hi ladies! i think it can mean many different things to each person/couple. i have 5 children. first two were conceived first "try". third was a suprise. fourth we tried for 5 months, was very stressful on both of us. my heart goes out to you ladies who have tried a lot longer- its rough. finally used softcups and conceived that cycle. fifth used softcups and conceived first cycle. oh, had two MC before getting pregnant with my first one too- my heart goes out to you who have MC too, was heartbreaking.
we are now NTNP and will be the rest of our lives. i dont chart, count days, try on any certain day, etc. we also dont use any form of birth control methods either. we feel as though we are so very blessed to have 5 that if we have no more thats fine. if on the other hand we do have more, we always have enough love to go around. it feels good to be content either way. we have really decided to leave it in Gods hands. if He wants us to have more, we will. if He doesnt, we wont.