I had a really positive experience with my daughter at a birth centre, I had a natural water birth and it went pretty close to how I had wanted it.
However, this time I am hoping for a home birth. I think I will be more comfortable at home, plus I was really lucky last time to get get in the birth centre and get the pool, as the centre is only open 4 days per week and there is only one pool.
One of my main reasons for wanting a home birth is so that I'll definitely have a pool available to me.
If money was no object I would definitely go for home birth, my homebirth won't be costing much more than the cost of the pool, if it was closer to a couple of grand I think I wouldn't be too sad about settling for the birthing suite, but if I'd have had a bad hospital experience last time I guess I would feel better about forking out from all of my savings :/