Women wouldn't have the freedom to choose to do what is best for them and their families, and would have to make do however they could. For the rich, they would have donor milk and wetnurses. Those who couldn't afford that... either they would cobble by with homemade "formula" or their baby would die.
Personally I find it fantastic that we are fortunate enough to live in a society where there is a safe and nutritious alternative to breastmilk. Yes, I'm aware that someone is going to turn around and say "But formula ISN'T SAFE!", but we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
As for the 1% statistic... I've yet to see a truly rigorous scientific study which verifies this figure. And as far as I understand it, that's "1%" can't produce anything. It doesn't include those who have supply issues which would preclude them from being able to solely breastfeed without supplementing. Also, bandying about that figure is remarkably misleading. To put this into perspective a bit - 0.0085% of women in England will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Yet you don't see anyone saying "Oh well, it's such a small number that it's not really worth talking about..."