Welcome to the World Isabella!

Mar 2, 2009
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My frank and honest review of my labour and LOs birth:

6.40AM: I woke up at 6.40am on the 9th November thinking i had wet myself. Just a little as i felt a little trickle. As i turned over to get out of bed, GUSH. That wasn't me wetting myself. Nope, that was my waters. Gross. All over my bed. So i stood up and GUSH. AGAIN! More waters, all over my floor. So went to the bathroom, and more GUSHing followed. How many waters can i have?!

10:00AM: I called my mum and she came over, and after having a shower i went to the hospital (my waters still trickling out) who hooked me up to a monitor and checked on baby, who was fine. They asked me if i was getting any contractions and i told them i had a few niggly pains but nothing solid. They told me if i didn't go into natural labour today, then to come back tomorrow and they would induce me. So off i went.

11:00AM: Mum took me shopping, saying i should keep moving, get gravity to do it's job. She brought me a camcorder as an early birthday present so we could record some of the birth, and then went to marks and sparks and brought some food. By this point i was getting contractions. Not too painful. Well, i thought they were painful at that point, but they were nothing compared to what's to come.

1:00PM: Got home and was yelling into the sofa everytime i contracted. We timed them and they were coming every 3-4 mins and lasting slowly longer and longer, about 1.20 mins. Ouchy. Rang hospital and they told me to come in.

2:00PM: Got to hospital and midwife did an internal (ow!) and i was 4cm dialated. I told her i wanted a water birth and she told me i was in luck, the pool was free, and she could fill it up for me. I started on the gas and air, and inbetween contractions joked about how stoned i felt. I texted FOB and told him to come to Birmingham, his little girl was on the way! He lives in Surrey though, so the trip would take about 4 hours.

3:00PM: The pool was filled and my sister came up. I had my mum and sister as my birthing partners, and when the FOB would turn up he would swap with my sister.

7:00PM: FOB still not here, got another internal and midwife said i was 6cm dialated, but my cervix was in a really good position? Didn't understand and didn't care by this point. Was managing on gas and air, knowing every contraction brought me closer to my little girl.

8:30PM: FOB came and swapped with my sister - by this point i couldn't talk and didn't realise he was there. I was screaming in pain, i heard people talking but none of it made sense. I remember banging my head repeatedly against the tub wall (i have a bruise on my forehead now :-/ ) i remember people trying to convince me to have pethadine (i had thrown the gas and air on the floor in a moment of pain, deciding it did no good now) but i kept shaking my head. I wanted to do it natural, that's all i knew, and had promised myself, no matter what, i would do it on my own, no matter how bad it got.

9:00PM: The midwife was worried about me, screaming in pain, she told me i could start pushing, but i couldn't do it, i refused, it hurt so much. I just tensed up completely. She tried to pursuade me to have pethadine, if anything just to relax me enough to start pushing. She told me i either needed to have some drugs or start pushing, otherwise she could see me knocking myself out with the pain. I came to a decision. I would have to start pushing.

10:00PM: And oh god did i push. I pushed for what seemed forever. The pain by this point was unbareable. I was crazy with the pain. Shouting out that she wasn't going to come, i couldn't get her out. I would never be able to get her out of me. No words of support, of help, or encouragement could pursuade me. I felt like i was dying, and at that point i realised i didn't care if i did. I felt i couldn't breathe (ashma!) and wouldn't have the gas and air still knowing it wouldnt really help and it didn't give me enough air, i needed big breaths. Needed to fill my lungs to push.
They gave me a little stool in the tub with me to lean on. I was on my knees and gripped my hands onto the stool and pushed against it. I cut all my fingers on that stool somehow. Suffice to say i didn't notice at the time.
Most of the time i was pushing it felt like i was trying to have a really big poo (lol) then at some point, i was very much aware there was a head half sticking out of me. This was the kick i needed. She was there, right there. My little girl was trying to get out of the world, and i needed to push with all my might to get her out. I pushed so hard i felt i might turn myself inside out. I felt that the head was out before the midwife confirmed it. She was there, my little girls head! They told me one more big push, but i didn't need telling, i would have done anything at that point knowing my little girl was only moments away from being in my arms. It was the strangest feeling in the world, her body being pushed out of me.

10:13PM: She was put straight into my arms, a towel placed on top of her. Water being splashed against us. The first thing i noticed was her head of golden hair, i held her small, fragile body against me. I smiled as i told her 'you have caused me so much pain' i smiled because, inside, i knew she was so worth it.

I wanted the injection for the placenta delivery, but when i stood up to get out of the pool, a load of blood came out of me, and my midwife said the placenta wasn't far behind and to give a little push. I almost told her where to go. I had pushed enough!! But she insisted and i just wanted to go lie down so i pushed, and out slipped the placenta! It was gross. Suffice to say, i got out of the pool fast!

I felt really dizzy so sat on the bed in the pool room and cuddled my baby girl. I was told that i had a 1st degree tear and would need stitches. FOB and my mum had cuddles of Isabella while i got stitched up. Midwife promised that it wouldn't hurt, but it did. The liar. I had had enough of pain!! Was then taken to the maternity ward where i spend the whole night just looking at Isabella in complete shock and awe.

My pregnancy was an accident, concieved on the pill, with a boyfriend i had known for 3 months and only just moved in with. My boyfriend told me that we could do it, we could be a family and we'd be alright, we'd work everything out together. At month 6 of my pregnancy my boyfriend told me he didn't love me anymore. I moved back to my mothers in Birmingham. I spent a month crying and knowing i would be alone. A teenage single mother, when i had never wanted children in the first place. Never even liked children. Eventually, with my family helping me, i came to see how amazing this pregnancy was, and how wonderful my little girl would be, and how much i would love her. At month 8, with the help of my father, i moved into my own flat and set up what would be our home for the first year at least. Then, last monday, my little girl was born.

Isabella Rose was born on the 09.11.09 at 10:13PM weighing 7lbs exactly with lovely hair and dark blue eyes.


Brought tears to me eyes: you are so brave and just look at what you created! :hugs:

Well done and hope this marks the start of a truly amazing future :cloud9:

OMG what a wonderful story! Its bought a tear to my eye!!! Well done both of you and I am glad FOB is there and will hopefully be a support to both of you in some way
oh wow hun you were so brave! i feel so happy for you you sound so proud of her :) xo
great birth story you should be so proud of yourself to go through that much pain but it was so worth it as she is gorgous congarts xx
This is a great story and you have a very moving way to tell it. :) Congratulations on your princess!
Awww - it wasn't that scary a read (although I'm sure your knuckles tell a different story). Really nice story though, beautiful baby girl at the end. It was all worth it :)
Your story is thoroughly heart warming. Your frank and honest account of the pain and the beauty of labour is something but when you then go on to read about your personal circumstances it becomes even more poignant and moving. You seem wise beyond your years and I am sure that you have reassured many women who use this message board, which seems ironic really.

I hope that life with Isabella is wonderful and that, in the future, all your troubles are little ones.

Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing!
Pip you're one brave lady!!!! You're birth story is lovely, an inspiration to me that i too can do this amazing thing.... it brought a tear to my eye.

She's adorable by the way (like you need to be told that!) you seem to be madly in love with her. Thanks so much for sharing with us all

Thanks for sharing that honey - made me cry and helped me prepare for the fact its going to flippin hurt but I'll get through and it'll all be worth it.

I wish you EVERY luck and good thing for the future.

Brilliantly written, congratulations on your princess. You have inspired me x x
Aww what an amazing story congrats you Little girl is Beautiful

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