As some of you know, I lost my precious girl at 36wks due to placenta abruption and she was born sleeping. Today I bumped into an old friend who asked me how many children I have? I have 1 child who is 4 but also my sleeping angel. I sadly told him I had one child and he then went on to ask, " you planning on having any more"? I didn't know what to say as Its only been 6 months since my baby died. I felt guilty for saying I had 1, when I don't I have 2, she was a proper little baby with perfect features she still existed and was part of the family.It was so awkward and I'm sure there will b other people in the future who ask me the same. I don't want anyone to feel awkward if I did tell them but I feel uncomfortable saying I have one child. What do you say? Especially the mummies that have had stillborns, but I wOuld love to hear from anyone. I've just some home and cried my eyes out, hurts so much xxx