What is your 2.5 year old like?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2013
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Does anyone care to share what their 2.5 year old (or around that age) is like? Anything from what their personality is like, what they're good/ bad at... concerns, proud mama moments, that sort of thing...
Micah was 2 in October so a bit younger, but I'd love to share!

Micah is very very talkative, getting quite cheeky now, he has taken to making a very cheeky sounding 'uh uh' noise instead of saying no :dohh:

He's good at singing, knows all the words to his favourite nursery rhymes and Christmas songs and can mostly carry a tune (if he hums a song you know what he's humming).

He loves swimming and can (usually) swim a short distance (3/4m) without arm bands. He loves being under the water and jumping in.

Micah gets VERY excited easily and can be overwhelming to other toddlers as he will hug and kiss and climb all over them in an excited frenzy, we're working on TELLING his friends that he loves them without having to physically show them all the time.

He loves 'drawing' and 'writing' but doesn't draw anything recognisable yet.

We are lucky that Micah eats very well, he loves food and is quite adventurous at the moment although I'm aware that this may change over the coming year.

Physically he runs a lot, jumps with two feet off the ground now and climbs everything. He hasn't got the hang of his balance bike yet though.

He recognises most letters and a few numbers. He knows colours but gets purple and brown mixed up for some reason! His favourite colour is orange and he wants an orange bedroom in our new house. :wacko: he's still in a cot ATM but hopefully moving into a bed when we move next month.

We haven't started potty training yet, he'll go through phases of using the toilet before a bath but then refuses again. I'm not pushing it.

Micah doesn't really help with dressing or undressing himself yet.

My favourite proud mummy moment recently was when he sang 'Once in Royal David's City' to my elderly Gran on the phone, she was so happy!

Here's a recent photo:

My kid is an attention seeking, overly opinionated, silly goose. She is very active, adores going outside, loves her books more than her toys and can sit through relatively complex stories for long periods of time, we tire before she does.

Her favourite play activity is animating things and having conversations with them, from soft toys and hand puppets, to her water bottle or my toes. She takes it quite seriously, and a couple of her toys have even been given a time out. She is a chatterbox. Has recently started asking questions. (Eg. she knows beef comes from a cow, etc, and wanted to know “what animal gave me my cheerios?” at breakfast the other day). Has started answering why questions to some extent. She enjoys playing with these small, silvery balls we have and I asked her why. “Because I jiggle them, clap (knock) them together, I look at my face (her reflection)… the balls are magic!”

Loves songs and rhymes, sings at the top of her lungs (has just discovered pitch) even in places like public restrooms, and generally is a walking talking mother goose compendium. Then she'll take a bow so deep it ends in an attempted somersault. Has known her colours/ shapes for a while now, recognizes 1-10, understands 1 to 1 counting to 20 and is just attempting to go to 30. Recognizes all uppercase and half her lowercase letters. She jumps, climbs stairs etc, but she’s not as confident physically as she is verbally. She scribbles… but I worry that it’s not confident scribbling either. She’s a nightmare to feed. Was underweight when she was born, and we’ve been struggling to feed her ever since. That’s our one big issue, the other is that she expects a lot of time/ attention from us, it’s sometimes difficult for H and I to even have a conversation.

She doesn’t really dress/ undress herself except for socks, shoes (velcro), and underwear. She’s potty trained except for naps/ overnights and has just transitioned herself to the big toilet – moves her step stool, places the toilet ring down, flushes, and washes her hands by herself. Hates that I insist on wiping her still (I don’t trust her to not pull the toilet roll). All she wants for Christmas is a balloon.

@AngelofTroy, Micah sounds adorable! And what a sweet picture!
My little girl has just turned 27 months, but thought I'd share an update anyway!

I love this age so much. She is full of her own personality and is developing day by day.

She is a very chatty girl, she always has been, even before she was talking. I have no idea of how many words she has, but it is A LOT. Her pronounciation is also very good and very clear and you can pretty much understand everything that comes out of her mouth. She talks non stop (as long as she is not in front of the tv/on the ipad). She goes to Nursery twice a week, and they are always telling me what a chatty girl she is. She uses I/me correct now, as she was referring herself as 'you' until about a month ago. Like many other toddlers, she is very bossy and tries to be independent as much as possible.

She know's about half the alphabet, can count to around 15, know's the basic colours. She enjoys playing tea parties, but only if I sit down with her to play, but I am not allowed to touch anything. She loves telling me to pretend to cry and finds it hilarious.

She loves singing, and can sing a lot of nursery rhymes. She is not the most tuneful though (takes after me!). She likes playing with her toot toot road, happyland tree house, she loves colouring, painting, in fact all crafts. We go out a lot though, so we don't spend loads of time at home.

Physically she has hit all milestones. She can run, jump with both feet off the ground, balance and climb with ease.

We haven't started potty training. We have started putting her on the potty before bath and we have had one wee in there which she was very excited about, but nothing since.

She is a very good girl and pretty compliant. She will never run off when out and about and always insists on holding hands. She doesn't really push boundaries too much, but when she does, we find using a time out pretty effective and it does the trick. Like another poster above, she has started putting her toys in a timeout, which is super cute.

She sleeps in bed with me, full time & she needs one of us in the room with her until she is asleep. Once she is asleep though, she generally STTN. If I am not at work, her natural wake up time is around 7.30/7.45. She is barely napping anymore, but if she is in the car, sometimes she can't help herself. This then ruins bedtime.

Eating is a bit of a challenge. She has become quite fussy. It's a struggle to get her to eat veg other than peas and fruit other than banana's & grapes. We'll keep trying though!

Here are a couple of recent pics:



My 2.5 year old, is crazy, talkative, independent, and wonderful. The only problems we have are the occasional attitude, binky, she has no interest in potty training, and she still sleeps in my bed. But all in all she's a great little kid <3
My boys are a little older but I love talking about them lol

Both are very talkative and seem to suddenly understand everything we say, especially when it wasn't aimed at them. They will comment and try to participate in the conversation lol.
Both are very sure of their likes and dislikes and for example will now often ask for certain clothes and tell me "That looks nice" when I pick an outfit they approve of.
They still can be quite bossy even, in as much as they will order me to stop singing, to sit up straight/sit properly, to not rest my head in my hand and generally "Don't do that!"

They are getting good at naming and talking about their feelings and we try to encourage that a lot by acknowledging them and commenting about them. So far they know when they are sad, happy, upset, angry, annoyed, scared and thoughtful (though that is just expressed as "I was just thinking"). Recently Dominic has also been experimenting with joyful but he hasn't quite got that one yet as he said he was just being joyful when he pinched Sebastian's toys.

Dominic eats anything he is given, even mince pies (neither I or OH like them), he is a little greedy in fact. Sebastian eats worse than ever and I don't expect there to be any change in the near future. :(

Both are affectionate in their own way but Dominic doesn't like being hugged or kissed most of the time. He will gladly sit on our laps and lounge back against us. He also loves running towards us with a bear growl and hug our legs super quickly and then run off again.
Sebastian loves draping himself over us with his full weight. He likes being kissed and sometimes asks for "kitheth pleathe" <3

They love for us to sit on the sofa with them and watch a film or their nursery rhymes which they all know now and sing along to. They want to snuggle into our arms or sit on our laps and for us to enjoy with them.

Sebastian knows most of his letters and all numbers up to 15 I think. Dominic mixes them up a little still. They both know all their colours.

They still have their dummies for sleeping and still are in their cots. Both know how to climb out but never do.

Neither of them show any interest in their potty at all. I am in no hurry to get them trained as I think it will be much easier to do when they are truly ready.

Physically Sebastian is the more daring of the two. They both like to climb but Dominic wants to hold my hand during where as Sebastian would gladly climb to the top of any dangerous structure without a second thought.

Although Dominic is the more physical and boisterous and dominant of the twins, he is currently the more shy with strangers. Sebastian had stranger anxiety from about 5 months to 2 years old. Now however he is perfectly happy after an initial moment of wariness, to lean against them and smile beguilingly at them. He is quite a flirt at times. :)

I would say that they really love each other although Dominic is the more demonstrative of the two. Sebastian doesn't want to kiss Dominic good night and often doesn't want to be hugged by him either. I put this down to Dominic being a little rough with him at times.

Dominic is really good at sharing toys though. He will invariably snatch away Sebastian's toys but when Sebastian is upset about this and starts to whine or cry, he always gives them back unprompted from us. Usually Sebastian will just move away to something else though.

Ok I better stop here as this is becoming an essay. I just love them so much my adorable little men!
Here is a recent-ish pic of them both.
Joni is 2.5 in a couple of weeks.

Her main hobby is talking! She never ever stops. She talks about dragons and monsters a lot, she gets more and more animated and it makes less and less sense as you get into her tale. She can't get the words out as fast as her brain is coming up with the plots so she stumbles and stutters a lot like, "it had it had it had blacky it had blacky blacky whitey it had blacky whitey yellowy eyes". She talks all about things that have happened but not ever when you ask. E.g. Last month when I gave birth she stopped with my dad and never told me a word about it but yesterday suddenly told me "I fell over on the trampoline at hickory dickorys [soft play] with grandad and aunty della". Mostly she can chat like a "normal" person I.E. Not really baby speak but just regular sentences with lots of colloquialisms etc.

You can't have a conversation without her listening in. E.g. I said to oh today before lunch that we'd better get her to have a nap before a film she wants to watch is on this afternoon (yay for christmas films!) And then after lunch she came over to me saying, "i'd better have a nap now before the film is on".

She isn't as strong as other children her age physically but last week I noticed her jump for the first time. She always lands on her bum so far though.

She likes watching dvd's. A little too much lol. Can't stop her having tantrums when I won't let her watch one "nooooooooow".

Erm, what else? She can't recognise any numbers/letters yet and shows no interest. But she can count objects up to 3.

She can't draw anything recognisable but will do a line if I tell her to do a smile, will do dots for eyes and a big scribble for a face. Oh and a jaggedy bit for hair. But she just puts them anywhere on the page. She will try to do a zigzag and call it grass too. None of it looks remotely like the things she says yet.

She loves fire engines, books, Shrek, any game with lots of counters or cards (can't concentrate to play but likes handing them out, matching them up, stacking them etc), ice cream, singing.

Her fave days out are soft play, the museum, the library and family visits.
Lilly is 2.5 and a little spitfire. She is the most stubborn, hard headed, independent little girl I know. It's pretty adorable but oh my it can get so frustrating. But she's also SUPER affectionate. She often runs up to me out of the blue and throws her arms around my neck, kisses my cheek and says "I luhh you mama!" It's heart melting.
She's very smart and understands most things and catches onto thIngs very quickly. She only has to see something once before she can do it herself.
I think her speech is behind other kids but I can understand most things she says and she can get her needs and wants across pretty clearly.
She is the pickiest eater in the world! She only likes a handful of stuff and it takes A LOT of persuading to get her to even try something else.
Physically, she's a beast! She's so dainty but so strong, and fast! She's been climbing and jumping and running and doing somersaults since about 17 months. She is extremely active and never sits still. Her all time favorite thing is to be outside.

She knows all of her letters and whenever we're out she spells out all the words she sees. She can count 1-10. Knows what a circle, triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle, trapezoid, star, flower etc is. She is also AMAZING at tracing (letters, numbers, shapes). She blows my mind when we work on tracing.

She loves books and Disney movies, cars, drawing, playing games, baby dolls, singing, dancing, and gymnastics.

She's an amazing little girl and although she drives me mad with her stubbornness, I wouldn't change her for the world.


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My son is 2.5, he can walk run and climb. He can't jump at all but likes to bounce ( bends his kneed feet on floor). His eating isn't fantastic but he has a few foods he will try. He can't count, he doesn't know the alphabet, he doesn't know colours or shapes. He doesn't swim anymore but loves water, doesn't sing or hum but can dance quite well and seems to hav rhythm. He has started to say a few words now, possibly around 25 and learnt to say mum 3 weeks ago. He is really cheeky at times and has a funny laugh and smile. He is very good at problem solving and likes magnets. He doesn't dress himself and isn't pt but can put house key in door and almost unlock it now. He settles for bed much better now but wakes early, naps are a fight he has one a day. Mostly sttn u less he has a seizure. He seems to have a good sense of direction and knows routes home to park etc
Tommy is 2 and a half exactly. He's a little tornado. He never walks always runs. 'Nooooo-ah!!' is his favorite word. He destroys anything in sight. Today has been the Christmas tree, his new train set and his brothers Lego police station. He has the cheekiest face imaginable and looks like an angel when he's asleep. Can often be found hiding in a corner somewhere scoffing a stolen packet of biscuits or chocolate smeared all over his face. Spends a lot of time on the naughty mat. Hits, kicks and annoys his older. Screams in temper. Runs off a lot. Fearless. He would go off on his own no problem and chats away to strangers. He's manipulative...but loving. Tells me he loves me several times a day. He has an amazingly developed sense of humor. I can't imagine life without him &#55357;&#56845;
Edward is 2y7m.

He's as stubborn as a mule, as funny as a clown and so loving and affectionate. He's thoroughly beautiful with tight mousy brown curls and big blue eyes. He's big for his age but has plateaud off recently. He weighs approx 35lb and is in 3-4 clothes, size 8 shoe.

He is chatting up a storm now after being quite slow off the mark. He's capable of holding a hood conversation now and can express himself. Its vocab that holds him back a little i suppose. Not potty training yet but will be soon as he is capable but he's lazy. I just wanted Christmas out of the way lol :blush:

He has a flair for drawing and construction (and destruction for that matter lol). He can draw faces, basic shapes and tries things like trains and cars. He loves animals, vehicles and running lol. He eats reasonably well for a 2yo i suppose but hates eggs and pasta (which are my other 2s faves) so is tricky. He is slightly addicted to tomato sauce lol.

He goes to my cm 1 school day per week which he loves and has made friends which is adorable. He's an excellent big brother (if not a little pushy at times, he's a physical being) and plays well with Charlie. He misses him at nap time. He adores Earl and copies him allthe ttime as well as constantly asking him 'whatyadoin?' Lol

He's stubborn holds his ground and can throw a tantrum as good as any child his age. They are rare though and he's a very laid back but independent sausage. He liked to do everything himself nowadays lol.

Love him!!!!
Mine is 28 months old, but figured I would do this anyway :)

She loves to read before bed, and naptime. We usually read a few books (if she had it her way, it would be more!) and then she goes to sleep with her dummy, and usually cuddling with a few stuffed animals. She STTN every night.

She still sleeps with a dummy, but is only allowed it for bed and the car. She accepts that, and even throws it into the cot after she's woken up and ready to go downstairs for breakfast.

I limit her screen time, and we don't' have an ipad. She does love to watch TV though, and its allowed for usually no more than an hour per day. She loves Toupie et Binou, Caillou, Le Petit Ours Brun, and Dora. For movies, she loves The Jungle Book, and Aristo-cats.

She understands English and French, although English is by far her more dominant language. She's been going to a bilingual home day care, which helps and I think the French TV is helping too. We also read books in French.

She picks up new words every day, and I would say she's speaking almost fluently now. Anything she wants to communicate, she can with her words.

She loves to go outside, and asks to every day. She loves interactive, imaginative play and is usually playing make-believe with various toys, making them talk to each other and such.

She's a great eater! I try to limit her sweets and processed-food in take. She will eat carrots, brussel sprouts, broccoli and other healthy foods. She LOVES cheese, porridge, and oranges.

Her favourite colour is orange. Her favourite animal is doggies.

We've started potty training, and I would say 90% of her poops are now in the potty, but she still isn't bothered if she has an accident. If she is doing something fun, she will choose to keep doing it rather than tell me she needs the potty. I'm hoping she'll be more ready as the months go on.

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