What got your interested in using fluffy bums...??


Mum of 2 Girl
Aug 31, 2009
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I don't really know why I started getting interested in fluffy bums?!! I'm the least likly eco person. I drive a gas guzzler, hate recycling (we're forced too here) and will not switch lights off in rooms i'm not using :haha: :shrug:
But for some reason I'm obsessed with fluffy bums now!:shrug: They really do smell less than sposies and washing poo isn't that bad a thing! I really don't mind it! SO I'm a bit perplexed as to why I've got obsessed - especsially since I've got the uglyest cloth anppies possible. The only pretty I have is home made!
Is fluffy bum some kind of catching diseases?? lol

What got you into fluify bums?
The fact they're pretty and look comfier. So I tried a few, found washing them wasn't that bad and then went mad :) xx
We like the fact we aren't filling landfills up as Boyo is a surfer and has all sorts of horrendous meetings with nappies, wipes and the like which we can't moan about if we are doing similar.

On researching, we didn't like the chemicals that were in disposables either and then of course there was the fact they looked and felt so much nicer.

Like you, we drive Monster cars, don't recycle as much as we should, although we do try and we aren't your "stereotypical" idea of a couple who would use Cloth but I love that :cloud9:

I always wanted to but the initial cost put me off, i did eventually find out about the ebay cheapies so gave those a go at first from 4months old. The worked fine for us and ive gradually built up more of a stash of pretties :D
I do recycle and care about the environment but never wanted to try reuseables because they seemed like SOO much work! However, my council gave me 80 quid to try them out and internet browsing for what to spend my free money on got me hooked. :)

(plus I was worried about the new pampers dry max stuff and when i researched it I got freaked out by all the chemicals in 'sposies.)

Have to say though.. until I get this soaking between washes... how to wash.. etc etc stuff figured out, it does seem like a lot of work!
it was the contents of disposable nappies that made me want to go with cloth, I personally don't like what they are filled with so decided our baby would be a cloth bum :)
Like you, I dont do the whole eco thing at all so am probably the last person people expect to use cloth. I had seen how pretty they were from posts in here & was a bit intrigued by them but thought all the washing would be too much like hard work. Then the Pampers Dry Max thing happened in America & that made me realise how many chemicals were in disposibles & how bad it was to have all that next to LOs skin. So I bought a few to try & got absolutely hooked!
About 3 years ago there were some people on another forum I post at who started using cloth. I started following their thread and it sparked an interest. I didn't really look into the benefits, etc, till I was pregnant but when I did and read about the environmental impact of disposables, as well as the cost difference of cloth vs disposables, I decided to go for it and acquired a load of preloved. :D I had a fair few people (including my OH and my best friend :cry: )who scorned my decision, said I'd never be bothered with all the laundry, but that just made me more determined to make them eat their words, and they have had to. :lol:
My husband is quite into recycling, growing his own veg and looking after the land we live in iykwim so we went to a baby show and bought some bambino mio nappies - I was quite ill so we never got round to using them :( then I got talking to Twig who showed me some nappies and from there I realised that they were so easy we could do this :D not looked back since and now have a fab stash and a very bad obsession!!!
The savings got me interested but then I started researching them and found many other benefits such as less landfill and less chemicals next to babies bum.

I never even considered disposables when I found out I was pregnant, it was always going to be cloth.
I've always been interested in them. Not really sure why but my mom used cloth on us and she always spoke highly of it. I like the environmental factor and so far it hasn't been cheaper at all but that's because I can't help myself with buying cute fluff. :haha:
I never thought I'd be for it as my siblings were cloth diapered in horrible prefolds and rubber pants with pins. Smelly leaky giant bulky things.
Then I knew someone who was going to use them I had a bit of a look around and saw how advanced they had become. I'm already the type of person who makes their own stuff for savings (our food, dog food, soap etc) so the idea of savings was the first push. Then seeing the advancement and ease of use was the second. Then the earlier toilet training, less rash, less chemicals, less stink to store until trash day....
I'm not really into the different brands or designs, so a bit out of the norm here. After some research I chose some well rated OSFA pocket nappies and bought an assortment of inserts. If they don't work out I'll be reselling or exchanging for other types.
It started as a money saving option but when Emma had a bad reaction to disposables soon after coming home from the hospital and we were kinda forced to stick with our decision to use fluff, it became a full on addiction to cute diapers :blush: No money saved here, lol :)
i didn't even think of them as an option before Joshua was born, didn't even enter my mind. But just recently i have been lurking around in here, and i thought about it a few months ago ... and so I am about to make my first purchases and start my journey.

Hoping to save money (although they are too pretty) and tbh im sick of the stink in the bins in the summer ...gross! I odnt care about washing poo lol
purpledahlia!! haha,

I wanted to use them with DD#1 but didnt know anything about them and FOB didnt want to... :( second time round purpledahlia has convinced me to use them :) its a bit of a minefield but i cant wait... :)
Like you, I dont do the whole eco thing at all so am probably the last person people expect to use cloth. I had seen how pretty they were from posts in here & was a bit intrigued by them but thought all the washing would be too much like hard work. Then the Pampers Dry Max thing happened in America & that made me realise how many chemicals were in disposibles & how bad it was to have all that next to LOs skin. So I bought a few to try & got absolutely hooked!

LOL Cath, you're my kindred spirit and our babies are almost exactly the same age. Love your puppies btw!

It's amazing how true it is about the new pretty diapers being addictive!
i never considered it for a second first time round but the second time around i got interested specially after reading and seeing pics on here,its more cuz they are so pretty and the fact alot of the ladies on here say they are better, loads of ladies have switched so they must be good aswell as pretty!! i asked hubby and he said no so i just left it then when callie was born i asked again because i kept reading how good they are and seeing how pretty they were he kept saying no and ive been asking him constantly ever since and finally the other day i won the battle and he let me order my first lot, and he said if i get on with them when they come i can order more and start using them :) so now im anxiously awaiting a fluff delivery, i cant wait!! xx
well, i started cos Blob (sarah) used them and id see how easy it was everytime i was with her and see how comfy tabitha looked, then i got some, tried them, found the washing easy, LOVE the fact im not filling a landfill, and completely converted now, and comverted quite a few other people too which i love! Its made me much more aware of the effect of rubbish, i can fill an entire blue wheelie bin now in recycling in 2 weeks when they get emptied, and im on my own!
Im not entirely sure either...

We cant recycle here (our flat doesnt have separate bins for paper :( ) but i would if i could. Our little car isnt too bad on the environment and i get a lot of buses...but im not really eco-friendly at all!

I saw a few little pictures dotted around on the forum & then started to ask questions in here about how to use them, the differences, pros & cons etc...then i saw the stash pics and i had to join in :lol:

We do have a load of disposables at home, for when bubs is tiny, but will probably start using our fluff from a couple of weeks if we can. I wont be 100% fluff for a while though i reckon. I've also got my mum hooked :lol: The clinching thing that did it was when i saw a comparison table, showing how much money you could save from just 1 cloth nappy compared to sposies... that did it for me :) its a big outlay in the beginning, but after a while you start to see huge benefits :D

At the hospital today they had some in a display cabinet!!! A woman was looking at them perplexed, and im pleased to say i could answer her question :D thrilled.
i liked the idea of being eco friendly and disliked the idea of dirty nappies sitting in bin bags for 2 weeks waiting for rubbish to be collected. also the cost of disposable nappies and wipes are ridiculous and was keen to save money. the overriding factor i think was the awful chemically smell that come from the dirty nappies when on LO, couldn't wait to get her into cloth after that. i cant smell this from her cloth nappies so feel it is sooo much better for her and her skin not to have chemicals next to it.

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