Hello there! I am new here, and I am desperately seeking answers to a question. First, a quick back story, I am 28 years old and my husband of 5 years and I are trying to conceive our first child. Around 7 years ago, he had a small tumor removed from one of his testicles which caused scar tissue to build up around the vas diferens(sp?). Because of this, he has a very low sperm count. We were able to locate a doctor who would be able to correct this issue in order for us to be able to conceive. Now, on to me... I have always had EXTREMELY regular periods, to the point I can almost tell you what time I will start on the exact day, with the exception of one time I can think of that I did not have a period at all one month due to a stressful situation. Anyway, the first day of my last period was on 11/28/14 and ended on 12/2/2014. If my calculations are correct, I should have ovulated somewhere between 12/11 and 12/13. My husband and I did have sex (obviously unprotected) a few times between 12/8 and 12/12. Now, here is my dilemma, beginning on 12/14 I began experiencing a darkish-brownish spotting that has become "slightly" heavier over the past couple of days. I have experienced this type of "thing" in the past around a day or so before or after my period, but NEVER, NEVER, NEVER 2 WEEKS before or after. I have "some" other, slight symptoms such as short pings of nausea, bloating, mild headaches, food cravings, noticeable fluctuation in appetite and being slightly more tired than usual. They are similiar to what I experience with PMS, but I feel like it is too early for PMS. From what I have found online, most signs tend to point to "implantation bleeding", but also to various other issues. I have not been under any out of the norm stress, I am not, nor have ever been, on birth control and I am generally pretty healthy, which is why this is completely unusual for me. I took an at-home pregnancy test this morning and received a negative result. I assume I am testing way too early, and plan to wait about a week or so and test again. I am not due for my next period until 12/26. Does ANYONE out there have any thoughts?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you in advance!