Thank you all, loads of ideas here! is it ok that DD doesn't really use e.g. a shape sorter properly? She just bashes the shapes around, and likes taking them out of the base, but doesn't post them through the holes yet. I can see she's starting to think in a bit more of a complex way about how she's playing, but generally she's still at the stage of waving things about and turning them over in her hands, examining them, tasting them, and seeing what sort of a noise they make!
Absolutely fine!! I cant remember when my older girls started using them, but I think it was around a year (possibly even later when thete were shapes to figure out!) and they have always been extremely bright.
I think they grow and learn ALOT between 9-12 months. My 9 month old is the same as yours. She likes to examine, bash, throw, eat lol... Although she does try to put the balls on the holes of one of dd2s toys (she doesnt quite have the gentle hand needed to do it every time!) but she is beginning to understand what to do.
She has also started to play with little wooden cars (the size of her fist) and she likes to sit and push them back and forward which I think is really cute! And puts the plastic cars on the road of her sisters fisher price skyway.
By a year, my middle daughter could build a tower of 6/7 blocks, could scribble with crayons, put items in a basket and carry them about and lots of other things that I cant imagine my youngest doing anytime soon. But they really do learn so quick!
Her favourite things are small (things that she 'shouldnt have') like My little pony figures, playmobil, barbies and accessories, jigsaw pieces... She likes to pull them all out and look through them. (supervised, of course!)
She loves to roll a ball back and forward (she tends to throw, as opposed to roll, and doesnt always go in the right direction!)
She loves books, and flicking through the pages. Animal books are her favourite
Mirrors (She looks in the oven door, silcer part of fireplace, tablet screen... Anywhere she can see a reflection)