Welcoming Merridy Evelyn (Via Crash C-Section)


Mum to Kaden and Merridy!
Oct 7, 2008
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Merridy's Birth Story

So on Sunday, May 23, I felt sick the entire day. I'd eaten 2 pickles (heh heh) at lunchtime and thought maybe they just were not sitting right with me, but 10 hours later and about 100 trips to the bathroom gagging or worse, I thought okay, my body MUST be gearing up for Baby Time.

I was up all night, like usual, to pee, but around 3:30 I felt a contraction that was undeniably a real one. This continued completely randomly til about 6am when I started timing them as I could tell they were actually finally developing a rhythm.

I woke DH up ("Really? Oh geez, now I am nervous!" hahaha) and went to quickly shower. I was still not sure what would happen - I didn't have the crazy strong pains I did with my first born, Kaden. My plan was to head over to my inlaw's house since they'd be taking care of Kman and then labour there as long as I wanted to before going to the hospital.

I called my mum and dad to give them a heads up that I was PROBABLY in labour but not to worry about coming home or anything as DH was with me and the hospital would have only allowed my mum out of everyone to come to my bedside and I didn't feel that was even necessary.

My FIL had already left for work but was already BACK at home when we arrived at their house! lol He said he wanted to enjoy the day with Kaden and be there for updates.

So after about an hour at their house, the contractions were closer together - 3 or 4 minutes for the most part, so I said, let's go. The drive was only 15 minutes thankfully.

When I got here, they were great - put me in my own triage room and monitored me. They checked me and I was only 3 cm. I was like OH GEEZ because I was having incredibly painful back pains - something I never experienced with Kaden's labour. Plus with my first labour I arrived at the hospital at 6cm and it was discouraging to only be 3 and in so much MORE pain!

That said, I was determined to go drug free and the staff was wonderfully supportive. At first they were going to get me to walk around and not admit me officially yet because I needed to be 4cm before they typically admit someone. Merridy was not moving though and they wanted us monitored until she moved around more.

My doc is on vacation this week, but I have been seeing the same resident, Dr. Silver, who showed up and it was nice to have a familiar face at that point. Around then, Mer's heart rate decelerated dramatically from 140something to 40something. It totally recovered within moments so they were not worried, but they checked me again and since I was 4cm, I was admitted but not allowed to walk as I needed constant monitoring for her heart rate.

I got into my delivery room and the pain in my back was getting worse and worse. At first they were going to put me in the labour tub, at my request, but I was checked again and was 5 cm and they said I was going too fast for the tub. They brought me a birthing ball though while was a mild help with the pain. My nurse, Alex, was amazing and showed DH where to put the pressure during a contraction to help with the back labour.

Within a short period of time, we had another decel in her heart rate - enough for people to start calling into the room to find out if the nurse needed OB to come check things out. They said everything was monitored. At this point, 'my doctor' showed up. (This was the lady covering for my actual doc). She said I needed to get on my knees facing the head of the bed, lean on the bed and rock through my contractions. I did this, but it was easily the worst pain I'd ever experienced. Not like Kaden's delivery where I could manage it, but just hard core, full out pain. She checked me and I was 7cm. The reason she wanted me in that position was because of the back labour - apparently she could turn more easily and hopefully that would help get rid of some of the severe pain.

It was at this point that things got scary. Mer's heart rate dropped and would not recover. It went from 140s down to 40s and 50s and was just so slow. My doc at first said you need to start pushing (even though I was only 7cm!) and they were going to grab the forceps and get her out. I of course through the painful back labour FREAKED out. I KNEW how severe the situation was getting as at this point there were about 20 people in the room. It is so strange how despite the pain a person can be in, you still have an inner monologue and are reasoning and talking to yourself lol

Not sure exactly what happened but out of no where (like 2 seconds after they said forceps) it was an immediate change of plans - C-section and fast. I had crazy contractions, oxygen mask being shoved on my face for the 100th time, being told I had to slow my breathing down and breathe for Merridy. They asked for my oral consent to do the surgery as there was no time to sign anything - I later found out DH eventually signed the consent after the surgery was done.

They wheeled me super fast to the csec room - DH was not allowed in as it was going to be done so fast. They basically had me laying on the table with both arms out, each arm getting some sort of IV or needle. They held a hardcore oxygen mask over my face this time and told me to relax (yeh, impossible). After only moments they said "you're going to sleep now". I didn't realize I would be knocked out til that moment. I am not sure why. Everything was happening so fast plus I was STILL having the back labour so I was just completely out of it and totally overwhelmed.

I remember the nurse stroking my hand and just staring at about 8 people who were staring at me. All I was thinking about was Merridy, and praying she would be okay. Then I woke up in recovery.:sleep:

DH has filled me in on what happened while I was asleep - she was born within literally minutes - the whole thing from 'she needs a section' to Mer being born was 10 minutes tops. He got to hold her as soon as they had checked her quickly, but literally within minutes. I am SO grateful for this as I did not get to do skin to skin obviously. She was perfectly healthy, with APGAR scores of 7 and 9. Thank goodness.

It took a long time to sew me up afterward because I bled a lot and needed to be given some blood. Who knew? I also threw up and ripped out my iv before even waking up. Some patient I am, huh?

So I woke up in the recovery room and for about 8 seconds completely forgot where I was. Then as soon as DH whispered 'she is perfect' I remembered and was not really able to open my eyes yet but said thank goodness. I honestly was scared she was not going to make it. It was terrifying.

I was in recovery, awake for about an hour. I had already been in there for a good amount of time - about 1.75 hrs before I woke up. DH explained what happened and I just lay there in shock. Then I had to get a chest x-ray because they said my oxygen saturation dropped like crazy under the anesthetic and they were worried something got screwed up with one of my lungs. Thankfully that did not pan out into anything and my lungs are fine. My mum and brother got to come and see me and after about 20 minutes with them there, I got to go to my real room.

Once I was there I got to meet Merridy! lol She was waiting for me. She had been in the NICU only to make sure the heart rate was an in the uterus issue and not an outside world thing too. She is totalllllly healthy! So we got to snuggle and cuddle. My parents, brother, DH's parents, sister and her bf were all there too and got their turn to hold her and give her lots of love!

We all hung out and DH and I told everyone how it all happened and then people left. We had a wonderful first night together! She is actually nursing, ("This baby is a great little nurser!") and sleeping well too! Oh, and she has a full head of hair! Everyone is commenting on how much hair she has!!! lol Our son was bald until about 15 months old so having a little gal who I can put bows in her hair is a riot!

It is amazing how different they are, how different their births were, but I thank God for keeping us all safe and blessing our family with these kids.

She is 7lbs even, 21 inches long, born at 1:36pm on May 24.

Kaden and Merridy were both born on the Tuesday after a long weekend, on a day I had a doc appt scheduled with a doc who was not my normal doctor. How weird is that?

We always only planned on having two children and this experience confirmed for me that that feels right. My son's birth story https://www.babyandbump.com/birth-stories-announcements/176326-my-sweet-kaden-aug-4-2009-a.html was another crazy journey (because of issues he had at birth, and a subsequent 2 week NICU stay) and I just feel like our family is complete now.

DH said something funny yesterday - he said "thank goodness you only want two kids because next time I bet something crazy would happen to me during your labour/delivery!" lol

Just feel so blessed.....thank goodness we are all happy and here!

Our first picture together


Big brother Kaden holding his sister
congratulations...you baby girl is very cute. sorry you had such a traumatic time, so glad you are both ok x
Wow what an ordeal

congratulaions, she is gorgeous, I hope your recovering well
Awwe!! She's 'effin adorable!! Congrats! <3 :hugs:
You look amazing after what you'd been through! I would look like death lol! She's very cute, congrats x
She's beautiful glad your both ok x
Congratulations! She looks lovely :flower: xx

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