I completely understand where you are coming from. My brother had his first when he was 17 and there was a nice 10 year break in there, only because he was incarcerated for about 6 of them. But once he got out he started seeing someone and she got pregnant twice, both mc's. Then he started seeing someone else and in the mix got another girl pregnant and 5 months got his girlfriend, now wife, pregnant...with twins! Oh and this is after he already got her pregnant and she had a mc. REALLY?!?!? Don't get me wrong I love my brother and all of his kids, but you obviously didn't do what you were suppose to when younger and now you still can't keep it in your pants whenever 2 lips walk by...yet you just spit out all these babies. I feel like me and my husband are in a better position mentally, physically, financially, etc. to have kids and it's just not happening. So I completely understand. And then my supervisor decides she want to have kids right at the same I decided and she fell pg the second month ttc. She mc'ed, but as soon as the doctor's said she could try again she did. Didn't work out the first month, worked out perfect the second month and she had a beautiful baby girl a couple of months back. But she's spoiled as all hell and selfish. She decided she didn't want to breast feed anymore cause she couldn't drink wine or eat what she wanted cause certain food made the baby "fussy". Again I say REALLY?!?!? I'm not knocking people that don't want to breast feed...some people don't want to various reasons and for some it just doesn't work well, but to not do it cause you don't to sacrifice wine or pizza rolls....whatever!