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When did you start weaning?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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And what was his/her first meal or bite?
Carly- 6 months , very content with her milk and she started to make in interest in food at this age.

ella- always a very very hungry baby so 3 months , it was 1 spoonful of ceral in the morning. Didnt want to start weaning until 6 months but wow what a difference it made.
Grace was 6 months and we first started her with a couple of sponnfuls of Organic baby rice x
I'm tempted to start soon as my little piggy never seems satisfied anymore.
I'm tempted to start soon as my little piggy never seems satisfied anymore.

Same :p iv tried my LO with cow and gate plain baby rice but he wont take it :S but hes more hungary now so i need to find something to start with ? Any suggestions
We started Sam on little tastes of food at 5 months, and he was great at eating from a spoon straight away. The first thing he had was carrot. He still only has a bit of cereal in the morning and fruit/veg in the evening though, and he'll be 6 months next week x
If you are bottle feeding speak to your health visitor about switching him to a different formula for hungrier babies. The fact that he shows no interest when you try to feed him means he is not ready.
I'm tempted to start soon as my little piggy never seems satisfied anymore.

Same :p iv tried my LO with cow and gate plain baby rice but he wont take it :S but hes more hungary now so i need to find something to start with ? Any suggestions

Sam wasn't too impressed with baby rice either - it's the only thing he doesn't seem to like. We started with pureed carrots and apples and he loved both. Milk is far higher in calories than fruit and veg etc though, so even though the volume might fill him up for a bit, if he's just really hungry more milk might be better. We just started to get Sam used to different tastes (but after a month he's eating lots more)

Annabel Karmel's books are great for baby food ideas :D x
I started Colton early.. like 9/10 weeks (about 2-2.5 months). He started with baby rice, then moved to fruits about a week later.
He eats like crazy though, still. He eats three meals a day (totaling almost 6oz of food), aswell as 30-34oz of formula, and about 6oz of juice! He's always been a bigger baby though.

Oh, he also doesn't like baby rice.. not the powdered kind anyway. I feed him the breakfast jars... like, "rice cereal with apples" "rice cereal with peaches" etc.. he seems to love the jars but not the boxed cereal.
5.5 months to ease his reflux. Baby rice was first. Followed by root veg - butternut squash, carrots, potatoes, beet root. Other veg - spinach, mushrooms etc
Then fruit and now a little meat as well.
baby rice at 3 1/2 months
finger foods this week :D
baby rice at 3 1/2 months
finger foods this week :D

How's he getting on with the finger foods? Oscar's the same age as Sam and I was wondering if Sam would like them because everything gets chewed anyway! x
Max has been eating food since he was 2 1/2 months we started with rice he didnt like that ..
now hes 3 months and eats oatmeal cereal in the am and before bed time

and fruits one day and vegies the next day

He alos gets breastfed before everybottle Id say he takes abotu 3 onz from me and 4 from the bottle hes a hungry baby !!
Kian was a hungry baby and a bit on the chunky side!!

I changed his milk to the one for hungry babies and managed to hold off weaning him till 5 1/2 months.

When i started weaning him he became ill and we discovered after tests that he was lactose intollerant, so i'm glad i didn't wean him any earlier.
The other day my husband held a french fry in front of Skyler and he started sucking on it as if it's the best thing ever.My husband tried to remove it and he started screaming.Dont worry,he didnt eat it.So I bought baby cereal to see if he would be interested but he wasnt.Do they have french fry flavoured cereal?:rofl:Might buy some pureed veggies/fruits.Maybe he would be more interested in that otherwise I will wait longer.Was told by pediatrician to wait until he is 6 months old anyway...
Im tempted to start before he goes to nursery... he's started showing an interest in food (he'll stare at you when you're eating and keeps moving his hands to his mouth when you eat) and Im feeding him pretty much constantly these days, he just doesn'y seem satisfied. I want to hang on as long as I can though.

I've just recently started with a little bit of baby rice or baby porridge in the morning for brekkie followed by a 7oz bottle of his usual milk
We won't be starting until 6 months. Before 4 months can cause allergies and obesity later in life. There is also a higher risk of diabetes.
We won't be starting until 6 months. Before 4 months can cause allergies and obesity later in life. There is also a higher risk of diabetes.

Thats exactly what my pediatrician said. Will wait longer then. Dont want my boy to suffer his adult life with allergies and such.
We started right before Erica was 4 months. She started with 1tbsp of baby rice for a few weeks. Then my damn DH was eating a banana and let her suck on it and she loved it! She wasn't going to get anything but baby rice and oatmeal until 6 months, but that didn't happen. Erica really shows an interest in food as well, I usually have her on my lap while eating, especially if we eat out, and she is constantly trying to grab my food. But I wouldn't rush weaning, there is always time to feed them real food. With my next I will probably put it off until 6 months.

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