this is gunna be a long one-
Well, the day before christmas eve, we get up at 5:00 am and get in the car to asda to do our xmas shop (with kids still in jim jams with coats and boots on!), then we get a mc d's breaksfast and eat it at home.
Then we get dressed go straight into town, to get last min pressies.
We come back and clean the house from top to bottom!
Christmas eve- I get up at 6am, take duvet covers off and put them in the wash with posh fabric con (so they smaell lovely when santa comes).
Leave the kids at home with OH and i walk to the supermarket (long walk but its ALWAYS cold and misty really christmassy last year was better coz it was snowing)
i get last min food and some junk food.
Then me and the kids watch christmas filma while OH goes to work, and make biscuits and mince pies.
They have a special picnic tea.
Then they have a bubble bath and put on new jim jams.
We put mince pie and drink out for santa and carrots for rudolph, and put name cards where the kids want santa to put their pressies.
Christmas story in bed.
OH comes home
We have something to eat.
And wrap last min presents and watch something xmassy.
i go for my traditional walk into the village at christmas to hear the hurch bells for mass (weird but always done it!).
Shower and new jim jams on!
relax with OH going to bed very late with a baileys!!!
sorry its long!!!