Well Visits and Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
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So, while I am going to be writing a blog post about this.. I am seriously wondering what other moms think or do in regards to well visits and vaccinations.

I HATE the fact of taking my 5 week old baby girl into a pediatrician and being forced to expose her to germs and sick kids. I see no reason why I can't weigh and measure her at home. In fact, I would do it weekly rather than monthly if I could and I just might. Does anyone else not take their newborns or babies to the doctors? I took her to the first week check up as well as 3 days after and I was told to go back at one month. I also was told at that visit that if I chose not to vaccinate her, she would be dismissed or released from the practice.

My son was stillborn last September at 33 weeks. There is NO way Im going to allow any doctor to inject my babygirl with vaccines. Ive done too much research to decide otherwise.

I just called my doctor who is a family practice and asked if they force vaccinations and I was told yes (mandatory in their practice). For this reason.. I am now facing a dilemma. Should I even schedule a one month well visit for her (with the knowledge that next month I would be dismissed from either practice) and risk her getting sick from all the germs in doctors offices? Or should I buy a reliable scale and being to weigh and measure her myself at home and chart it all out?

I am breastfeeding her and she is healthy.

Did anyone else face this dilemma and if so, what did you end up deciding on for your LO?

Thank you!
If you are not going to vaccinate her I would see no need to take her to the pediatrician for well child visits. That said, both of my kids ARE vaccinated and have never gotten sick after any of their doctor visits. When they were tiny babies I would cover their car seat carriers with a blanket to keep the germs away. As they get older I keep them restrained in the stroller so they can't touch everything until the doctor or nurse examines them. Then I sanitize them like crazy once we get to the car.
Well Child visits for newborns are done in the home here, first by the midwife then a nurse.

As for vaccines, I've also had them done in my home, but that isn't usually. We had some public health nurses offer to visit.
If you’re so worried about your baby getting sick, then you should probably vaccinate her since vaccinations prevent a whole raft of horrible diseases. Doesn’t really make sense to me that you’d avoid taking her to the doctor as she might get sick and then not vaccinate her which would leave her vulnerable to getting sick.

My kids have also not got sick from going to the doctors.
If you’re so worried about your baby getting sick, then you should probably vaccinate her since vaccinations prevent a whole raft of horrible diseases. Doesn’t really make sense to me that you’d avoid taking her to the doctor as she might get sick and then not vaccinate her which would leave her vulnerable to getting sick.

My kids have also not got sick from going to the doctors.

I was thinking the exact same thing.
A lot of my friends who don't vaccinate their kids only take them to the dr unless they need treatment for something. I've been using urgent care in my area for "hurt" visits, and I really like them because I don't have to wait forever like I would at most dr offices. That being said, I don't take my kids to the dr because they're sick - at least, I haven't had to YET because I can handles colds and viruses at home - but for stitches, broken bones, tick bites, etc. check out an urgent care in your area if you have one.
Im so sorry for your loss last year. Can I ask if you lost your baby following the TDAP or flu vaccine? Just wondering because your post led me to think your loss was possibly related to vaccines. Whatever happened, I'm so sorry, I can't imagine going through that.

I do take my son to well visits, but I haven't decided about vaccinations yet. Right now I'm delaying while I continue my research. My pediatrician, although not entirely thrilled, said she would work with what I wanted to do. You can find a list of doctors online that support parents rights to choose and who will take unvaccinated or selectively vaccinated kids. I'd start there. I've heard of people who don't vaccinate not going to well visits but personally being an ICU nurse and scared of all kinds of random nightmares, I'm happy to have them checked out now and then. It also establishes a rapor with your provider. There are many who don't vaccinate that look at going to well visits differently than that, and that's fair, I understand that argument too.

Oh and I don't worry about my kids getting sick at the doctor. You'll find the local library to be just as germ filled. Lol
I can't say any of us have ever been sick from visiting a doctor either, however I catch every cold that seems to be going around the kids at school!

It isn't like your baby is gonna get aids from being seated in your lap in a public area. What's the worst that could happen, they get a cold? People don't go to the doctors for colds anyway surely. I can't imagine what a waste of their time and the doctors time that would be.

I've never been a paranoid person about germs and illnesses so maybe you have a bit of anxiety about it?

My older kids had terrible colds when Emma was born, but Emma was just fine.
I strongly urge you to research both sides of the argument. You are putting your child in far more danger by not vaccinating than by taking her through a waiting room at the pediatricians office.
My son died at 33 weeks pregnant due to placental abruption. I havent got the flu shot since I was 13 and I am 23 now. Bill Gates stated vaccinations are a form of population control.. with that being said, I also dont trust government and I damn sure dont appreciate doctors trying to push vaccines on me or my 5 week old daughter. Ive researched on my own and there is no way Im going to get her vaccinated atleast not until she is older if I do. If you read what is in them and also about parents who lost their babies to them; you would probably feel the same. Doctors get so much money for pushing and giving vaccines. They will deny it but no doubt they do. They are taught to do so. Thank you for your condolenses.

If she were hurt or sick or showing any signs of being unwell Id be the first to take her to urgent care or emergency room. I just see no need in taking her around sick kids to be told her weight when I can buy a scale and weigh her in our home. :/
Also, how or why I am putting her in danger? If everyone elses kids are vaccinated and they are just "so effective" I should have no chance of her getting any of the illness or disease these vaccines supposedly prevent. Ive researched both sides. I wont allow my baby to be injected with the shit in vaccines. Its pharma... they care about money. Did you know just as many get whooping cough that are vaccinated than those who arent.. actually... I believe 80% of whooping cough cases are those who are vaccinated. In that case, the vaccine is ineffective and only gives your baby chemicals that could kill them if not instantly then long term. Alot of the ingredients are proven and known to cause cancer.
Minties.. I have no anxiety only ADHD. I always laughed at my Mom for worrying all the time lol. I just already lost my son at 33 weeks. Now I have my baby girl in my arms and I'll be damned if another person or especially a sick kid at the doctors gets her sick. Alot of my family havent met her yet because Im not going to have someone come around, want to hold her and then have her get sick because I know people can be contagious with zero symotoms and that would piss me off to no end. Im breastfeeding exclusively and havent taken her anywhere unless absoloutley necessary such as to sign discharge to pick up my Mom after surgery.

I used to get sick all the time when I went to public school.. I started cyber school in 10th grade and I can't even remember the last time I got sick. I know people equal sickness and I prefer to stay away from public places.

Im antisocial so I dont live in fear of people hahaha I just hate being around people. I dont even enjoy people coming to see my baby. In fact, if it werent for my parents basically forcing me to let my aunt, my one cousin and my fiances mom and sister meet her - Id be happy as hell to only let my fiance and my immediate family hold her and love on her. I dont care to "show her off" because people annoy me and Im already disgusted with people trying to hold her... I know.. Im different I guess lol
I am sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how heartbreaking that was.

What these websites fail to explain is that dose makes the poison, not the element itself. Even water becomes toxic if you drink too much of it. Mercury is a naturally occurring element in nature. You ingest more of it in the foods you eat and water you drink (even organic foods) than you’ll ever receive when you get all of the recommended vaccines. There is even traces of mercury in your breastmilk. You will also ingest more preservatives on an average day than you’ll ever receive from vaccines.

I’ll be totally honest, it sucks watching your child get shots. You know it hurts and of course as a parent you never want to hurt your child. But measles, polio, meningitis, etc all hurt far worse and do much more damage. There is nothing worse as a parent than having a sick child. They can’t speak to tell you how they feel, and you feel helpless and powerless trying to make them feel better. You may think that your child will just get over whooping cough of whatever illness, but to watch them go through is heartbreaking and so much worse than a few minutes of tears from vaccines. If there is anything I can do to prevent my baby girl from getting sick, I will do it. Vaccines prevent many diseases. Sure, they aren’t 100% effective, but if there is a >90% chance that my child will never get hepatitis B, I’ll gladly do it, and if my doctor gets a kickback for that, good for him for keeping my child safe.

If my child ever became deathly ill from something that could have been prevented that I chose not to do, I could never live with myself. A child may not ever contract a deadly illness without vaccines, but why take that chance? Vaccines could prevent a child from contracting the flu or pneumonia or chicken pox from a child in a doctor’s office waiting room.
I know everybody has different views but personally I feel the more babies are exposed to the outside world and public places, the better their immune system will be. My two both have been exposed to alot from an early age (I have horses so they have to come along, dust, dirt, germs and all) from day 1 and they are both very healthy. Surely by avoiding common coughs and colds and daily germs their immune system cannot build up so they will be more likely to get a serious illness?
Congratulations on your baby girl by the way, especially after your awful loss :-( xx
Also, how or why I am putting her in danger? If everyone elses kids are vaccinated and they are just "so effective" I should have no chance of her getting any of the illness or disease these vaccines supposedly prevent. Ive researched both sides. I wont allow my baby to be injected with the shit in vaccines. Its pharma... they care about money. Did you know just as many get whooping cough that are vaccinated than those who arent.. actually... I believe 80% of whooping cough cases are those who are vaccinated. In that case, the vaccine is ineffective and only gives your baby chemicals that could kill them if not instantly then long term. Alot of the ingredients are proven and known to cause cancer.

Herd immunity only works if a majority of the "herd" is immunized. The problem these days is so many people not vaccinating that we are starting to see deadly diseases returning. Yes vaccines are not 100% effective, but they save lives. There are diseases that were once eradicated that are unfortunately returning because so many people are choosing not to vaccinate their children.

I think jumping and saying that vaccinating your kids will kill them "instantly" or "long term" is a little extreme. As others have said, if you are going to research the anti-vaccine side, you should also research the pro-vaccine side and then make an informed decision.

My children have never gotten sick from going to the doctors office. I think they keep the offices very well cleaned. They also have a "well child area" and "well checkup" hours where it is only healthy children visiting. Maybe ask if your office has something similar?

One last thing, if you don't like your doctor or their policies, find a new one.
My issue is if my newborn were to die from an injection I could never live with myself. A vaccine is a choice I have to make for her. Illness is not a choice otherwise everyone would choose not to become ill (lol).

Also Im not sure who stated about ingredients being toxic in certain amounts, however, there is no known safe amount of many of the ingredients in vaccines. Mercury for example is NOT meant to be injected or even drank for that matter.. water can be toxic at extreme amounts however water is safe for human consumption. Water is also not known to cause cancer. :/
What if your child were to contact a deadly disease that could have been prevented had she had a vaccine? I cannot say that just because my children are vaccinated they won't get sick, but I know it definitely helps.

It also seems like you kind of live in this little bubble. I get you lost a baby and that is extremely hard, but you can't confine your child to a life of living inside and away from people - even family - just because you are worried she will get sick.

Yes it sucks to see your kids in any type of pain, but kids are resilient and they will be just fine.
Luz, I dont live in a bubble in a sense that Im scared of anything. I dont like people or being around people so I guess its a nice excuse to use. I truly dont want her to get sick and I dont like people and yes people are the way she will get sick when she does I just dont care to deal with her crying and screaming any more than I do already lol. I am exclusively breastfeeding so I have basically no time to myself as it is. If she were to get sick Id have zero time to myself - literally.
Mercury is in a lot of foods, especially vegetables, fish, and rice, in trace amounts, including your breastmilk.
Having a baby is hard. Often times a lot harder than people think it will be. Hang in there and give it a few weeks. Life gets easier around 2-3 months when they get onto more of a schedule and then you get more time to yourself... but not really. I don't even think i've peed alone for the past 6 years :haha:

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