Well Visits and Vaccinations

I think it's very, very easy to say vaccines are bad and "big pharma" wants to control us and "control the population" when we live in a day and age where the large majority of us haven't seen a disease like polio. My great-grandmother died of the flu in the 1920's. My grandmother regularly talked about friends and acquaintances who were stricken with polio and were in iron lungs, and later on spent the rest of their lives in wheelchairs.

My brother got spinal meningitis before a vaccine was readily available - he was in the hospital for months and luckily survived without any brain damage. We were told he would likely die. We were lucky he didn't.

Your newborn won't get any vaccines until 2 months old. And then she'll only get vaccines that could literally save her life - rotavirus, TDAP, Hib, PCV and Polio. That's it. And if your doctor is okay with it, you can delay the schedule a bit. Did you get a TDAP when you were pregnant? If so, your baby has already had her first vaccine.

I'm just curious, however. What do you think that the US government has to gain by giving us vaccines? Do you really think there's a huge conspiracy to slowly harm us all via vaccines? Just because a company makes a profit of a product doesn't mean it's a bad product. That's what companies do - they try to make money. Remember that the rest of the developed world also get vaccines. The US are not the only people in the world getting vaccinated. Please, do you and your child a favor by getting off the bogus natural health websites and look into the real science and history of vaccines. Talk to an elderly person who has seen death, brain damage and blindness from polio, flu, diptheria.
It's a personal preference either way. You can always switch doctors. I take my little one to the pediatrician based out of the hospital. My friend takes her baby to a naturopath doctor who does not force vaccines. It is easy to not spread germs in a pediatrician's office. I wear her in my carrier and use hand sanitizer frequently and especially before touching her. If someone is coughing i move to an area of the waiting room where no one is sitting.

I vaccinate because i am a healthcare worker and am exposed to all sorts of nasty germs. While i may not get sick, it would be easy for me to pass it on to my little one. And with an outbreak of measles AND pertussis in my area... it was a no brainer. But the point is, it was my decision, just like it is your decision.

A well visit is more than just height and weight. They check for heart murmurs and hearing problems. They check milestones to make sure there are no problems developmentally. Catching these things early is incredibly important and can make a HUGE difference. An example is if a child falls in the autism spectrum and needs additional services like speech therapy. Identifying it early is critical for future growth and learning. They check hip development and bone growth. They check eyes........... it's so much MORE than height and weight.

So maybe see if you can find someone who will do a well visit who doesn't force vaccinations, if that is what you choose to do. A well visit is still very important.
Please remember that while it is your choice, you are irreversibly impacting your child’s life. Your decision will have a tremendous impact on your daughter’s well being. While you may feel good about it, you are making a choice on her behalf that she cannot control and has no say in. You must think of her best interest, not yours.
As others have said, doctors surgeries are far less dangerous than being unvaccinated.

Use peer reviewed literature. Sources should end with something "reliable" for example, with .ac.uk or similar. That means they are academic resources. Use journal articles, not scaremongering.

My dd was born by c-section, we had loads of visitors in the hospital, and family visiting constantly. She was born in October and we took her out shopping and to lots of big public events since she was about a week old. I'm a teacher so I bring home all sorts of germs.

My dd has had two colds in her life. She's 2. We formula fed and she shares food with my dog, she picks things off the floor and eats them, and does generally gross toddler things.

Kids need an immune system to keep them healthy. The immune system is built through exposure. By allowing them to become exposed to germs, you help them build resilience. That's how vaccines work.

You are not only putting your own child at risk by not vaccinating them, you are also risking the health and life of others. Immunosuppressed people can't be vaccinated; they rely on herd immunity for protection. That includes really vulnerable people, for example cancer patients (including children) who can literally die from a common cold/flu.

While I don't necessarily agree with the flu vaccine for healthy people (I'm entitled to it as I'm a teacher but I'm healthy so it's not going to be a serious illness for me) I definitely make sure my daughter is vaccinated against fatal illnesses such as meningitis. Have you seen what meningitis does to a child? Far, far worse than a vaccine.

And as for "making money off it" these vaccines are offered free of charge through the NHS here. Hardly profiteering when our government actually has to pay to vaccinate people 🤷🏼*♀️

I also lost babies although not as late term as you. Correlation doesn't equal causation.
There are doctors who don‘t force vaccinations or let you adjust the timing of them - as another poster said well visits are important and not just about height and weight so maybe finding a different Doctor who is more in line with your views is your best bet.

And I usually try to stay out of vaccination debates as I think it is pointless as usually views and opinions aren‘t changed but usually and ironically just manifest deeper, but I also agree that not vaccinating puts your Baby at a greater risk than exposure to people. The human race is literally made to interact and keeping her in a close circle of only you, your partner and your parents will definitely not help her body develop a sufficient immune system.

And the only reason (as again another poster has stated) more and more parents feel confident enough to not vaccinate is that those vaccines have been effective in eradicating the diseases - but with more and more people not vaccinating they can and do come back. Just because you may have never seen or heard of anyone in your area getting sick with those diseases does not mean they can‘t become a threat again.
Also, i know this is a lot more prevalent in europe (i‘m from germany for example) , but there were and still are also lots of refugees entering the US and coming from countries where those vaccines aren‘t as readily available and diseases aren‘t eradicated, chances are even higher that more and more diseases break out again. This does not mean vaccines don‘t work - instead it should be all the more reason to vaccinate and do your part in keeping up herd immunity.

I just always wonder if there was suddenly a vaccine available for all the diseases that feel most threatening in our age - cancer, maybe aids, autoimmune diseases like diabetes or lupus or multiple sklerosis - diseases that we all see on pretty much a daily basis and can only hope to reduce risk factors all while knowing that reducing those does not mean we can‘t get sick. If suddenly there were vaccines against those diseases, would you (or anyone else who is against vaccinations) still be against vaccinating? Idk, maybe it‘ll be some food for thought.
Also, how or why I am putting her in danger? If everyone elses kids are vaccinated and they are just "so effective" I should have no chance of her getting any of the illness or disease these vaccines supposedly prevent. Ive researched both sides. I wont allow my baby to be injected with the shit in vaccines. Its pharma... they care about money. Did you know just as many get whooping cough that are vaccinated than those who arent.. actually... I believe 80% of whooping cough cases are those who are vaccinated. In that case, the vaccine is ineffective and only gives your baby chemicals that could kill them if not instantly then long term. Alot of the ingredients are proven and known to cause cancer.

You know what else is proven to cause cancer? Smoking and being exposed to second hand smoke.

^ If youre short on time watch the above. If you have time watch the below...


How can that be explained away on top of all the other evidence about vaccinations?

Seriously? This is your 'research'? Bill Gates is not trying to peddle vaccines as a way of killing people. Human health relies on having enough resources to support our poulation. The amount of available resources is fixed, so the only variable we can control is population. Those of us in the developed world know that there is a very good chance our children will survive to adulthood, so we feel comfortable having only one or two children. People in the developing world do not have this security, childhood mortality is high and therefore people have very large families so they can be assured that at least some of their children will survive to adulthood. In societies all over the work it has been proven that when childhood mortality is reduced, population growth declines and then stabilizes. That is what Bill Gates means by reducing our population. Bill Gates wants to vaccinate children so they will survive to adulthood, and help stabilize the population growth of our planet so that we have enough resources to support everyone. Geesh.

That is all I am going to say on the subject, I don't normally like to get involved in these anti-vax threads but I just couldn't keep my mouth shut on this one.

^ If youre short on time watch the above. If you have time watch the below...


How can that be explained away on top of all the other evidence about vaccinations?


The way those videos are edited are to make you believe he just said something extremely outragous and scandalous without giving you any context.

I‘m not sure why you would hold Bill Gates so extremely high up in your decision to vaccinate or not, he may be a brilliant mind and businessman but he is also no doctor or medical professional.
But since you do, what he means by controlling population growth is not developed countries. It‘s developING countries, where there are still much much higher child mortality rates and Bill Gates believes that High Child Mortality Rates correlate to high Birth Rates (again in developing countries, so not the US and most of Western countries). He believes if families could be sure their children would survive they would not have as many, which would then naturally lead to decreasing population growth.

He does not mean or admit that vaccines slowly make a community sick at all.

This took me literally a minute to research. You obviously have the same recources to research but you chose to blindly believe a video that has been edited to make you believe what the editor believes. You do not even consider to research the Pros of vaccinating, which actually means you are not making an informed decision at all..
As I said in my previous post, try and look for peer reviewed literature, not videos from YouTube.

Bill Gates is brilliant, but in the field of IT, not medics. I'd not take medical advice from Bill Gates, just like I'd not take my broken laptop to a doctor.

I'm a geography teacher and we literally teach this stuff to S3 pupils, aged 13-14. Look up the demographic transition model. It explores the relationship between birth rate, death rate and population size. The more developed a country is, the later the stage on the DTM. Stage 4/5 countries have a low birth rate and a low death rate due to low infant mortality. Countries at earlier stages must have a high birth rate to ensure that some of their children survive to adulthood and can provide for their parents in old age.

By keeping your child at home most of the time, you are also depriving them of lots of learning experiences, especially as they get older. They are like little sponges at that age and new experiences allow new neural connections to form. Another thing to consider

The way those videos are edited are to make you believe he just said something extremely outragous and scandalous without giving you any context.

I‘m not sure why you would hold Bill Gates so extremely high up in your decision to vaccinate or not, he may be a brilliant mind and businessman but he is also no doctor or medical professional.
But since you do, what he means by controlling population growth is not developed countries. It‘s developING countries, where there are still much much higher child mortality rates and Bill Gates believes that High Child Mortality Rates correlate to high Birth Rates (again in developing countries, so not the US and most of Western countries). He believes if families could be sure their children would survive they would not have as many, which would then naturally lead to decreasing population growth.

He does not mean or admit that vaccines slowly make a community sick at all.

This took me literally a minute to research. You obviously have the same recources to research but you chose to blindly believe a video that has been edited to make you believe what the editor believes. You do not even consider to research the Pros of vaccinating, which actually means you are not making an informed decision at all..

Exactly this. ^^

I am truly sorry for the loss of your little boy and understand that you want to do the best for your daughter but I agree with the other ladies you can't make an informed decision by just looking at articles related to your side of the argument. Please take the advice from loeylo and read some peer reviewed literature and journal articles as well. You also mentioned your daughter being ok because "everyone else is vaccinated" that is just not true anymore. We are having more outbreaks of measles and mumps here in europe and there are still older people living with the lifelong effects of polio, waiting to see if it then also manifests into post polio syndrome which tends to hit in later life. My father in law is very lucky that he just has some balance issues but I had a teacher who couldn't walk because of polio.
Is it possible for you to find a different doctor that you're more comfortable with who you can have a good discussion with about all the options? Your daughter still needs her check ups as some conditions like heart murmurs as mentioned don't show up until all the fetal circulation has closed up
First of all I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

I'm a staff nurse. I work in the rehabilitation of individuals who have been affected by a brain injury in various ways, normally trauma. Prior to this I spent 5 years in forensics and learning disabilities. In all areas I've seen the devasting effect that some diseases we're vaccinated against can cause, a particular bad case being a gentleman who now has severe developmental delays, cognitive problems and mobility issues. He developed encephalitis. From MEASLES. That is simply terrifying for me as a health professional and I can't urge people enough to vaccinate their children due to what I've seen. There are so many side effects to these illnesses that folk don't even realise.

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