopped breastfeeding 6 days ago tomorrow. Believe it or not it was thanks to vinegar! I read online that when the child wants to breastfeed just dab a little vinegar onto your nipple and offer it to them. My son went to feed as normal and sort of looked at me as to say what the hell is that? lol I said do you not want it? He shook his head and said it was dirty. I wish I had done it sooner, It's definitely worth a try. He has been asking for it less and less. He never took a bottle till now either!

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