What do you consider NTNP?


Mum of 2 Furr Babies
Jul 3, 2011
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Hi to all on BnB! I am curious about the the term NTNP.. Obviously it means your not trying but not preventing pregnancy either... but to what extent? I am very curious on what other people consider NTNP ... My OH and I aren't ttc but are definitely not doing anything to prevent it! I can't remember the last time we purchased condoms or even used one! It has been mOnths... Alot of the time it's the "pullout" method for us but lately we haven't even been doing that! :happydance:

Soooo if it's not tmi, what is your approach on NTNP? Or what exactly does it mean to you? Or is it a stupid question considering the title itself explains it :laugh2:

Please be kind, I am only learning
Thanx lovelies!!!
For us, we'd been WTT for a fair while. We just weren't in the right place mentally or physically to move on from that point. We started NTNP recently actually. To us, the only real change from what we were doing was the ditching of the condoms! I'm very unfamiliar with my cycle (due to irregular AFs and then a bout of being on the depo injection), which has meant that I'm pretty clueless as to when I ovulate, or even how long my average cycles are. I'm not temping or tracking anything (I know alot of people NTNP), and I'm not timing DTD at all. We both have varies things going on with our health so we don't DTD overly regularly either atm! So for us, if it happens then it happens. I highly doubt it will any time soon but you know!

So for us, we literally just stopped using condoms. We're completely not 'trying' either. It varies for everyone. Some are more involved in it and some not so.
For me ntnp means bonking without pulling out or using condoms, without charting, without pillows under your hips- just letting nature takes it course.

i think ttc is when you chart, do all the crazy sex positions most suitable for baby making, no baths or toilet break straight after, having your legs in the air after the deed.... you get the picture xx
Same as nickibrum :)
I believe it's having sex when and how you want it, not doing OPK's, charting or anything like that :) x x
o.0 I'm ntnp but I'm charting to find out my cycle as I don't know anything about them.
To me, NTNP is much more... I still OPK, time BD and do one pillow, but this is a FAR CRY from what I was doing so it seems like the closest thing to letting nature take its course that I can possibly fathom. :winkwink:
I class me and OH as NTNP right now because we don't use protection, we would like to conceive, but I'm breastfeeding at the mo and haven't started periods. Once they start, we'll probably increase the amount we DTD and use the 'sperm friendly' lubricant. I am going to try not to go too mad on timing it or anything this time though because I became a little obsessed with it last time :blush:
I think I'm somewhere in the middle to be honest. I don't do the pillow thing, temp or whatever but I do OPK test and check my cervix position/cervical mucus, this is because I'm trying to find out more about my cycle and these are relatively easy things for my to accomplish, but I don't go as far as a lot of TTCers I read about on here. When we first started NTNP we didn't do any of that really, we just DTD as much as we wanted to without protection. To me NTNP can encompass a lot, the key is keeping the stress down and not pressuring yourself to calculate and DTD at the precisely right moment.
I think NTNP is just having sex when you want anytime, without protection or pull out. No charting, opking, legs in air.... just whatever happens, happens.
When I considered my partner and I to be ntnp, we were doing it without protection and just using the pull out method.
I think of it as not using proper protection and not mapping out your fertile times etc. Just letting nature/fate step in.
Thanx ladies for all your responses. It is really interesting to see what we all consider NTNP.. everyone's situation is different, giving a different approach towards NTNP.
My approach is to relax and let nature take it course :haha: not long ago I was sooo broody, all I could think about was babies and wanted one right then and there!! That's when I found BnB through alot of googling going baby crazy, now as time has gone by and I have read alot about others who feel the same as myself, I have calmed right down, taken the pressure off poor OH and realized everything happens for a reason and it will happen when the time is right
Omg just re-read, what a rant I just had! Thanx BnB ladies, you ladies keep me from going insane!!!! Good luck with your babydancing. :dust: to us all!!
This is my first month of actually trying. I am trying now because I am doing things to increase my chances such as taking a prenatal, folic acid, b6 vitamin, vitamin E, I took a moucus thinning cough syrup around ovulation, me and OH have been making it a point to have sex around ovulation with him ejaculating inside of me. Me staying down after sex, trying to eat more healty etc. Not trying not preventing to me was having sex when I pleased, not paying attention to exact ovulation time. Sometimes using BC sometimes not. I wasn't taking any vitamins,... Not doing this that I knew would increase my chances intentionally. But I believe also that if you are having unprotected sex with no birthcontrol, then you ARE trying. Were all adults and know what happens when you have sex. So if you're not preventing it, to me you are trying even though you're not charting and all that stuff.
I would love to be NTNP...a friend of mine told me she got pregnant while being 'indifferent' to the situation. After 6 months of ttc I just don't think I will ever get to be in that lovely relaxed NTNP place. I know when I ovulate, I understand my body's signs so although this month I have promised myself to not be obsessed with charts (threw them out) I know when my husband and I need to DTD. This month I am not temping, not opking but I still am most definetly TTC. I think it depends on how we are as people. I guess I needed to feel completely ready before we started trying because I like to feel Im doing things 'right'. I now wish we hadn't waited so long and had been able to be 'indifferent'.
Im think i'm between NTNP and TTC to be honest

Basically i stopped the pill so we BD with no protection but we BD whenever we feel like it ....

I am not charting and checking CM, and havent used OPKs (might do next month) but ttc is constantly on my mind and i am always looking for signs/symptoms and on here....

My OH is on the NTNP side of things, he just BD's when its offered to him and leaves it at that, doesnt ask me about ovulation etc....that said its our first real month (after BCPs) so i can understand he just wants nature to take its course but for me is always on my mind so im not so relaxed about it and im very very impatient....

i always considered ntnp as having unprotected sex but not timing it or anything. but i know people that think that pulling out is ntnp. ive been doing that for five months and its really great birth control for us. however we do have full on unprotected sex a couple times a month so we are kind of in between.
I am trying soooo hard to NTNP :laugh:
I vaguely know when I'm ovulating due to my increased CM, sex drive and fairly regular 28-31day cycle... I'm staying laid down after :sex: but I dont think thats much different to before...
I'm definitely not charting, taking temps or luring my OH into bed when I think I'm ovulating so I think we're NTNP

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