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When did you stop using a stroller?

Gracie hates anything restrictive, she was probably about 15-16 months when we stopped using the buggy regularly. We switched to a push along trike which we used until she was around 2. Now, she just walks everywhere, even on long walks.

There is no way on earth I’d be pushing around a school aged kid unless they had some sort of medical reason to need a buggy. It’s such a pain in the butt to use a buggy.

The only time I miss it is when we have lots of shopping, but that’s what the fiancé is for, lol.

School age can mean something different defending on what country you are in. And if you're walking around New Zealand in summer, you better hope it isn't a long walk! Though our temps don't get too high, we have very high humidity and the ozone layer isn't too healthy above us. So easy to get heat stroke and sunburn. It was always easier for me as a heavily pregnant person with a school kid and preschooler, and no car, with 10km+ of walking to do in the summer sun, to have Sophie in the stroller with a UV protectant sun cover on. That mad would go on the bugger board often also.

I have zero shame. The stroller I have to s a big one meant to fit 5 year olds easily, a pre 2010 mountain buggy, no one ever gave a shit.

Also had to carry school gear, and drinks bottles, any shopping we did on the way etc.

Different climates is obviously a different scenario, but here we are lucky if it gets hot enough to not wear long sleeves for more than a few weeks a year, lol.

School age is 5 here, it’s very unusual to see kids older than say 3 in a buggy where I stay, I wouldn’t judge others for doing so, but I just couldn’t be bothered with the faff of putting it up, putting it down, her wanting in, her wanting to walk then trying to chase her with the buggy, trying to steer a buggy round shops without killing people, her grabbing things off shelves as we pass ... urgh I hate them! I also hate how inconsiderate some people who have buggies are - not moving it to the side when in an aisle, stopping in doorways, walking slooooowly right in the middle of pavements. It goes the other way and people are quite inconsiderate to people who have buggies, too. Sometimes I struggled to get her down the street in the buggy if the bins were out, or when people park on the pavement, and almost everyone has dropped kerbs so I’m always bumping it up and down.

When we are walking I usually have the dog too (unless we are in a shopping centre) and holding his leash and the buggy handle is just annoying.

One of my stipulations for spacing of having children was to avoid a double buggy at all costs, that’s the extent for the hatrid I have for pushing one, lol. I hate baby wearing too.
Im surprised people find it so much of a hassle i will be lost the day i dont have one. Iv been pushing a buggy everyday (give or take a day or two) for 4.5 years now and i dont even think id know what to do without one.
Mum can i take this stone home - yes shove it under the buggy.
-Omg my kid is in early potty training stages but my other kid needs out the house - no bother take potty discreetly in the basket part. (For emergancies of course)
- my kid is sick but the other once needs to go to nursery - buggy

Maybe it is different if you have one child but there wasnt a long period in time that i did just have one.

Its like a swiss army knife

That's how I feel about taking mine to the mall when we go. I love having a basket to put the packages and our coats or whatever. A place for my drink. When I went Christmas shopping without daughter I really missed having that stroller! I dread the time she finally wants to give it up.
Different climates is obviously a different scenario, but here we are lucky if it gets hot enough to not wear long sleeves for more than a few weeks a year, lol.

School age is 5 here, it’s very unusual to see kids older than say 3 in a buggy where I stay, I wouldn’t judge others for doing so, but I just couldn’t be bothered with the faff of putting it up, putting it down, her wanting in, her wanting to walk then trying to chase her with the buggy, trying to steer a buggy round shops without killing people, her grabbing things off shelves as we pass ... urgh I hate them! I also hate how inconsiderate some people who have buggies are - not moving it to the side when in an aisle, stopping in doorways, walking slooooowly right in the middle of pavements. It goes the other way and people are quite inconsiderate to people who have buggies, too. Sometimes I struggled to get her down the street in the buggy if the bins were out, or when people park on the pavement, and almost everyone has dropped kerbs so I’m always bumping it up and down.

When we are walking I usually have the dog too (unless we are in a shopping centre) and holding his leash and the buggy handle is just annoying.

One of my stipulations for spacing of having children was to avoid a double buggy at all costs, that’s the extent for the hatrid I have for pushing one, lol. I hate baby wearing too.

I agree with the hassle of them, we only ever use ours when going for a walk/jog/bike/ski from home, I've never taken it shopping or anything like that. I only put it in the car if I'm driving to ski trails somewhere. If we walk into town and have to stop at some stores I always leave it outside and just carry the baby and the toddler walks instead of having to try and maneuver it through a store. I have a leash that goes around my waist for the dog and she walks next to me so it's never a hassle to have the dog with us. We have a cheap umbrella stroller that we keep in the car so we have one if we feel the need for it when we drive somewhere, but I've never taken it out of the car. I've also not been to a shopping mall since my DD was born, that might be the only time I'd want to use the umbrella stroller.
I think kids keep using it as long as the parent does. Once you stop they get much better at walking.

To a degree yes, but I think the individual child plays a part too!
I think kids keep using it as long as the parent does. Once you stop they get much better at walking.

To a degree yes, but I think the individual child plays a part too!
It’s the same as everything else in parenthood - once it’s no longer an option it’s no longer an issue. Just like ditching a dummy, milk, bottles or rocking to sleep, ditching a buggy permanently just forces the child to accept that they have to walk and there is zero alternative.

This thread inspired me to finally sell the buggy and the trike because their presence in the house annoys me, lol. I’ll keep her big newborn pram/pushchair for any future sibling though. In the newborn days it was vital!
I think kids keep using it as long as the parent does. Once you stop they get much better at walking.

To a degree yes, but I think the individual child plays a part too!
It’s the same as everything else in parenthood - once it’s no longer an option it’s no longer an issue. Just like ditching a dummy, milk, bottles or rocking to sleep, ditching a buggy permanently just forces the child to accept that they have to walk and there is zero alternative.

This thread inspired me to finally sell the buggy and the trike because their presence in the house annoys me, lol. I’ll keep her big newborn pram/pushchair for any future sibling though. In the newborn days it was vital!

But what about if your baby doesnt want to use a buggy but they cant walk far ie. School run etc. My 14 month old would rather walk but i cant safely get all 3 home from nursery and it would take forever and id just end up carrying her, bags etc. So in some cases its the opposite the baby wants to stop before the parent.
Right now the thing we're applying that theory to is diapers. We'll see when that sinks in... Making progress though.
My DD is nearly 2 and although she hates it, there’s no way I could do every outing without it. When we’ve got the car (mum or stepdads) we usually don’t use it at all but when it’s just me and there’s places to go, she goes in.

There are some children at work who are 5/approaching 5 and their parents still pick up and drop off with one in tow.
my daughter doesn't have the stamina the boys had at her age, I find 3 children a lot more difficult to get around so she was in the buggy longer than they were. She's only just two and building up her stamina now so that's fine.
As for the buggy, I could do a 5-10 minute walk without one if needed, but generally I always have one with me. As others have said it's about more than the child sitting in it, we hang our shopping in it etc
With my first I think 2.5/3 years old I think. DS2 is 21 months and hates the buggy and loves walking sooo much but his still so young so don’t think I’ll be ditching it any time soon.

I think he dislikes being strapped into one place
I think it depends on how much walking you do. My DD is 3 and we stopped using it at 2.5. My eldest stoped at 2 when her sister came along and we didn't get a double. I still have it though for those long days out but we do try to walk DD2 as much as possible thoguh.
My friend has a 4 year old and still has the stroller for her as they have a 2 mile walk every day for school (there and back) so the poor little thing is exhausted at the end of the day. For £20 I'd get one to have *just incase*.
Dd1 2y9m when her sister was born. She used a buggy board for a few months after that.
Dd2 was a similar age, we sold our double buggy a few months before she turned 3.
DS is 2 in Feb and I'm expecting to use the buggy til he's about 3 since there won't be the option of a buggy board for him.

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