See, this is what drives me mad. So many 'sources' stating different things, driving us close to insanity.
A man is considered fertile as long as his results are above the reference values. Mind you, not 'sub-fertile', but fertile.
I was talking to my godfather who happens to be a urologist, and he said that nowadays, a lot of 'docs' are telling couples their only way out is IVF, while in reality they can still conceive naturally, although it may take them a little longer. From what I've gathered by his words, it's all relative. If you can do something to ameliorate the results, that's even better.
He also told me that 85% of men have a vericocele vein that once fixed, it can improve a lot of things. So first thing a man with an average, or discouraging SA needs to do, is an ultrasound for that vein.
There are so many things to take into consideration. A man with low sperm count but excellent motility or morphology still has high chances. Likewise, a man with bad morphology but good sperm count and motility, can still make a woman pregnant naturally. And even in the vast majorities of worst-case scenarios, IVF can do the trick.
Floofymad, there are so many things to be taken into consideration. Our fertility, theirs, stress, and most important,
luck, or else
chance. They have millions, but it only takes one.
One, dammit!