What is going on?! Days are going by so slowly...


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Sep 24, 2012
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Hi ladies!

I'm pretty sure I'm 16 dpo, still high temps. This is my second cycle off BCPs, which I was on for 12 years, and first cycle charting, so I have absolutely no idea how long my luteal phase is. My first full cycle after stopping BCPs was 27 days, now I'm nearly at 40. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 18, but feel I have a pretty mild version of it...still I was relieved to see I ovulated (which is why I started charting). I was trying to post the link to my chart but it won't let me since I haven't posted here before.

The other thing about being on the pill so long is not knowing what my true PMS symptoms are. I've spent the last week or so experiencing things I never have before - particularly a dull, achey sensation in my abdomen, mostly on the left side, and hot flushes. In the first week I had a couple of days of needing naps but not since then. Sleep has been disrupted, with waking all the time, but might also be to do with stressing about this and knowing I need to wake to take my temp! I only felt what I know as menstrual cramps once, and it was around the time I could have implanted. On Sat night (13 dpo) I felt incredibly bloated and gassy and was sure I was going to get AF the next day - but instead my temp rose to the highest it's ever been.

I also can't tell if symptoms are real or imagined. Although I usually looove my coffee and this morning 100% do NOT want one. Even went and smelled the beans to see if it set off an mmmm reaction but nope, didn't smell that nice actually!

I don't want to test until I get to 18 dpo...plus my partner lives out of town during the weekdays and he's not here this weekend and I don't really want to do it on my own...but the unknown is driving me mildly nuts! What do you think? Has anyone else been at 16dpo with consistently high temp, and not known how long their LP is?

Thanks for reading!!
I think it sounds promising... especially the aversion to the aroma of coffee if it's a normal trigger for you! :coffee: Personally smells don't affect me much when AF is coming to town so maybe it's something else. Keep us posted! :dust:
I'm in the same boat with not really knowing all of my "normal" symptoms from being so long on the pill! I've been off for a few months but I haven't made a concerted effort to pay attention at all. This was supposed to be our first month of ntnp, and now AF is 1.5 weeks late. I'm in a stressful grad program that last year affected my periods even while on the pill, and it seems sooo unlikely that we would have gotten implantation on our very.first.try. Also, like you, I only see my husband on weekends. I didn't test past weekend because I don't "feel pregnant" (if that makes any sense), but I think I'm going to have test next weekend if nothing changes. I have been feeling what I think are mild AF symptoms for over a week, but I do wish I was one of those people that knows and understands their body more.

I don't think I could test during the week without my hubs. This is not something I could keep a secret and telling him over the phone would be really crappy if there is an option to wait a few days. :/

I expected this process to take awhile! I can't believe I'm in this limbo on the first month! haha. Good luck to you!
Hi Guys

I'm in a similiar position, I've only had one natural AF since coming off BCP in July, last cycle was 30 days and if that's what I'm working on now then I am a week overdue tomorrow. But before going on BCP (more then 10 years ago) I had really erratic cycles and never less than 5 weeks in length really so I don't really know what's going on. I had cramps the three days before AF was due last week and have been feeling bloated and heavy since then. I don't know if I'm having any symptoms really because I'm all hypersensitive at the moment, trying to identify some proof that I might be preg! I don't want to test too soon because I'm afraid it will be BNP :( I'm going to leave it til saturday to test, and until then I'm trying not to stress about it!

Fingers crossed for us all!!
Hi everyone - thanks for your replies!

It's so hard when you don't know if you're imagining what you're feeling, or if it's real! Especially if you don't want to get your hopes up, so part of you tries to 'turn off' to the feelings - well I did anyway!

This was such a bizarre month for me. As I said, 2nd proper cycle off BCP, first cycle charting. I charted purely because I wanted to know if I would ovulate or not, having not done so for 12 years on the pill :( We definitely weren't actively trying to conceive, but we were super lax with condoms early in my cycle, and obviously didn't use them from a few days after O. BD'd a crazy amount of times. But he was only here one night (actually for only 5 hours) around O - and I didn't know that O was about to take place (was actually thinking I might not O at all, as was already at CD23). We BD'd just once that night.

Yesterday I started to get indigestion and queasiness for the first time...then went to the bathroom about 4 times within an hour last night. I decided these signs were too much for me to ignore, so I took a HPT this morning and got an incredibly dark BFP. Crazy...I was shaking like nothing else! Still can't believe it! Got straight on skype with my man and sent him through the pic of the HPT. I am officially 5w4d...

Now I can actually accept that what I was feeling all along actually were preg symptoms...even though I didn't at the time! Easier to be in denial when you don't know your cycle huh.

How are all of you going - where are you up to and will you test soon??
Congratulations!!! So awesome! I wish you all the best for a healthy and easy 9 months! I'm going to wait until this weekend to test. I'm not having any of the "typical" pregnancy symptoms so I'm going to wait it out and see if AF doesn't start by this weekend. I'm not going to see the hubs until the weekend after next and he is insanely busy right now. Its tough because I don't want to bother him right now with my anxiety. I hate this not knowing business! But I don't want to test too soon either.

And I feel your pain, Padan, I'm totally way too hypersensitive about what I'm feeling. I think I'm just making up stuff now!
Congrats singergal! Brilliant news!

Callme, I'm going to do a test this weekend too, Saturday morning if AF hasn't started! I don't really have any pregnancy symtoms, expcept mild nausea, which I suspect is more due to the anxiety/stress!

I'm become unhealthily obsessed with going to the toilet to check whether AF has started! Not good!

Let me know how your test goes callme. I've got everything crossed for both of us!

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