I was blessed with a really well behaved, quiet, calm baby. He's always been sicky (he's on C&G formula) but apparently it's not reflux cause it's not projectile. He takes infacol before feeds (don't know if this makes any difference). We get LOTS of wet nappies. His poo is yellow and maybe a little runnier than it used to be, and there's a lot of it. He often cries whilst straining and then there is literally an explosion as he fills his nappy. He's also a hungry baby, he used to have 5oz every 3-4.5hrs, now he's wanting more milk after 2hrs.
Well I went to see a HV yesterday who said we should try out the C&G comfort milk to help with him being sick and his digestion in general. I had a think and went on google and did some research and decided to try putting him onto aptamil and see if maybe he would deal better with that formula as I had friends who had switched from C&G to aptamil and were really happy. So I bought some ready made cartons. HIs first feed was great, no sick, very settled.... but then through the night he was awake ALL night, crying for his dummy, wanting to be fed every 2hrs or less and then rooting for more, he wouldn't settle at all, not even in bed with me. In the end I got 30mins sleep and spent half the night crying. He would only fall asleep on me and then the second I put him down he was crying again either rooting for food or his dummy. Is it just a coincidence that this happened the night I changed his formula or is it the formula that's done it? His nighttime has been going downhill the past week, waking more, taking longer to settle, more sick but NOTHING compared to last night.
What do I do? Carry on with the aptamil? Go back to normal C&G or maybe try the comfort one? But if I put him on the comfort one will he be even more hungry because he can digest the milk quicker?!
I just want to do what's best for him but it doesn't matter how much research I do I can't decide what to do. I feel like maybe I made a mistake trying him on aptamil... although he hasn't even been on it for 24hrs yet.
I can't have another night like last night, I've been struggling on 5hrs a night.... 30mins is just torture
Well I went to see a HV yesterday who said we should try out the C&G comfort milk to help with him being sick and his digestion in general. I had a think and went on google and did some research and decided to try putting him onto aptamil and see if maybe he would deal better with that formula as I had friends who had switched from C&G to aptamil and were really happy. So I bought some ready made cartons. HIs first feed was great, no sick, very settled.... but then through the night he was awake ALL night, crying for his dummy, wanting to be fed every 2hrs or less and then rooting for more, he wouldn't settle at all, not even in bed with me. In the end I got 30mins sleep and spent half the night crying. He would only fall asleep on me and then the second I put him down he was crying again either rooting for food or his dummy. Is it just a coincidence that this happened the night I changed his formula or is it the formula that's done it? His nighttime has been going downhill the past week, waking more, taking longer to settle, more sick but NOTHING compared to last night.
What do I do? Carry on with the aptamil? Go back to normal C&G or maybe try the comfort one? But if I put him on the comfort one will he be even more hungry because he can digest the milk quicker?!
I just want to do what's best for him but it doesn't matter how much research I do I can't decide what to do. I feel like maybe I made a mistake trying him on aptamil... although he hasn't even been on it for 24hrs yet.
I can't have another night like last night, I've been struggling on 5hrs a night.... 30mins is just torture