What does NTNP mean to you????


Mum of 3 :D
Apr 21, 2011
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Hi all,

I'm fairly new here. I started on the boards after I had a mc in march. I went to the ttc after a loss board first. I don't chart or anything. I know when my periods are due and that's about as much planning as I do. That being said I deff want to get bfp again asap. Sooooo I'm not sure if this is the right place for me or not.

I thought if others shared their idea of what it is to be NTNP it might help me work out if this is the right place. I just feel a little overwhelmed on the TTC board as I have no idea about Dpo or any of those other things.

Hope I'm making sense....
for me I have just had my implant removed and all though me and my boyfriend want a baby we are the same as in we dont chart, dont have sex on particular days because it is more fertile so I class myself a NTNP =]
I'm even more vague. Left foot in WTT and right foot and hubby in NTNP! I'd class myself as CAC - Clueless About Conceiving!

I think I about belong in this camp though. TTC is a bit intimidating - and I worry that I might offend someone accidentally with my naivety. Also IMO I think too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing, and I would get paranoid doing all the charting and temperature thing. Even if OH and I were TTC I think our version would still be less formal, unless of course we find ourselves 6 months down the line without a positive outcome. Then I think doing a bit of investigation might help.

You are very welcome here and in my CAC gang! I don't even have a proper idea of when my fertile days are to avoid them! I can see me and google being really good friends in the next few months : )
I would love a BFP. I am charting, but not very consistently! I have nly been married a month, so I am not to worried about getting pregnant justyet....
Me and DH would love a baby though! :flower:

We aren't being super crazy though and DTD on cetain days. (LOL---- we DTD almost every day:blush: ..) If we were TTC we would probably be holding off until the O week.

So for me NTNP is kind of a hopeful lets see what happens attitude.... not a lets make it happen type of thing.
Thanks guys.....It great to hear what NTNP means to you all. Smilingwife congrats on your marriage and hope you guys have a wonderful life together and he keeps you smiling.....

Notnic happy to be in your gang :D

20isplenty thanks.... I guess I'm similar to you in that I've stopped bc and am not charting (not even sure what it is tbh) and not waiting for a particular right day.

Thanks again
Welcome Willo - I think some people in NTNP would classify me as TTC because I'm charting, however, I do so because I've been on birth control for almost 10 years and without periods for about 8 years of that so I know next to nothing about my body or cycle. The charting is helping me to learn about my cycle and body now that I'm off BC. I don't use the chart to tell me what day to BD because my OH and I BD pretty often anyway. ;)

(PS - Charting is using a Basal Body Thermometer to check your waking temperature each morning and keeping track of the pattern of temperatures before and after ovulation. You can see my chart for this month if you click on the link in my signature)
Hi yeah it can get pretty intense over in ttc. I keep an eye on but dont chart my cycle. I just dtd every other day. Less pressure that way :)
I'm even more vague. Left foot in WTT and right foot and hubby in NTNP! I'd class myself as CAC - Clueless About Conceiving!

I think I about belong in this camp though. TTC is a bit intimidating - and I worry that I might offend someone accidentally with my naivety. Also IMO I think too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing, and I would get paranoid doing all the charting and temperature thing. Even if OH and I were TTC I think our version would still be less formal, unless of course we find ourselves 6 months down the line without a positive outcome. Then I think doing a bit of investigation might help.

You are very welcome here and in my CAC gang! I don't even have a proper idea of when my fertile days are to avoid them! I can see me and google being really good friends in the next few months : )
i totally agree with what you said about too much knowledge can deffo make you paranoid tbh NTNP is kinda our version of TTC
For me I class myself as NTNP even though I am temperature charting. The reason being that I am taking a relaxed approach and not trying to DTD on particular days. The reason I am temperature charting is that my cycle is messed up from breastfeeding so I want to know if/when I ovulate.
Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. I had 2 MMC's in a row before I had my son and I know how hard it can be to be TTC again. :hugs:

To me NTNP means not trying or preventing in equal measures. I think if you are charting then you are TTC but also if you are DTD more often you are too. I have TTC 3 times and it happened in the first month each time just by DTD every 1-2 days and I 100% think I was TTC then. Not preventing in the sense of not using reliable protection. So although most people here would not I think the withdrawal method is NTNP as is just DTD when you feel like it even if it is not that often. It seems to me that if you are TTC you are wanting a BFP and testing because you almost expect it but if you are NTNP then you may test (if like me, you are a bit of an obsessive tester) but you do not always feel the need to and even if you are excited about a BFP it is ok if you do not have one too.

But the term does seem to mean something different to everyone. I would say use the part of the forum you feel most comfortable in or a mix of the two. I think sometimes people feel like there are in a limbo between WTT and NTNP or NTNP and TTC. :flower:
I've just joined and am pretty excited!

My DH and I have decided to try but not amke a big deal about it- BD and hope it happens. I have no idea about charts, temperatures or hormones (yet) so really, we are just hoping (with fingers crossed) that nature takes it's course without being obsessive.

We have friends who have had fertility treatment and the conversations we have had with them make us hope we don't need to go down that route...

Having said that I am consumed with thoughts of being pregnant all the time, especially as 2 of my dear friends are and another friend has just given birth....
NTNP to DH and I is the more relaxed approach to TTC. I'm too busy to spend time charting and stuff like that, and I don't really understand it. We want a baby and we are actively trying but just not in the way most people are in the TTC forum.
For me it means that DH has no idea where in the cycle I am so there's no pressure on him, we get to enjoy sex when and how it should be, I don't chart or obsess, just keep in tune with my body and note period start days and sometimes we use contraception methods and sometimes we don't.

We're more 'what will be will be' rather than not trying not preventing really.
my interpretationn of NTNP is- to enjoy it.. to enjoy the sexy time as and when we want it and to not overly think ablout what the sexy time could be doing inside my body :) althoough i suppose easier said than done...

i have a period tracker app on my phone that estimates when your likely to be fertile and when you are likelyu to ovulate basxed on your period data input and the average ovulation on CD14 kinda thing- very vague but that how i want it...

Personally, I think NTNP is not using BC but not worrying about whether this month is going to be a BFP or BFN
Id consider myself TTC as i do feel down when i get my AF. I want a baby NOW lol.
even though im TTC im not going to chart or anything like that. I just think charting is waayy too complicated and more trouble than it needs to be! I prefer going by CM
NTNP just fits my life better.. I havent the time or patience for all the OPK/temp stuff. Yes i want another baby, but my life isnt consumed by it.

I am not on any BC and know that we could get pregnant at anytime, so thats enough for me. it doesnt make me anyless excited by it though :lol:

For me NTNP is not using anything to prevent pregnancy (NP part) and DTD when the mood strikes (NT part). I do keep track of my cycles so that I will know if AF is late or not. I also keep track of AF so that if we do roll over to the TTC train I will be a bit ahead of the game. I personally do not test unless I am 3 or 4 days late from when I expected AF, I don't like to feel as though I am pissing away money. :haha:
Last year i was over in ttc had a few chemical's i ended up even more crazy that usual!! was off injection for 9 months and TTC but having 6 weekly periods so i was charting and doing opks cost me a fortune! spoke to doc he put me on the pill to regulate me and told me to stop going over the top and let nature happen, so here i am in NTNP came off pill last month hoping for BFP but not going crazy.

good luck xxxxxxxx

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