I asked my mum about this the other day incase something happened to me. Apparently even if I say I want my mum to have my daughter if I died FOB could still fight for custody, but he would have to prove hes her dad first and then fight for custody against my mum, they would look at his prior involvement etc and who would be best to care for her also if shes old enough then they would take her own wishes into consideration, this is the main thing that really scares me I want sophia to stay with my family as they are always there for her and her dad inows nothing about her plus she would have to leave all her friends if her dad had her as he lives and hour and half away which I think if he takes her away from her friends and family ahe grew up with then hes even worse than I already think he is. This is all hypothetical of course if something did happen though I hope it doesnt xx