When do things get easier??


Mummy to Amelia & Tristan
Oct 22, 2008
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So dd2 is official 13 weeks old today, 3 whole months old.
Breastfeeding has been a total battle.
My goal was to get to 3 whole months yay!

I posted a while ago about dd2 constantly feeding when awake.
Well this is still happening.
She has just started sleeping from 8-4/5/6 and that is great because I go to bed shortly after and get a good chunk of sleep.. but with that day time naps have just vanished.
Usually I can put her in the pushchair and go for a walk and she will sleep but not for the past few days.

This morning she has fed from 6-7am, then had a 30 min break and since 7.30 has been on me all the time. She has fallen asleep 4-5 times but each time I move her she wakes and screams until I latch her back on (try to rock, pat, use dummy etc.. nothing works)

Everyone tells me things willl get easier etc but its been 3 months of the same behaviour (but usually with a couple of day time naps) I could handle an hour between feeds etc but just not all the time. She doesn't really like the wrap, she won't settle for anyone else.

She has lots of colic/silent reflux symptoms.. can go from happy to screaming in the blink of an eye, gags when laid down, coughs a lot, lots of clear bubbles & very dribbly, arches back/legs etc. We have tried dentinox & colief & I am trying to go dairy free to see if that helps.

My lactation nurse has no answers, my hv has no answers. Last time I went to the gp she had no answers.

I cannot believe that this is normal, and it isn't a growth spurt as this is constant behaviour. I see other babies the same age going 3 hours between feeds and I am amazed by it.

I doubt anyone can help but I just needed to vent. It is so difficult not being able to do housework (hubby works all the time at the moment) not being able to properly interact with dd1 & ds. I said yesterday its a good job we aren't hosting xmas dinner this year as there is no way she would give me the time to prep and cook it!!


I have no advice or answers I'm afraid, but lots of :hugs: you really sound like you are doing an amazing job. X
Thank you :hugs:

I feel like Im the only person going through this issue with a 3 month old

I am sure there must be other mums out there too. She does sound very high needs, is she in other areas or just feeding? The only that I can think of is that if she has silent reflux maybe the way she is positioned while feeding gives her some relief from the discomfort of that? Or the sucking relieves her pain? Have you seen a paediatrician about her reflux?

The only glimmer of light that I can give you is that at 4 months, so not long, a lot of babies get very distracted and start to become interested in everything around them. So maybe that will happen for you, it is very common. Also then it may be that you can distract her more easily.
I am sure there must be other mums out there too. She does sound very high needs, is she in other areas or just feeding? The only that I can think of is that if she has silent reflux maybe the way she is positioned while feeding gives her some relief from the discomfort of that? Or the sucking relieves her pain? Have you seen a paediatrician about her reflux?

The only glimmer of light that I can give you is that at 4 months, so not long, a lot of babies get very distracted and start to become interested in everything around them. So maybe that will happen for you, it is very common. Also then it may be that you can distract her more easily.
I never thought of her as high needs so I did some googling and she so is!
My ds is a high needs toddler too, he was a 'clingy' baby that was impossible to get to sleep and as soon as he learnt to crawl he was into everything. Even now at 2 years 8 months he runs everywhere, has no fear, is not a good sleeper is super sensitive but is so so clever.

I am lucky that she will take a bottle of expressed milk from hubby so that may have to be our answer so I can get things done/have a little me time. I am slowly learning to do things with the kids whilst feeding (today has been stories, sounds, handwriting practice and lego)

I am sure high needs babies turn into wonderful bright children!

Sounds like you have your hands really full with 2 and your little boobie monster.

I know that sears has a lot about high needs babies with lots of ideas of coping.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me I really appreciate it :hugs:

My lg had very similar symptoms and when I googled silent reflux I was amazed how it sounded just like her, I was repeatedly fobbed off by HV & midwives with 'its just colic' or 'she'll grow out of it' but I knew it was something more and found it heartbreaking to see her in pain and discomfort so much. I eventually managed to persuade the GP to help when lg had a complete meltdown at our appointment so GP could see for herself it wasn't normal. We got ranitidine around 3-4 weeks ago now and the difference is amazing. She is so much more settled and goes long stretches between feeds, she seemed to use feeding as a comfort before when she wasn't really hungry, then we just has a vicious cycle of the reflux flaring up because she was feeding so much. I never thought it was possible for my daughter to actually be awake and not miserable!
My lo was miserable for the first 3 months. Like your lo he was constantly on my boob and if he wasn't he would be grizzling/crying. Even cuddling him in my arms I would get the constant unhappy grizzle, poor wee soul. I used to read about Los cluster feeding every 2 hours and think I would bloody love for lo to be only eating every 2 hours!.

It was emotionally tough and draining especially as everything i read said that bf would get easier after 6 weeks or so and at 3 months i was still waiting. I just couldn't work out what I was doing wrong.

We turned a corner at 4 months when Lo was diagnosed with silent reflux. he is on omeprazole and finally his happy personality is now well and truly showing through:) . He can sit in his high chair and play with toys happily for a while babbling away. Huge difference.

I really feel for you, I have been there and it's extremely tough.
DS will still only sleep on me and is feeding every 90 minutes - 2 hourly during the night.... Shattered! I have to choose during the day whether he sleeps a good chunk of time or getting stuff done but actually having to re-settle him every 10-15 minutes. Definitely a high needs baby... But he's my baby :)
Thanks ladies

To make things 8000000 x worse i thought i had flu..

Turns out i have a form of scarlet fever.
I have an awful Painful itchy rash (want to rip my hands off), very sore throat, a swollen strawberry tongue.

i am in tears whenever i eat or drink & im so worried about my supply because i can barely manage a few spoonfuls of soup :cry:

Ooh no, you poor thing. Rest rest and water. I was I'll last week and at the same time AF appeared, my supply normally tanks with AF, but with a high fever and virus I had very little. It has come back fine though. Hope you get better soon. X
:hugs: Since your LO has a lot of reflux, it might be a while longer before she's able to go longer without nursing. To help with the acid reflux, babies will often comfort nurse to swallow down the acid with breastmilk. Hopefully it'll get better in another month for you.

My daughter was sleeping through the night but she still nursed a lot during the day at that age (some days it seemed like every hour). While other babies were getting their midnight snacks so to speak, DD was getting all her meals during the day and it sounds like that's what is happening with you as well.

I hope things look up for you soon. :flower:

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