We've tried for the past 6 years. This is a very brief synopsis of our journey...we were ttc for 6 months and then my doctor sent us to a fs. Turned out I had diminished ovarian reserves at the age of 34 (my ovaries looked like a 45 year old woman) and they gave me less than 5% chance of natural conception.
The frs ordered the HCG, he did the SA and we both did bloods. My fsh was super high although it was looking like I was still ovulating.
- 3 iui's with chlomid
- 3 failed ivf's
- I lost 60 lbs (BNI 31 down to 23) to help my fertility (being overweight reduces your chances exponentially)
- I mc'd a natural pregnancy that happened after I lost my weight.
- fresh donor egg ivf (mc'd twins)
Then I was tested reproductive immune issues with Dr Beers clinic in Los Gatos California. I didn't have to go there, just had bloods sent and all the consults were over skype (super easy and very worth while). Turned out that even if I did get pregnant I have severe clotting issues that my regular fs didn't even test for (thrombophelia & antiphospholipid antibodies). Fertility specialists often don't even know about immune complications and therefore won't test/treat.
-treated for immune issues with Humira, IVIG, Lovenox, baby aspirin, and prednisone
- 2 more donor egg IVF's with no implantation.
- got on the adoption list
- then I got a surprise natural pregnancy which stuck
I highly recommend that if IVF doesn't work for any of the ltttc'ers and there's a history of either arthritis, Chrones disease, or stroke in your family that you get tested for reproductive immune issues as well. No one ever talks about immune issues on this thread but it's very likely that implantation failure and unknown infertility is due to immunological issues.