Well I didnt see that one coming!


3rd tri
Nov 15, 2009
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I have just had my initial appointment at the fertility clinic after being referred for IUI by the fertility specialist at the hospital due to mild mae factor. Hubbys sperm were slightly low on the morphology at 8%, 8% and 4%.

I was all geared up for starting IUI and we managed to get our appointment just before AF due so we can get started on my next cycle.

However, the consultant today said that we were most likely "unexplained" as there wasnt anything wrong with the :spermy:. He said the morph was slighly on the low side but was unlikely to mean we couldnt conceive. He then said we should go for IVF instead!!!

I hadnt even considered that that is what we would be doing and had it in my head that we wouldnt end up going down that path. I feel so naive at thinking that. Hubby is being quite matter of fact and practical by saying it makes sense and it has better odds etc etc but its not him that has to do so much!!!

I feel quite upset and dont really understand why. This is a good thing isnt it?I thought I would be over the moon on leaving the clinic knowing that we will be starting treatment this month. But I almost feel in shock and sat in silence all the way home.

fluffy x
Didn't want to read and run. IVF is a big deal and you weren't expecting, it's normal to take a few days to get used to the idea. Great news about your OH's swimmers!:hugs:
Best of luck fluffy - it must have been a shock! Hopefully it'll be a positive outcome for you :)
Thanks springflower and foxy,

I just feel so stupid for not being prepared for them saying that. Im surprised that the FS reccommended one thing then the consultant said "straight to IVF"!

I have been thinking about it and I guess seeing as the FS works for the NHS, they are going to go for the cheapest option possible - IUI. Then we see the consultant from the fertility clinic who know that the PCT will be finding whatever treatment they recommend so cost isnt really a problem? What do you think?

Its also interesting that both the gp and FS thought that 8% or 4% normal forms for :spermy: was not good - hence being referred on. However the clinic consultant didnt think that was an issue. Maybe he was more in touch with the WHO new guidelines that 4% is actually normal??
This happened to us, DH had lower morph number than that, but our FS said we should go forth with IUI. We did. First one failed, second one worked and we got pregnant. I eventually had to have surgery for an ectopic but the IUI still worked. The problem was I have tubal disease. I am undergoing our first IVF cycle now and it is taxing. Please take your time and think about it carefully.

Best of luck to you.
I know how you feel! All of mine and OH's tests had been clear, so was thinking it would happen eventually. Then went for an HSG which showed partial blockages in both tubes. I went for my follow-up FS appointment where I thought I'd be told it's fine, you can still conceive, we can remove any blockages during your lap & dye. But she just said basically there's nothing we can do really, your lap will prob just confirm what we suspect and once its done, I'll refer you staright for IVF!!

Wasn't expecting it at all. It was like in my head IVF was always a last last resort thing, and not it's like our only resort! And the chance are I'll be starting on it in a few months! Still in shock tbh!

Oh Fluffy! That is a big shock, IVF is a big deal. It's great that things are finally progressing fo you though. IVF does have better results and I know that IUI isn't recommended for every case. I seem to remember reading that it's not often used for 'unexplained' which sounds more like the category that you fall into now.

I've got my second FS appointment tomorrow, where we'll discuss what treatment plan we'll be taking. He mentioned trying IUI first, last time we saw him (if all was ok with HyCoSy, which it was) Our SA numbers are not so different from yours if I remember correctly, (ours being lower) so will be interesting to see what plan of action he suggests.

Best of luck!
I think as well that its understandable to be shocked, IVF is a big deal and not something to be undertaken lightly. Glad to hear things are progressing for you and that you have some hope that you could conceive naturally as well. Good luck with treatment.
Thanks all,

bmcmanus - good luck in your IVF cycle :thumbup:

Lisa - I do feel in shock, but I feel more annoyed with myself for being so naive about it. Its not like us ladies on here arent well informed about all the different processes but I know exactly what you mean about thinking it was a way off yet! I cant believe we will be starting next month!

Tomo - Thanks hunnie for make me feel like im not overreacting :hugs: Good luck with the appointment tomorrow, I will be interested to see what they say for you if we had siilar SA numbers etc.

I think the consultant was trying to do us a favour as he said the odd are far better with IVF and you get to find out lots more information which can help to inform any further treatment we made need such as egg quality and whether the sperm can actually get through and fertilise an egg. He pointed out that with IUI you could potentially keep going for another year and there still could be problems. Though obviously, you could be sucessful straight away and have avoided all the intrusive bits and injections for IVF.!!

Think me head is still spinning :headspin:, though not quite as fast as yesterday!
Crikey, I'm not surprised you were a bit thrown. I think saying you were naive is doing yourself down. The messages you've had up until now have not led you to consider IVF so I think you're completely entitled to be shell shocked! :flower:

Best of luck with it though Fluffy, I shall be following your progress closely!

Hey Fluffy,

Hope you're doing ok? Just thought I'd let you know how we got on with our FS. Nothing was found to be wrong with me, (bloods all fine and tubes clear) and Mr Tomo's SA tests are classified as normal. Our hospital uses the WHO's most recent guidelines, so class 4% > morph and 40% > motility as normal. So technically we are "unexplained". He said that we could try IUI or clomid but that a recent study suggests that there is no difference between these methods to trying naturally.
This is the study:
So we are going to try on our own for a while longer, we're not ready to try IVF, it's only been 15 months. So we'll review it in the spring. Also our NHS funding body will not fund IVF or IUI for unexplained if you're under 35 and you have been trying for less than 3 years.

He also said that 80% of couples conceive within a year, that increases to 90% within 2 years, So at the moment we're still on the upward trajectory.

The odds are far better than with IVF than with IUI, so I can understand why they have suggested that for you. Good luck with it, but don't be afraid to delay it if you feel you're not quite ready for that step.
Thanks so much for that Tomo.
I had checked what our PCT would fund for us and I am surprised that we can have IVF! I guess it is due to the fact that the NHS FS decided we had "proven infertility" due to male factor and that is why we got put forward for treatment at a fertility clinic. We have been trying for 2 years so you are right that if he considered us "unexplained" we would have had to wait another year. It was only when at the fertilityclinic that the consultant recommended IVF saying that although the morph was a bit low it was unlikley to be the cause so he would classify us as unexplained.

I havent decided whether to wait a bit or go for it right now. I kind of feel if its being offered and everything has been falling into place then it go for it. I dont have to decide yet anyway as I have 3 weeks or so until out next appointment. I will see how I feel then.

Thanks for the link too, I will have a read.

Hey Fluffy,

Sorry to hear the news :( I know it's all hard to take in but I guess it would have been harder on you as well to go through IUI 2-3 times without any success know how it plays with our heads and hearts. Maybe this way you'll get your BFP SOONER!!!!!

Hang in there it will workout in the end!!!

I had my HSG test yesterday and it didn't go very good. Both tubes are blocked and I was seriously devistated! Just a reck! But my FS was very nice about it and told us that not to worry that he's going to give me a BABY! So he made me feel a little! He did tell me if surgery doesn't work we will go to IVF. So I think that in my mind I kinda felt that was going to be the route we were going to have to go and at this point I want to have a family so bad that I'm ok with it!!

Good luck!!!! Keep me posted
Thanks Hun,
I posted in your other thread too. Your FS does sound lovely, its quite reassuring when the professionals are routing for you too! Im still undecided whether to start IVF this cycle or next. If I wait a month I could end up having EC/ET around christmas and not sure what the clinic do around that time! Might also get a bit tricky with christmas family plans as none of them know.

Goodness me so much to think about!
Thanks Hun,
I posted in your other thread too. Your FS does sound lovely, its quite reassuring when the professionals are routing for you too! Im still undecided whether to start IVF this cycle or next. If I wait a month I could end up having EC/ET around christmas and not sure what the clinic do around that time! Might also get a bit tricky with christmas family plans as none of them know.

Goodness me so much to think about!

Take your time to think it through!!! Whatever your decision I wish you the best!!!!!

Does your insurance pay for any? I know mine doesn't but need to find out how much it cost before I do anything. Might be good to start saving just in case I'm sure if we don't need to go that route I could use the $ for other baby stuff!!!!
Im in the uk and the nhs does pay for a couple of cycles so thats not too bad x
Im in the uk and the nhs does pay for a couple of cycles here so not too bad x Whereabouts do you live?
i had a similar experience...

we started the procedure for IUI at my regular gyn, but in the same cycle we went for a second opinion at the fertility clinic (the apointment was literally a few days before i'd have an insemination).

the FS said that with my history (ectopic) it would be very irresponsable to do IUI without having a lap & dye and he had no idea why my gyn would not do this. with IUI i could have another ectopic and the outcome might not be so positive (i was very lucky).

so no IUI, 2 weeks later lap & dye instead, my OH several examinations too,
10 days later the result (IVF is the way to go) and 2 months later i was already pregnant.

it can go fast with IVF haha
Thanks tinybutterfly; congratulations!!

I am finding this is all going fast but perhaps that is how it is all meant to be and the right specialists have been intervening at the right times!!! Oh I do hope so.

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