My boys are a little older but I love talking about them lol
Both are very talkative and seem to suddenly understand everything we say, especially when it wasn't aimed at them. They will comment and try to participate in the conversation lol.
Both are very sure of their likes and dislikes and for example will now often ask for certain clothes and tell me "That looks nice" when I pick an outfit they approve of.
They still can be quite bossy even, in as much as they will order me to stop singing, to sit up straight/sit properly, to not rest my head in my hand and generally "Don't do that!"
They are getting good at naming and talking about their feelings and we try to encourage that a lot by acknowledging them and commenting about them. So far they know when they are sad, happy, upset, angry, annoyed, scared and thoughtful (though that is just expressed as "I was just thinking"). Recently Dominic has also been experimenting with joyful but he hasn't quite got that one yet as he said he was just being joyful when he pinched Sebastian's toys.
Dominic eats anything he is given, even mince pies (neither I or OH like them), he is a little greedy in fact. Sebastian eats worse than ever and I don't expect there to be any change in the near future.
Both are affectionate in their own way but Dominic doesn't like being hugged or kissed most of the time. He will gladly sit on our laps and lounge back against us. He also loves running towards us with a bear growl and hug our legs super quickly and then run off again.
Sebastian loves draping himself over us with his full weight. He likes being kissed and sometimes asks for "kitheth pleathe"
They love for us to sit on the sofa with them and watch a film or their nursery rhymes which they all know now and sing along to. They want to snuggle into our arms or sit on our laps and for us to enjoy with them.
Sebastian knows most of his letters and all numbers up to 15 I think. Dominic mixes them up a little still. They both know all their colours.
They still have their dummies for sleeping and still are in their cots. Both know how to climb out but never do.
Neither of them show any interest in their potty at all. I am in no hurry to get them trained as I think it will be much easier to do when they are truly ready.
Physically Sebastian is the more daring of the two. They both like to climb but Dominic wants to hold my hand during where as Sebastian would gladly climb to the top of any dangerous structure without a second thought.
Although Dominic is the more physical and boisterous and dominant of the twins, he is currently the more shy with strangers. Sebastian had stranger anxiety from about 5 months to 2 years old. Now however he is perfectly happy after an initial moment of wariness, to lean against them and smile beguilingly at them. He is quite a flirt at times.
I would say that they really love each other although Dominic is the more demonstrative of the two. Sebastian doesn't want to kiss Dominic good night and often doesn't want to be hugged by him either. I put this down to Dominic being a little rough with him at times.
Dominic is really good at sharing toys though. He will invariably snatch away Sebastian's toys but when Sebastian is upset about this and starts to whine or cry, he always gives them back unprompted from us. Usually Sebastian will just move away to something else though.
Ok I better stop here as this is becoming an essay. I just love them so much my adorable little men!
Here is a recent-ish pic of them both.