What can I expect when I go into labor?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
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I have asked my doctor to explain it to me, but he refused & just brushed it off saying I'll know and not to worry about it. So stressful that he would brush something so important off. I just wonder what will I feel when I go into labor? It's my first baby & I have no clue what kind of pain and what are some things I could possibly expect?? how do contractions feel? how long are they? do they get more intense as time goes by? Will I be able to handle it or will I break dow n & start crying like a baby from pain? lol ( i just don't handle pain very well, I'm so weak when it comes to pain, such a baby).

how did you feel if you had a baby before??
Well, I didn't go into labor with my first, I had to be induced. So I will just have a few comments, and others will help out more. Again, I didn't go into labor on my own, but hoping to for this second baby. From what I have learned, try to remember the rule is 5-1-1, well at least it is a guideline to give you an idea. This is when it's appropriate to go to the hospital, when contractions are: 5 minutes apart, that last 1 minute long, for 1 hour. Yes, contractions for real labor should be progressive, both in strength and frequency. Each person experiences these contractions differently. Some women say they feel like intense period cramps, some women ( me) say it feels like your pelvis is being intensely compressed in a vice, some women feel pressure and pain in their low back, and my sister in law didn't have too much pain with her contractions, she just noticed her stomach getting visibly tight and shaped kinda crazy in a timed pattern. So exactly how it will feel to you is hard to say, but you should notice a progression of things. If ever in doubt, you can always call your doc and tell them what you're experiencing and get their opinion and input.
Yes, they do get painful, although everyone's experience of pain is diff. You will cope and it will be ok, but it is painful, I'm not gonna lie to you. But you know there is a reason for them happening and it won't last forever. It is called labor for a reason, it's not a party. But it's what needs to get done to deliver your baby, and it is SO worth it. You will be ok, just try to prepare as best as you can with coping techniques and pain management plans. :) hope this helps a little. Everyone's experiences of going into labor differ, so getting advise from lots of women is good
My labour started with a bit of water leaking then contractions started a few hours later, they were about 1.5-2minutes apart lasting 45 seconds. I felt the contractions in my inner thighs (which is not typical from other labour stories i've heard).

After an hour or two we went to the hospital where I had some gushes of waters and DS arrived soon after.

My contractions didn't really gain in intensity too much. From the beginning I couldn't walk or talk through them (but I was concentrating on my hypnobirthing methods!) If you keep calm and remember to breathe you'll get through it.

I think it's more typical to have irregular, spaced out mild contractions (like period cramps) at the start. That was what I was expecting anyway, but got thigh cramps instead!
I had the same concerns with my first. I was always worried about when it would happen and if I'd know. I had a lot of false alarms so when it did finally start I was still unsure. My midwife gave me great advice...GET IN THE BATH. If you're feeling what you think are contractions but ur unsure if it's false labor get in the bath and see what happens. If it is false, they will slow and eventually stop. If it's the big show they will get stronger. The warm water relaxes your body so that you can figure out what it's doing. Best advice I ever got.

I was having what felt like the normal braxton hicks that i'd been getting for months. They wouldn't stop so I got in a warm bath. Gradually I started getting a deep pain like a period cramp. It was bearable but definitely uncomfortable.It slowly got worse and worse and after about an hour or two of that I went to the hospital. The bath saved me a lot of stress.

They do get worse. I got an epidural at about 6 to 7 cm. If you're worried about the pain ask your doc about stadol (i'm not sure if that's the right spelling...pronounced stay-doll). They gave me that through my I.V. while I waited for the epidural. It was awesome! Made me a little woozy but took the edge off.

Have you ever had an instance where you're going to have a bad poop? (sorry) Those sharp stomach pains that work there way down to the poop shute? (again...sorry) That's the closest thing I can think of to describe the pain. But every woman is different. The timing is different for everyone too. Sometimes they come one right after the other, sometimes they feel like they are on top of one another. Mine were gradual in that way...they were spaced evenly apart with a sharp pain at it's peak. At the hospital it felt like they were one after the other.

If you're still unsure whether or not you're going into labor...just wait. You'll be in so much pain eventually that it will be obvious haha.

Sorry so long!!!
My labor started with me constantly feeling as though I had to take a poop for weeks before hand..but as soon as I tried, the feeling would go away.

In hindsight, those were contractions.

When they became regular, I went to the hospital, but after being monitored, it started to space out, so I was sent home. They never went away, and the intensity, the feeling I had to poop, got stronger that night, and by morning, I lost my plug, and started to bleed.

Was admitted the next morning, was dialated to 4cms and was induced to quicken things up. 6 hours later, they broke my water, and my pain went from 0-100. All my labor pain was in my back. I felt as though it was going to snap in half. I got an epi and the 'pain' went away, and instead, was replaced by a really uncomfy feeling as though I had to poop, even more so then ever in my life.

After more than 24 hours of being on pitocin, I never progressed past 7cm, and because there was meconium in the water, LO stared to show signs of distress and I started to develop a fever, and hence, it ended in an EMCS where the cord was found wrapped around LOs neck. So my first tip is to expect the unexpected!

My next tip is, stay home as long as possible and eat and drink and conserve your energy. They seriously didn't let me eat anything for more than 24 hours, and wouldnt even let me have even a sip of water! I was parched! Thought I was going to go nuts, and I admit, I snuck in a few sip of juice here and there when I couldn't take it anymore.

Take home those ugly mesh underwear they provide! I so wish I had, because NO underwear was comfortable, and because of the lochia, you have to wear a pad.. But all the underwear, no matter the style/size rubbed the csection incision the wrong way and it hurted...except those mesh underwear!

The first time standing up after a csection, I literally felt like my guts was going to fall out! But it does get better! You just have to rediscover your abdominal muscles that was severed.

Pooping afterwards was painful! Ask for prune juice! Some hospitals here won't let you go home until you have a bowel movement!
Sorry this is a bit tmi :) but my labour started with one almighty 20 min long poo, like nothing I have ever experianced.
I later found out thats whats known as the clearout just before labour and no one really warns you about it :)
Mine was a induction but it wasnt working so they broke my waters and everything kicked in at once.
I didnt get a build up because my entire labour from start to finish was cramed inti 1 hour 57 mins and I went from 2cm to 8cm in about 20 mins.
I have to say though I loved my labour experiance, yes it was painfull but it was a really strange empowering good sort of pain, very primal (apparantly I growled alot)
The contractions I had started instantly at 5 mins apart and felt like someone was givving my a massive bear hug around my middle and hips.
They didnt realise id go into sudden advance labour so quickly so by the time they had a room for me I was giving birth.
Best bit of advice I can give is stay as active as you can, walk around, sway from side to side and crouch down.
And dont worry too much about the pain, it gives you somthing fantastic and is soon forgotten afterwards.
I just 'felt' something wasn't quite right during the day. I felt like I needed to go to the loo more. I had more discharge and mild period pains on and off. This went on for a few hours (we were at a friends house). After about 4-5 hours of this, we were driving past the hospital anyway, and being a FTM, I thought I would call in. I was examined and my OB said that it would be cruel to break my waters as I just wasn't ready. Well, as soon as I left the hospital, I walked across the road and felt I had to go to the loo. Low and behold, I had my bloody show (this was about 4:15pm). The cramping continued on and off increasing in consistency throughout the night. I had a bath which as nice and relaxing and decided about 7:15am that I'd had enough nod decided to go back in to hospital. (Knowing what I know now, I would have stayed at home a lot longer). I was examined and confirmed I was in fact in active labour but was only 1cm dilated. This continued til about maybe noon and they broke my waters. Cramping continued (so contractions), but still wasnt progressing. About maybe 3:30pm, I was induced. I didn't like that one bit as that is when I really knew what labour was. Pain was constant. About an hour and a half of this and I asked for an epidural. At the same time I asked for it, baby's heart rate was dropping and I ended up with an EMCS. All AOk.
i went into labor on my own but my water didn't break on its own. I woke up in the morning and had some mild contractions which felt like period cramps to me that would be brief then go away. I didn't think anything of it and went to work. Throughout my day the cramps were getting worse and more frequent. After work I went home and ate an entire frozen pizza and laid on the couch and noticed the cramping was coming quite frequently so i called my drs office and told them what i was experiencing. they said go to the hospital to get checked out and as soon as i got there i had my bloody show and was admitted. My doctor broke my water a couple hours after being admitted and my baby came 4 hours after that.

I'm not sure if its different feelings for everyone but i say if you're feeling any kind of discomfort that comes and goes even if its not super painful go get checked out just in case! my contractions weren't painful until after my water was broken everything up until then was just uncomfortable.

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